This blog is about installing SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP 7.03 64-bit Trial on SAP Process Orchestration 7.31 SP 11 Trial in Amazon Web Services (AWS) Public Cloud (described in ‘Try SAP NetWeaver Process Orchestration in Public Cloud!’ blog - The target is to have two working systems in one cloud – SAP NetWeaver ABAP and SAP PO.
1. Make sure that your AWS cloud instance with SAP Process Orchestration 7.31 SP 11 Trial is installed and running (as described in ‘Try SAP NetWeaver Process Orchestration in Public Cloud!’
2. Using Remote Desktop log into your virtual operating system.
3. Go to web and look for SAP NetWeaver 7.03 64-bit trial.
4. Click on ‘Trial Version’
5. Fill the form and click on ‘Submit’
6. Go to email that you used in form in point 5. There should be a link to the SAP NetWeaver Trial. Choose ABAP_7_03_SP04_64_bit_Trial_3_9_2_GB and download it. You have in this package SAP GUI also.
7. To unpack SAP Netweaver Trial download and install any program that unpacks archives for example 7-zip ( ). Unpack the SAP NetWeaver Trial.
8. If your hostname is longer than 13 characters you need to change for shorter one. To do that go to system properties (right click on computer -> properties), click ‘Change settings’ and then ‘Change…’ button. Change the computer name and save it. Computer needs to restart and it may take a few minutes.
9. After hostname changes your pi license might stop to be valid. To check this out go to http://localhost:50000/nwa Configuration -> Infrastructure -> Licenses. If it is not valid you need to install new license on your PI system. To do that go to, fill the form and click ‘Submit’, go to mail that you used in form and download new license key. To install it go again to http://localhost:50000/nwa Configuration -> Infrastructure -> Licenses, click ‘Install from File’, find the file and add it. You should see now license with valid license status. The old license with not valid status you may delete by selecting it and clicking on ‘Delete License’
10. Install loopback adapter. Press ‘Start’-> cmd. Run hdwwiz.exe. Click ‘Next’. Set ‘Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced)’ and click ‘Next’. Choose ‘Network adapters’ and click ‘Next’. Then set as below:
Click twice ‘Next’ and then ‘Finish’.
Go to network properties. Click ‘Change adapter settings’. Right click on loopback adapter that you just added and click ‘Properties’.
Go to IPv4 Properties
Set the IP address and Subnet mask and save it. You will use this ip address in point 16.
Go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and edit file ‘hosts’.
Add line (with defined by you values from points 8 and 10 instead of these variables) to the end of a file
<ip_address_that_you_added_to_loobpack_adapter> <hostname>
For example: Host1
and save it.
11. Now you can start the installing. Go to folder:
NWABAPTRIAL70304_64\SAP_NetWeaver_703_Installation_Master\DATA_UNITS\BS2011_IM_WINDOWS_X86_64 and run sapinst.exe
12. Choose Central System as below and click ‘Next’.
13. Accept the license, enter master password (only ‘Abcd1234’ password worked for me. Other password that I tried were causing errors further steps of installation) and set your installation drive to C.
if in prerequisites checker you will have condition ‘Swap Size’ not met then change your swap space to the recommended one and start installation again from point 11. To change swap size go to system properties, click ‘Advanced system settings’
Press ‘Settings...’
tab Advanced and press ‘Change…’. Change size to the recommended one and save it.
14. In Parameter Summary there might be one thing needed to be changed. If any of your installing locations there is set on Temporary Storage drive (had it as drive Z) then you have to change it on other not temporary drive like C.
Like above data volume is set to Z. If it will not be changed after installing system end restarting it might not start because of lack data volume (due to installing it on temporary storage). That is why you need to select ‘MaxDB Data Volumes’, click ‘Revise’ button and change all locations to other drive, for example on C:\sapdb\NSP\sapdata. Remember SAP System ID and Central Instance Number because it will be needed in point 16.
15. If you don’t want to change parameters go next. Installation should begin and after few hours should be finished. After that in SAP Management Console there should be your abap server in green color. That means installation was successful. If it is grey then right click on it and press ‘Start’. Log in if needed and after a moment server should be working (green color). Actually both – PI system and ABAP server should be green to be sure that they are both working well. To be sure that they are working you may restart computer and start them again.
16. To connect with server you need to install SAP GUI. It is in package that you unpacked in point 7. Install it. Run ‘SAP Logon’ icon from desktop and create new entry (right click -> add new entry). In application server use the ip address from point 10 and in Instance Number and System ID fields use values from point 14. Then click ‘Finish’. Now you should be able to connect to ABAP Server and log in there.