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SAP AS ABAP – Authentication using X.509 Client Certificates


This document shows how to configure SAP AS ABAP for authentication with x.509 client certificates. It shows the procedure used to create a simple Certification Authority (CA) using OpenSSL and how to generate client certificates from this CA.


Enabling SSL

Install the SAP Cryptographic Library. The following are minimal parameters to enable SSL


  • ssl\ssl_lib = S:\usr\sap\K20\SYS\exe\run\sapcrypto.dll
  • sec\libsapsecu = S:\usr\sap\K20\SYS\exe\run\sapcrypto.dll
  • sec\ssfapi_lib = S:\usr\sap\K20\SYS\exe\run\sapcrypto.dll
  • ssf\name = SAPSECULIB
  • icm\server_port_1 = PROT=HTTPS, PROT=1443, TIMEOUT=900
  • icm/HTTPS/verify_client = 1


The last parameter is not necessary to enable SSL, however is required for the client authentication process which is the main topic of this document.

Configure SAP Web AS to support SSL according to these instructions from SAP Help


This is how the main SSL Server certificate PSE looks like for this example:



The server certificate (signed by SAP TCS) looks as follows (make sure to upload the SAP Server CA root certificate to your browser to ensure the certificate chain is complete):



Test SSL using the info URL of ICM (e.g., https://sapsrv01.pacific.local:1443/sap/public/info)



Creating x.509 credentials


This section shows how OpenSSL was used to setup a CA and create user credentials. It assumes OpenSSL package is installed on a Linux system.



These are instructions to configure OpenSSL to create a root Certificate Authority (CA)


# Set up the relevant directories

mkdir -p /etc/ssl

mkdir -p /etc/ssl/private

chmod og-rwx /etc/ssl/private

mkdir -p /etc/ssl/certs

mkdir -p /etc/ssl/crl

mkdir -p /etc/ssl/newcerts


Create a configuration file for OpenSSL (see Appendix A)


# Set up the location of your OpenSSL configuration file

export OPENSSL_CONF="/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf"


# Create the random file

openssl rand -out /etc/ssl/private/.rand 1024

chmod og-rwx /etc/ssl/private/.rand


Create the Root CA


# Create an RSA private key

openssl genrsa -des3 -out /etc/ssl/private/myrootca.key 2048

chmod og-rwx /etc/ssl/private/myrootca.key


# Fill in the certificate request

openssl req -new -key /etc/ssl/private/myrootca.key -out /tmp/myrootca.req


# Sign its own certificate request

openssl x509 -req -days 7305 -sha1 \

-extfile /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf -extensions v3_ca \

-signkey /etc/ssl/private/myrootca.key \

-in /tmp/myrootca.req -out /etc/ssl/certs/myrootca.crt


# Delete the certificate request

rm -f /tmp/myrootca.req


Import this Root CA into your Internet browser. This root CA will be the signer of user credentials, in order to complete the certification path it is necessary to load this certificate into the trusted root CA container of the Internet browser.




Create user credentials

A Linux system (e.g.,Fedora 9) was used in this example to create user credentials


Login to Linux (as a regular user) and create the following directories




chmod og-rwx $HOME/.ssl/private


# Create an RSA private key

openssl genrsa -des3 -out ~noe/.ssl/noe.key 2048

chmod og-rwx ~noe/.ssl/private/noe.key


# Fill in the certificate request

openssl req -new -key ~noe/.ssl/private/noe.key -out /tmp/noe.req


Now login as root and sign the user certificate request using the Root CA certificate


# Sign the certificate request

openssl x509 –req –days 3650 –extensions v3_req \

-CA /etc/ssl/certs/myrootca.crt –Cakey /etc/ssl/private/myrootca.key \

-CAserial /etc/ssl/myrootca.srl –Cacreateserial \

-in /tmp/noe.req –out ~noe/.ssl/certs/noe.crt


In order to upload the user credentials to Internet Explorer, for example, the certificate needs to be exported to format PKCS#12.


Login or return to the regular Linux user session


# Export user certificate as PKCS#12

openssl pkcs12 –export –in ~noe/.ssl/certs/noe.crt –inkey ~noe/.ssl/private/noe.key –out ~noe/.ssl/certs/noe.p12


Transfer file “noe.p12” to your PC for upload to Internet Explorer.



Make sure this certificate is imported into the personal container




SAP configuration

Load the Root CA certificate into the SSL Server PSE, use transaction STRUST



Create a mapping between the user credentials and the ABAP user ID in table USREXTID. Use transaction SM30 and view VUSREXTID; use external ID type “DN”.



Make sure the External ID matches exactly (spaces count) with the Subject of the user credentials certificate




Make sure the entry is marked as active.



Restart ICM using transaction SMICM


Test login using SAP GUI for HTML (needs to be activated) over SSL - https://sapsrv01.pacific.local:1443/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui/!


IE will present a list of user certificates suitable for login, select the appropriate credentials and choose OK



You will be logged in without being asked for a password



Effects of parameter Icm/HTTPS/verify_client

Parameter Icm/HTTPS/verify_client controls whether a client certificate is just requested (1) or required (2). A value of 1 will cause the authentication to fall back to another method, for example user and password. On the other hand, a value of 2 will not allow any other authentication methods and failure to present a client certificate will terminate the session immediately.


Appendix A: OpenSSL configuration file



# OpenSSL configuration file.



# Establish working directory.


dir                                                                           = /etc/ssl


[ ca ]

default_ca                                                          = CA_default


[ CA_default ]

serial                                                                     = $dir/serial

database                                                             = $dir/certindex.txt

new_certs_dir                                                  = $dir/certs

certificate                                                            = $dir/cacert.pem

private_key                                                        = $dir/private/cakey.pem

default_days                                                     = 365

default_md                                                        = md5

preserve                                                              = no

email_in_dn                                                       = no

nameopt                                                                             = default_ca

certopt                                                                 = default_ca

policy                                                                    = policy_match


[ policy_match ]

countryName                                                    = match

stateOrProvinceName                                   = match

organizationName                                           = match

organizationalUnitName                                               = optional

commonName                                                  = supplied

emailAddress                                                    = optional


[ req ]

default_bits                                                       = 1024                   # Size of keys

default_keyfile                                                 = key.pem          # name of generated keys

default_md                                                        = md5                   # message digest algorithm

string_mask                                                       = nombstr           # permitted characters

distinguished_name                                       = req_distinguished_name

req_extensions                                                                = v3_req


[ req_distinguished_name ]

# Variable name                                                               Prompt string

#------------------------- ----------------------------------

  1. 0.organizationName                                       = Organization Name (company)

organizationalUnitName                                               = Organizational Unit Name (department, division)

emailAddress                                                    = Email Address

emailAddress_max                                         = 40

localityName                                                      = Locality Name (city, district)

stateOrProvinceName                                   = State or Province Name (full name)

countryName                                                    = Country Name (2 letter code)

countryName_min                                                          = 2

countryName_max                                                         = 2

commonName                                                  = Common Name (hostname, IP, or your name)

commonName_max                                                      = 64


# Default values for the above, for consistency and less typing.

# Variable name                                                               Value

#------------------------       ------------------------------

  1. 0.organizationName_default                      = My Company

localityName_default                                    = My Town

stateOrProvinceName_default                 = State or Providence

countryName_default                                   = US


[ v3_ca ]

basicConstraints                                               = CA:TRUE

subjectKeyIdentifier                                      = hash

authorityKeyIdentifier                                   = keyid:always,issuer:always


[ v3_req ]

basicConstraints                                               = CA:FALSE

subjectKeyIdentifier                                      = hash

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