Hello Experts,
I am having a general question .
Customising Settings got stored in Customising Request and Abap Devlopment , WDA, got stored in Workbench Request .
Now i have to move SAP E-REC DEV TO SAP E-REC QUALITY, well i have transported those request .
But there are lot of things which didn't moved to Quality . I am facing lot of troubles in QUALITY PORTAL as well .
For Ex :
1 . TREX CONFIGURATION , Search Engine Service Configuration .
2 . Changes done in Workflows, ex : tcode : HRASR_CHK_PROC_CUST , i changed those workflows and other settings in DEV , now i have to change that again in Quality .
3 . Switches in Table T77s0 , also not transported .
this is happening coz these things are not stored in any request .
These were the few .
Now for Production, there will be no authorisation to manually change these things or do any configuration .
So, pls tell me the concept of this ? how it will be possible or i have to make manually configs for few things even at Prodction .
I am not able to view Recruiter Dashboard and MSS Requisition Monitor .
But i have crossed check their services are activated .
So, guys please Advise .