Hello Friends,
Fallowing steps describes about SAP Kernel up-gradation from version 701 to 720 in Cluster High Availability environment.
Environment : Cluster - NODE-A and NODE-B, One Additional Instance. OS - Windows server 2003, DB - Oracle.
Please check the PAM to know the suitable release upgrade kernel version according to your current environment.
1. Perform offline backup.
2. Create a SAPADM user with admin rights.
3. Download latest SAPCAR file
5. Download SAP Kernel version 720 files from SMP.
a. Database independent patch latest - SAPEXE.SAR
b. Database dependent patch latest - SAPEXEDB.SAR
c. Br*Tool 7.20 patch latest - DBATL720.SAR
d. Oracle instant client - OCL10264.sar
e. IGS - igsexe.sar
f. IGShelper - igshelper.sar
h. Classic RFC SDK - Classic RFC SDK 7.20
i. Microsoft C-runtime - vcredist_x64.exe
6. Download Cluster files from SMP.
NTCLUSTER - ntclust.sar
Procedure(login as SIDADM):
1. STOP all SAP and Oracle services in NODE-A, NODE-B and Additional Instance
2. Stop the Windows Cluster Service in NODE-A, NODE-B
3. Stop sapstartsrv service and deactivate in NODE-A, NODE-B and Additional Instance
(Startup Type = Disabled) the servicesSAP<SID>_<INSTANCE no.>.
SAPSID_01 - Additional Instance
4. Stop and Delete SAPOSCOL in NODE-A, NODE-B and Additional Instance
Execute below command at command prompt
net stop saposcol
sc delete saposcol
5. Install SAPHOSTAGENT in NODE-A, NODE-B and Additional Instance
b. cd hostagent
c. hostagent> saphostexec.exe -install (provide the SAPADM password while requesting).
6. Backup old kernel files
1. E:\usr\sap\SID\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64 and rename NTAMD64 as NTAMD64.save
2. E:\usr\sap\SID\DVEBMGS00\exe
3. E:\usr\sap\SID\D01\exe (Additional Instance)
7. Create a kernel (NTAMD64) folder
8. Restore below files form backup Kernel directory (NTAMD64.save)
rfcexec.exe, rfcexec.sec, icu*30.dll or icu*34.dll
9. Uncar below SAP kernel file in NTADM64
a. Database independent patch latest - SAPEXE.SAR
b. Database dependent patch latest - SAPEXEDB.SAR
c. Br*Tool 7.20 patch 29 - DBATL720.SAR
d. Oracle instant client - OCL10264.sar
e. IGS - igsexe.sar
f. IGShelper - igshelper.sar
10. Uncar ntcluster and copy ntcluster /'Sap*.dll' files(3 files) in windows\system32(in NODE-A and NODE-B)
11. Update Windows\SAPCLUSTER(in NODE-A and NODE-B) directory with the corresponding files in the central kernel staging directory(i.e., NTAMD64).
12. Copy ntcluster/ disablewp.exe & enablewp.exe files in Kernel directory (NTAMD64)
13. Uncar Classic RFC SDK 7.20 and copy rfcsdk\bin\librfc32.lib to in c:\windows\SysWOW64 and c:\windows\system32(in NODE-A, NODE-B and Additional Instance)
14. Delete the files under E:\usr\sap\SID\DVEBMGS00\exe and E:\usr\sap\SID\D01\exe (Additional Instance)
15. Install vcredist_x64.exe in NODE-A, NODE-B and Additional Instance
16. Run SAPCPE(SAPCPE will not be there in \work directory. Hence copy it from NTADM64 kernel directory.
In Central Instance
cd E:\usr\sap\SID\DVEBMGS00\work sapcpe pf=E:\usr\sap\SID\SYS\profile\SID_DVEBMGS00_dbSID
In Additional Instance
cd E:\usr\sap\SID\D01\work sapcpe pf=\\dbSID\sapmnt\SID\SYS\profile\SID_D01_Additional Instance
17. Activate (Startup Type = Automatic) and start the Windows Services SAP<SID>_<INSTANCE no.>
SAPSID_01 - Additional Instance
18. Start SAP and database services.
19. Run SGEN
20. Done.
Farkath C