Hi ,
We have installed PI AEX 7.4 SPS5 and have completed the initial Setup CTC successfully.
We can see all the below Adapters in the SLD (CIM instances) in XI Adapter Service with the required Associated/class instances
Axis, BC, CIDX, File, HTTP_AAE, IDoc_AAE, JDBC, JMS, Mail, Marketplace, RFC, RNIF, RNIF11, SOAP, WS and XIRA
My question is, do we need to install any additional Drivers in the PI system so that we can use these Adapters
to Connect to Third Party System.
As I know we have to download and apply the JDBC driver (for example ) for MSSQL using SUM if we have to connect
our PI system to the MS SQL Server.
In the same way do we need any additional Drivers that needs to be installed for any of the Above adapters ?
I understand we cannot use WS adapter in AEX.
Please let us know about other Adapter Types.
Ahmed Mohammed