Hello All,
we are getting dumps CALL_FUNCTION_SIGNON_INCOMPL and when i checked the logs the short text states Incomplete logon data.
Error analysis shows
The logon data for the user "PASSWD= " is incomplete.
I checked the user PASSWD but it dose not exist into the system.
Date and Time 07.08.2014 05:25:40
Short text
Incomplete logon data.
What happened?
Error in the ABAP Application Program
The current ABAP program "SAPMSSY1" had to be terminated because it has
come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
What can you do?
Note down which actions and inputs caused the error.
To process the problem further, contact you SAP system
Using Transaction ST22 for ABAP Dump Analysis, you can look
at and manage termination messages, and you can also
keep them for a long time.
Error in the program
call 'RfcImport' id 'Type' field type.
if sy-xprog = 'JAVA'.
system-call plugin
id 'JAVA' value 'FORW_JAVA'
id 'RC' value rc.
* if there is no rollout on the JAVA side which
* rolls both, JAVA and ABAP, we return to the
* C-Stack and reach this point
* in case there was an rollout, the ABAP-C stack is lost
* and we jump direkt to this point
* here we trigger the rollout on this Abap side with
* the following statement
system-call plugin
id 'JAVA' value 'ROLL_OUT'
id 'RC' value rc.
perform (sy-xform) in program (sy-xprog).
rsyn >scont sysc 00011111 0.
Can anyone suggest what action needs to be taken care for this?
Error analysis
The logon data for the user "PASSWD= " is incomplete.
How to correct the error
If, during an RFC (Remote Function Call), an explicit user
or an explicit client is requested, you must enter an explicit
password for the user (see Transaction SM59).