We use our Flash recovery area as our archive log destination and since we started doing so we get this dump:
The problem occurs here (in RSORADBA):
262 perform get_db_parameter(rsora001) using 'log_archive_dest' 263 archdir. 264 if archdir = space. 265 perform get_db_parameter(rsora001) using 'log_archive_dest_1 266 archdir. 267 if archdir cs 'LOCATION='. 268 len = sy-fdpos + 9. 269 else. 270 len = 0. 271 endif. 272 move archdir+len to archdir1. 273 if archdir1 ca ' '. 274 len = sy-fdpos. 275 else. 276 len = strlen( archdir1 ). 277 endif. *********** move archdir1(len) to archdir. 279 endif.
Since log_archive_dest and log_archive_dest1 is empty this will always happen until I disable this program.
My question is, how do I disable this program? Or, how do I tell this program to stop check my archive dest? The same dump occures when I push the button "Archiving directory status" in DB12.
Thank you!!
Br Linus Hellsing
Edit: Design
Edited by: Linus Hellsing on Aug 28, 2009 11:09 AM