Hi, Gurus:
We are trying to upgrade the kernel of a customer from their current release (700 SP 254) to the newer release 721.
Their platform is:
OS: Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003 Enterprise x64 5.2.3790 ServicePack 2 Build 3790
DB: MS SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06 (X64) # RTM Enterprise Edition
SAP_BASIS+SAP_ABA: Release 700 SP22
According to the PAM, kernel 720 and 721 (not the EXT versions, though) should support this platform, however, when we upgrade the kernel
following the instructions of note "1713986 - Installation of kernel 721(EXT)" a runtime error START_CALL_SICK occurs. The error message states:
"DB release MSSQL 09.00.1399.06 is not supported with this kernel (721)"
Kernel 720 has the same problem (we have tried latest SAPEXE and disp+work packages available in the marketplace).
According to http://support.microsoft.com/kb/321185, build 1399 stands for SQL Server 2005 RTM.
If we take a look to this dump and any other dump of a SAP system for any of our customers running an 720/721 kernel (even those using SQL Server 2012) you can see the line:
Database............. "MSSQL 9.00.2047 or higher"
According to http://support.microsoft.com/kb/321185 build 2047 stands for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 1.
Since running SICK/SM28 executes report RSICC000 which, in turn, calls Cfunction SAPICC, that is an internal C function coded inside the kernel.
We suspect that when kernel 720 was compiled, the SQL 2005 release was set to 9.00.2047 instead of 9.00.1399, but we don't know whether this
was an error or it was done on purpose, requiring SP1 to be installed on the database in order to run kernel 720/721.
We have checked SAP Note 1716826 - Usage of the downward compatible kernel 721 (EXT) (and related 1728283, 1744209, 1467086 and 1636252) butthe only statement is:
"The SAP kernel 721 is intended for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and higher"
, without any reference about the SP level/build level.
Have you found this problem before?
Any advice will be appreciated.
Best Regards,