I´m doing a SAP installation (SAP ERP 6.0 EHP7) on a SAP Hana DB (version SPS8).
The SAP Hana DB (platform edition) is installed on a Suse Linux (SLES) 11 SP03 and I´m doing the installation of the above SAP ERP system in a Windows Server 2008 (R2).
At this moment I'm facing an error during the SAP system installation at phase "Check DDIC password". The SWPM show the following message:
Unable to open RFC connection to SAP System ED1.
SOLUTION: Start the system.
When I try to start the system the disp+work.EXE doesn´t start, and this is in fact the main problem here!
I checked the dev_disp and dev_w0 files and I found the following errors:
A *** ERROR => AppServerTimeSync:
LargeTimeDiff DB<->Appl.Server: -7200 sec. [zdate.c 1694]
A {root-id=00155D7819101EE4859BB88DD2FB92E1}_{conn-id=00000000000000000000000000000000}_0
A *** ERROR => AppServerTimeSync, LargeTimeDiff DBTime - AppServerTime:
AppServer time in internal format : 1406390346
AppServer in local time : 2014/07/26 17:59:06 W. Europe Daylight Time
DBServer time in internal format : 1406383146
DBServer time in local time (db_time) : 20140726155906
Timezone of AppServer : UTC-3600 sec (TZ not set) _tzname: | W. Europe Standard Time | W. Europe Daylight Time | [zdate.c 1739]
M ThGetTransactionId: got trans id (SPA) >C4DD14E4976EF1DDB2E100155D781910< (32)
A Source Line 0.
A Module $Id: //bas/741_REL/src/krn/abap/runt/zdate.c#3 $ SAP.
A Function LargeTimeDiff Line 1762.
A ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_STDERR completed.
I believe this is related with some problems between the time set in both servers (Linux and Windows hosts).
Both servers have the same hour/time but the time unit is different in both servers, in the Windows host the time is set with UTC+1 and in Linux host the time is set with CEST!
I tried to change the hour in linux host but I don´t see in the list of zoneinfo at /usr/share/zoneinfo the UTC+1 option! I only see the option UTC, which is not the same hour that is set in Windows host!
So I need to set the same time unit on both servers... it´s possible to set UTC+1 in linux host?
How can I correct this issue?! Can you help me please? Any tips regarding this type of problem?
Kind regards,
samid raif