Dear Gurus,
I need your help as I have problems with my Solman 7.1 SP11.
I have just upgraded my Solman 7.1 SP11 and I already applied sap notes 1933506 latest version 9.
When I accessed solman_setup, I found the same error messages in these two steps:
- solman_setup - configure connectivity - configure web dispatcher - via system settings (icm/httpurlloc) - test connectivity
- solman_setup - configure connectivity - set authentication policy for agents - use basic authentication (user/password)
Error Message: Error while calling Diagnostics setup web service. Check note 1822831.
CX_AI_SYSTEM_FAULT : SOAP:1.007 SRT: Unsupported xstream found: ("HTTP Code 503 : Service Unavailable")
CX_SOAP_FAILURE : Error when processing Web service call
CX_SOAP_CORE : Error when calling SOAP Runtime functions: SRT: Unsupported xstream found: ("HTTP Code 503 : Service Unavailable")
I tried to troubleshoot using these below sap notes but still not able to solve the issue:
- snote 1752309 - Web service invocation problem caused by Unsupported xstream found
- snote 2018474 - Unsupported xstream found (HTTP Code 503 Service Unavailable)
- snote 1822831
This error message is encountered in my productive client (001). However if I access the solman_setup from client 000, it has no problem and working fine.
My solman has: (as recommended by sap note 1483508)
- ST 710 SP11 (SAPKITL711)
- LM-SERVICE 7.10 SP11 (1000.
I appreaciate if you can advise me.
Thank you.