Hi Everyone,
I am working on EHP 7 upgrade on my ECC 6 EHP 6 system. I got confissed with the component details shown during the Configuration phase of SUM tool. My current SAP_APPL version is 606, Level 3. so i understand that my System is at EHP 6 and the SPS is 3. but in the SUM tool, the target SAP_APPL shows as 617 Patch level 4 and few other components also showing as 617. is it the right target lelvel for an EHP 7 SPS 4 upgrade?
in the MOPZ i chose only EHP 7 SPS 04.
also, during the add-on selection stage in SUM tool at Configuration phase, it suggested to change BP-ERP(current version 604V5), BP-SOLBLD(current version 70V3) add-ons target version. i thought i can keep the current version by giving "vendor key for KEEP decision" and i gave the key for it. but wondering if this add-on should be upgraded, it should have been included in the mopz itself, rather than poping up durin gthe actual upgrade. I could not even find these add-ons listed in PAM to check whether or not it will support 7.41 components
Can someone please help me understand this?