Hi Support,
I am doing archiving project. Now I am doing tests in development system. The archiving object is MM_EKKO, archiving location is at a directory in same server. In variant I mentioned a single purchase document. The background job is finishing well after about 30 seconds. But no archive file is creating. see the background job log.
Job log overview for job: ARV_MM_EKKO_WRI20140513165632 / 16563200
|Date |Time |Message text |Message class|Message no.|Message type|
|13.05.2014|16:56:32|Job started | 00 | 516 | S |
|13.05.2014|16:56:32|Step 001 started (program RM06EW47, variant TEST_WRITE, user ID VTGBASIS)| 00 | 550 | S |
|13.05.2014|16:57:02|Archiving session 000058 is being created | BA | 276 | S |
|13.05.2014|16:57:02|0 of 0 purchasing docs processed | KEN_01 | 004 | S |
|13.05.2014|16:57:03|Job finished | 00 | 517 | S |
What is the problem for it?
Please help me.