Dear All,
I am doing system copy of our TEST EHP1 system. During copy sapinst throws following error :
Below two lines are from
/sapmnt/CMP/exe/uc/hpia64/R3load: version R7.01/V1.4 [UNICODE]
Compiled Jul 2 2011 02:18:40
/sapmnt/CMP/exe/uc/hpia64/R3load -ctf E /export/SapMigration/export/export/ABAP/DATA/ZMD_BIDINF.STR /export/SapMigration/export/export/ABAP/DB/DDLORA_LRG.TPL ZMD_BIDINF.TSK ORA -l ZMD_BIDINF.log
(RTF) ########## WARNING ###########
Without ORDER BY PRIMARY KEY the exported data may be unusable for some databases
/sapmnt/CMP/exe/uc/hpia64/R3load: job completed
/sapmnt/CMP/exe/uc/hpia64/R3load: END OF LOG: 20140609022243
/sapmnt/CMP/exe/uc/hpia64/R3load: START OF LOG: 20140609022244
/sapmnt/CMP/exe/uc/hpia64/R3load: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/701_REL/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#10 $ SAP
/sapmnt/CMP/exe/uc/hpia64/R3load: version R7.01/V1.4 [UNICODE]
Compiled Jul 2 2011 02:18:40
/sapmnt/CMP/exe/uc/hpia64/R3load -e ZMD_BIDINF.cmd -datacodepage 4103 -l ZMD_BIDINF.log -stop_on_error
(DB) INFO: connected to DB
(DB) INFO: Export without hintfile
(GSI) INFO: dbname = "CMP20110301020300 "
(GSI) INFO: vname = "ORACLE "
(GSI) INFO: hostname = "shp01cnc "
(GSI) INFO: sysname = "HP-UX"
(GSI) INFO: nodename = "shp01cnc"
(GSI) INFO: release = "B.11.31"
(GSI) INFO: version = "U"
(GSI) INFO: machine = "ia64"
(GSI) INFO: instno = "INITIAL "
(RTF) ########## WARNING ###########
Without ORDER BY PRIMARY KEY the exported data may be unusable for some databases
DbSl Trace: Error 1013 in stmt_fetch() from oci_fetch_stmt(), orpc=1248211647
DbSl Trace: ORA-1013 occurred when executing SQL stmt (parse error offset=322)
(EXP) ERROR: DbSlExeRead failed
rc = 99, table "ZMD_BIDINF"
(SQL error 1013)
error message returned by DbSl:
ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation
(DB) INFO: disconnected from DB
/sapmnt/CMP/exe/uc/hpia64/R3load: job finished with 1 error(s)
/sapmnt/CMP/exe/uc/hpia64/R3load: END OF LOG: 20140610035438
/sapmnt/CMP/exe/uc/hpia64/R3load: START OF LOG: 20140610041342
/sapmnt/CMP/exe/uc/hpia64/R3load: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/701_REL/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#10 $ SAP
/sapmnt/CMP/exe/uc/hpia64/R3load: version R7.01/V1.4 [UNICODE]
Compiled Jul 2 2011 02:18:40
/sapmnt/CMP/exe/uc/hpia64/R3load -e ZMD_BIDINF.cmd -datacodepage 4103 -l ZMD_BIDINF.log -stop_on_error
(DB) INFO: connected to DB
(DB) INFO: Export without hintfile
(GSI) INFO: dbname = "CMP20110301020300 "
(GSI) INFO: vname = "ORACLE "
(GSI) INFO: hostname = "shp01cnc "
(GSI) INFO: sysname = "HP-UX"
(GSI) INFO: nodename = "shp01cnc"
(GSI) INFO: release = "B.11.31"
(GSI) INFO: version = "U"
(GSI) INFO: machine = "ia64"
(GSI) INFO: instno = "INITIAL "
(RTF) ########## WARNING ###########
Without ORDER BY PRIMARY KEY the exported data may be unusable for some databases
(WTF) ERROR: too many data file entries for table ZMD_BIDINF
(TFH) ERROR: Unable to close /export/SapMigration/export/export/ABAP/DATA/ZMD_BIDINF.256
(DB) INFO: disconnected from DB
/sapmnt/CMP/exe/uc/hpia64/R3load: job finished with 1 error(s)
/sapmnt/CMP/exe/uc/hpia64/R3load: END OF LOG: 20140611220524
/sapmnt/CMP/exe/uc/hpia64/R3load: START OF LOG: 20140612181327
/sapmnt/CMP/exe/uc/hpia64/R3load: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/701_REL/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#10 $ SAP
/sapmnt/CMP/exe/uc/hpia64/R3load: version R7.01/V1.4 [UNICODE]
Compiled Jul 2 2011 02:18:40
/sapmnt/CMP/exe/uc/hpia64/R3load -e ZMD_BIDINF.cmd -datacodepage 4103 -l ZMD_BIDINF.log -stop_on_error
(DB) INFO: connected to DB
(DB) INFO: Export without hintfile
(GSI) INFO: dbname = "CMP20110301020300 "
(GSI) INFO: vname = "ORACLE "
(GSI) INFO: hostname = "shp01cnc "
(GSI) INFO: sysname = "HP-UX"
(GSI) INFO: nodename = "shp01cnc"
(GSI) INFO: release = "B.11.31"
(GSI) INFO: version = "U"
(GSI) INFO: machine = "ia64"
Thanks and Regards,
Sandeep Singh