Hello World,
got the EHP5ERP6 -> EHP7ERP6 upgrade from hell going here, and step Preprocessing has been churning away for three days straight(!)
SAP is, as usual, of next to no help in figuring out reliable ETA estimates.
I want to know how reliable the time stats in SAPupStat.log are for predicting the ETA on this roaster.
We got mild swapping on OpSys level (~300MB), a ~600GB MaxDB DB and an 8CPU Server with 15GB RAM.
The hardware isn't too fascinatingly fast, but the claim of that SAPupStat.log file that it plans to keep on going like this for another three days (2014/08/12 11:56:36: 55.51% LEFT: 78:24:51 END: 2014/08/15 18:21:27) is just ludicrous.
I set MaxCPUs to 4 in the database and the cache buffers show 98%-99% hit ratio.
For the life of me I can't figure out why this thing is crawling like that, but this delay gets us close to meltdown "speed".
Anybody got any suggestions on this one?