I´m some doubts regarding the setup that I need to perform cover in the SAP note 1901250 - PT: WS - Online communication to AT : Technical Req
1. Check configuration/Installation of SSL on Web Application server ABAP, and if it is not configured in your system then Apply note number 510007
--> How can I check the configuration/installation of SSL in our SAP ERP systems? Can you tell me please?
7. You must have HTTPS connectivity from your ERP landscape to the address https://servicos.portaldasfinancas.gov.pt:701/sgdtws/documentosTransporte and https://servicos.portaldasfinancas.gov.pt:401/sgdtws/documentosTransporte
HTTPS Traffic should be open for the ports 701(Test port), 401(Production port) in both directions in your Firewall, between all ERP servers and WWW.
--> How can I garantee the HTTPS connectivity from our ERP system to the some addresses? Can you explain me that please?
I should setup anything in SMICM or SICF transactions? If yes, what and how?
Kind regards,
samid raif