Hello Experts,
I want to use JRA in my J2EE.
The JRA contains both 'Configuration Properties' and 'Connection Pooling' tabs (see JRA1.jpg & JRA2.jpg).
In the configuration properties I entered a destination name from the destination service (JRA2.jpg).
It's written in note 1440809:
Special remark:
Please be aware that in this special case the connection pooling is then not configured via JRA Connection Factory anymore (for this please
refer to Note 1447154 - Connection pooling used by SAP JRA), but within
the Destination Service (Tab:Specific Data => Pool Settings)"
and it has a reference to note 1447154 but note 1447154 is unclear.
Since the destinations and the JRA configuration have pool settings, where do I need to enter the pool settings? in the destination? JRA ?
I'm using J2EE 7.31 SP7.