Hi Experts,
We have Primary App Server(PAS) + DB installed on a single box which is up and running fine, now we are trying to install an additional application server(AAS) and we have NFS mounted /sapmnt/SID and /usr/sap/trans from PAS onto the Addtln App Server but got some error when SWPM is starting the instance. When checked the logs dev_w0 says that it is unable to establish connection with the sybase database :
ERROR: -1 in function SQLConnectWithRetry (SQLConnectWithRetry) [line 4531]
C (30012) [08001] [Sybase][ODBC Driver]Client unable to establish a connection
C syb_glob.dbsl_ca.errclass set to DBSL_EC_RESTART
C Connection 0 failed using DRIVER={Adaptive Server Enterprise};server=hnpclecp;port=4901;uid=SAPSR3;db=ECP;pwd=xxxxxxxxxxxx;TextSize=21
nableLOBLocator=0;app=R3D000 01 comm rd ODBC;logintimeout=30;ProtocolCapture=cap_w0_comm_rd;supresstdscontroltokens=1;SuppressRowFormat=1
B ***LOG BV3=> severe db error 30012 ; work process is stopped [dbsh 1241]
B ***LOG BY2=> sql error 30012 performing CON [dblink 544]
B ***LOG BY0=> [ASE Error SQL30012:08001]Client unable to establish a connection [dblink 544]
M ***LOG R19=> ThInit, db_connect ( DB-Connect 000256) [thxxhead.c 1521]
M in_ThErrHandle: 1
M *** ERROR => ThInit: db_connect (step 1, th_errno 13, action 3, level 1) [thxxhead.c 11445]
Both the servers are on the same network and hence all the ports will be open already.
Also /sapmnt/<SID> is mounted and in /usr/sap/SID/D01/exe of app server has the latest sybase library files.
Kindly advice if I have missed any mandatory steps for AAS intance installtion...
Thanks !!!