We are running saprouter on a Windows server and are wondering if there is a way to set up this up with fault tolerance since our Windows server is subject to regular patching and maintenance.
We have set up two instances of saprouter both using a single "tunnel" from the external firewall (different public IP's). However, for right now all of our SAP systems are set to use the same single saprouter (OSS1 and saprouter entry on SAP's site).
This is where we are "stuck" on how to approach the idea of setting up a fault tolerant configuration. Right now we are just theorizing and are wondering if it would be feasible to do the following:
Take our existing arrangement ( one "tunnel", two saprouter) and insert a load balancer between the firewall and our saprouters. This would be set up to point to a primary saprouter instance, but failover to a second instance as long as the primary was unavailable.
At a more detailed configuration level we it seems like we would also have two touch points for each sysetm. In the ABAP stacks, we would point our saprouter in transaction OSS1 to the load balancer. Then, we would also assign the load balancer to the saprouter entry on the SAP marketplace.
If anyone has any thoughts, suggestions, or experience with the idea of a fault-tolerant saprouter that would be very helpful!
Jeff Henke