I am getting the rows of a table returned by a BAPI call using c++ with both classic RFC and NW RFC, in classic RFC the call used is ItGetLine(handle, index) from sapitab.h. NW RFC SDK requires a combination of RfcMoveTo(handle, index, errorInfo) and RfcGetCurrentRow(handle, errorInfo). RfcMoveTo on its own takes longer than the ItGetLine call, RfcGetCurrentRow() is quicker than RfcMoveTo but still slower than ItGetLine . So using these commands alone NW RFC is over twice as slow as classic RFC to get all the rows of a table returned by a BAPI function. The comparison is fair as the same BAPI is returning the same number of rows for both classic and NW RFC. I have tried using RfcMoveToNext instead of RfcMoveTo but this is even slower.
Just to try and make it clearer,
Pseudo code for Classic RFC
int rowCount = ItFill(rfcTableHandle);
for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
// timer start
void* pLine = ItGetLine(rfcTablehandle, i + 1);
// timer end
Psuedo code for NW RFC
int rowCount = 0;
RfcGetRowCount(rfcTableHandle, &rowCount, errorInfo);
for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
// timer 1
RfcMoveToNextRow(rfcTableHandle, i, errorInfo);
// timer 1 end
// timer 2
RFC_STRUCTURE_HANDLE h = RfcGetCurrentRow(rfcTableHandle,errorInfo)
// timer 2 end
Am I doing something wrong is there a better way to get rows from a table in NW RFC. This is a big performance difference I must be missing something.