Details Description of SPAU & SPDD
1970888 - HowTo: SPDD/SPAU handling during the Update/Upgrade
Usually the Basis Admin do not carry out the SPAU/SPDD activities, they just send SPAU/SPDD text file to Developers. But, in some organizations, Basis admin have to perform the SPAU/SPDD activities. If you ever have to perform these activities, follow the instructions in this document. I am covering most of the activities that I performed during Support Pack upgrade and these steps would be more or less same with the system upgrade (EHP) as well.
During an upgrade or the import of a Support Package, existing objects of the SAP standard are overwritten with the new objects. To help the customer retain the changes to SAP objects done in a previous release, SAP provides the list of all modified objects which are redelivered (in an upgrade or Support Package).
Transaction SPDD allows you to adjust modifications to ABAP Dictionary objects during an upgrade. Using SPDD, we can
adjust Domains, Data elements, Tables, Structures.
Transaction SPAU allows you to adjust notes, programs, function modules, screens, interfaces, documentation, and text elements after
an upgrade. Notes should be adjusted before adjusting the rest of the modification to avoid errors in Note implementation due to modifications.
SPDD/SPAU activities will be carried out during the upgrade phase when it prompts for, otherwise whatever customizations
that we have done will be lost. Complete all modification adjustments before continuing with the import.
Perform SPDD Adjustments
Before performing these steps, open the system, go to SE06 and open the system for modification Go to SCC4 and open client 000 with the options: Automatic recording of changes Changes to Repository and cross-client Customizing allowed
Click Call SPDD when you get that option during SP/Upgrade
Go to the Adjustment Filter tab, and uncheck Adjusted, Click Execute
Expand the Entire Modifications and Enhancements tree
Save the <SID>_SPDD_ALL.txt file, Select System, List, Save, Local File, Choose unconverted, Generate the file
Adjust Dictionary Objects
Objects with Yellow Triangle
Click Yellow Triangle in Without Modification Assistant
For those with Green Dot and Current Version same as Proposed Version,
Continue, Accept Proposal, Reset to Original , Yes
Create new transport and make a note of the transport
If you cannot reset the other objects, select the tree and click on Reset to Original icon
Click on refresh and all reset objects should be disappeared.
Leave the Deleted objects as is
Click on Assign Transport and provide the above transport number: This step only perform on Development systemGreen arrow back, Confirm SPDD Adjustments, Hit the truck icon to continue the Support Pack Upgrade
Monitor the job OCS_QUEUE_IMPORT jobs. in SM37 or monitor your process in SM50. Another way to monitor your progress is to tail the most recent logs in /usr/sap/trans/SID/tmp tail -f <filename>
Click Call SPAU when you get that option during SP/Upgrade
Go to the Adjustment Filter tab, and uncheck Adjusted, Click Execute
Expand the Entire Modifications and Enhancements tree
Select System , List , Save , Local File, Choose unconverted and click green check, <SID>_SPAU_ALL.TXT, Click Generate
Notes with Green Question Marks
Open another session, and go to transaction SNOTE
Just download all the note(s) with the green question marks again, do no try to implement.
On the SPAU session, select the menu option Goto , Determine Adjustment Modes
Click Execute
Click green check through all of the Format of correction instructions…. Screens
Click green arrow back to the SPAU screen
Click Refresh
Note: You should see all the notes with green question marks go to either gray or yellow dots.
Reset Notes With Gray Dots
Click on one of the gray dots to the left of the note, Click Reset
If you get the Format of correction instructions… screen, then this note might not reset to original, and that is okay
If you are prompted to download the note again, click green check and do the following
Once you get back to the SPAU screen, click on one of the gray dots again. It will either get reset to original, or you it won’t and that is okay.
Reset Notes With Yellow Dots
Note: Before resetting these notes, evaluate if the note needs to be reapplied. Read the note from SAP Service Marketplace and determine if the note was included in a support package that has been applied. If that is the case then the note does not need to be reapplied. If the note is coming in a future support package, then the note should be reapplied. Do one of the following actions per note.
• If the note is to be reapplied, do these steps
Click on the yellow dot beside the note. This will take you into SNOTE.
If the status is green, and the Message Text is Changes can be copied, then it will automatically apply. If these conditions are true, then check the Copy Changes column, and click green check. On the next panel, select all objects and click green check to activate, If status is not green, or the Message Text is not Changes can be copied, then further analysis has to be done. Documenting that analysis is too complex.
• If the note is not to be reapplied, do these steps
Click on the yellow dot beside the note. This will take you into SNOTE.
Note: On some occasions, you might not get to SNOTE, and the note will be labeled as cannot be implemented in SNOTE. When that happens move on to the next note in SPAU. You will set the status of all notes in SNOTE later.
Uncheck the Copy Changes column, and click green check
Answer Yes to the Are you confirming the correct implementation of the SAP Note?
Set the Note Status to Completed, Go to transaction SNOTE, Expand the In Processing section
For every note (from above) that has a green check, single click the note, and click the Set Processing Status icon. Choose the Completed option, and click green check.
For every note (from above) that has a gray diamond, single click the note, and click the Set Processing Status icon. Choose the Not Relevant option, and click green check
Note: This is the list of objects that need to be evaluated to see if the Organization specific modifications need to be reapplied.
Select System , List , Save , Local File, Choose unconverted and click green check, <SID>_SPAU.TXT,Click Generate
Reset Remaining Objects to Original.
Note: If the object has a red dot, then you can ignore resetting it to original. Do the following to reset the objects to original
Single click on the <Object Name>, Choose F9, Once all of the objects have been selected, click Reset to Original
Click green check to Do you want to reset the selected objects?
For each window titled Set Processor/Status that pops up, check the Completed check box for each line and click Copy
Click on Assign Transport and provide the above transport number: This step only perform on Development
Note: These are the steps to make the transport a modification adjustment transport to be used in subsequent systems.
Note: In QUA and PRD, provide the above transport when it prompts for “Do you want to add Modification Adjustment Transports to the queue? Click on yes, and provide the transport number. You should see little or no objects show up in the SPAU/SPDD of QUA and PRD systems because of the modification adjustment transport was included in the modification queue.
Save the <SID>_SPDD_ALL.txt file