Hi All,
We have a need to do a system copy from BI production to BI QA server.
However while doing Java Only export (we are not exporting ABAP as its been restored already on target by DB method)
from BI production while using SWPM we are getting error as mentioned below:-
An error occurred while processing option SAP NetWeaver 7.0 including Enhancement Package 1
Support Release 1 > Software Life-Cycle Options > System Copy > Oracle > Source System
Export > Central System > Based on AS Java > Database and Central Instance Export( Last
error reported by the step: Process call '/usr/sap/<SID>/SCS01/exe/R3load -testconnect' exits
with error code 2. For details see log file(s) R3load.exe.log.). You can now:
Choose Retry to repeat the current step.
Choose Log Files to get more information about the error.
Stop the option and continue with it later.
Log files are written to
And >> R3load.exe.log :-
sapparam: sapargv(argc, argv) has not been called!
sapparam(1c): No Profile used.
sapparam: SAPSYSTEMNAME neither in Profile nor in Commandline
/usr/sap/<SID>/SCS01/exe/R3load: START OF LOG: 20130603025127
/usr/sap/<SID>/SCS01/exe/R3load: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#17
/usr/sap/<SID>/SCS01/exe/R3load: version R7.20/V1.4 [UNICODE]
Compiled Jan 17 2013 02:43:08
/usr/sap/<SID>/SCS01/exe/R3load -testconnect
DbSl Trace: CONNECT failed with sql error '1017'
DbSl Trace: CONNECT failed with sql error '1017'
(DB) ERROR: db_connect rc = 256
DbSl Trace: CONNECT failed with sql error '1017'
DbSl Trace: CONNECT failed with sql error '1017'
(DB) ERROR: DbSlErrorMsg rc = 99
/usr/sap/<SID>/SCS01/exe/R3load: job finished with 1 error(s)
/usr/sap/<SID>/SCS01/exe/R3load: END OF LOG: 20130603025127
Kindly note that we have SSFS enabled on BI production server and we are not using OPS$ mechanism
We have checked and found that as part of SSFS activation it seems OPS$ users were also removed from DB level.
Further,we had manually removed ops$<sid>adm.sapuser table as is mentioned in SAP note 1639578 to remove the old platform-specific password storage.
Kindly suggest for a solution as we are unable to unblock the situation for Java stack Export.
Ashish Robinson