We have an ERP6 EHP4 system with MSSQL database.
While taking the exports of the system, it terminates with following error message (R3ldctlExport.log)
Kindly suggest a way out to solve this error.
Log file:
(IDL) Info: ddldb2lib version is 700.13
(IDL) Info: ddldb2lib level is 700.14
(CLL) Info: creating initial tpl data
(CLL) Info: finished creating initial tpl data
(CLL) Info: creating initial db2 location lists from tables TADB2 and IADB2
(CLL) Info: finished creating initial location lists
WARNING: build_dbdiff_list(): description for "MLICHECK" may be missing or incorrect
WARNING: build_dbdiff_list(): description for "SCI_TEMPT" may be missing or incorrect
WARNING: build_dbdiff_list(): description for "TRDIR" may be missing or incorrect
WARNING: no technical settings for table "/BTI/MDE_L" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "A055" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "A056" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "A064" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "A065" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "AABLG" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "AANK" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "AANL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "ANAR" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "ANEV" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "ANGA" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "ANLV" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "ANLW" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "ANLX" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "APQD" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "APQI" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "ATAB" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "BGPROT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "BKORR" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "BPHIER" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "BSIW" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "BTCEVTJOB" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "BTCJSTAT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "BTCOPTIONS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "BTCSED" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "BTCSEV" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "BVOR" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CATDB" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CATL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CATM" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CBPL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CD0BAS4VI" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CD0BAS5VI" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CD0MC5" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CD0T200TAB" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CD0T210TAB" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CD0TBSH001" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CDCLS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CE1S001" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CE2S001" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CE3S001" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CF003" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CF005" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CFIS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CHGRP" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CKKS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CKKT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CKMLRUNSCALE" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CKPP" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CKPS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CKPT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CLRK" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CLU4" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CLUSTERVER" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CLUTAB" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CNTLREM" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "COAT_ATTRIB" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "COAT_ATTR_OBJ" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "COAT_ATTR_VALUES" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "COAT_CLASSI_INDX" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "COAT_E_DATA" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "COAT_E_INFO" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "COAT_E_TY" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "COAT_E_TY_T" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "COAT_MASTER" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "COAT_NOTES" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "COAT_OBJ_TYP" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "COAT_OBJ_TYP_TBL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "COAT_TECHFIELDS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "COKAA" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "COMC_ALTID_TP_SC" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "COMS_DIFF_BSP_A" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "COMS_LH_OBJ_KEYD" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "COMS_LH_OBJ_KEYG" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "COOI_PI" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "COSPP" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CRHH" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CRID" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CRS_BLOCKS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CRVP" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CSSK" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CVEP1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CVEP2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CVER1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CVER2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CVER3" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CVER4" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "CVER5" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "DD02ALL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "DEBI" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "DELM" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "DFDOC" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "DOKALTLANG" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "DOKCL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "DOKID" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "DOKSH" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "DOKSI" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "DSYCLV" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "DSYCR" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "DSYLI" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "DSYLT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "DSYO1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "DSYO2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "DSYO3" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "DSYSX" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "DVERS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "DVPOOL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "DVPOOLTEXT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "EANQ" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "EBSEG" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "EDFIL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "EDI30C" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "EDI40" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "EDIDOC" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "EDIE5" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "EDMAP" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "EKPB" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "EPIDXB" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "EPIDXC" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "EREF" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "EREN" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "ERET" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "EWUCUSA2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "EWUCUSAK" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "FEBKEY" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "FIMA_TRACE_DATA" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "FIMA_TRACE_LOG" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "FIMA_TRACE_SEQ" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "FIMA_TRACE_TEXT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "FIMA_TRACE_USER" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "FINBTEST_T1T" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "FINPL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "FINS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "FINV" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "FINXCONDTYPE0T" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "FLAPP" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "FLEMP" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "FMDT_CHANGEDOC" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "FMGLDMAIN" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "FREF" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "GCLIENTS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLOO1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLOO2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLPO1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLPO2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLPO3" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLS2CLUS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLSO1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLSO2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLSO3" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLSP" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLTO1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLTO2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLTO3" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLTP" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "GLTPC" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "GSBLCA" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "GWFEODE" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "HIER_TEXT2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "HLPNA" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "HNZ_PTQ" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "HRARCENQ" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "HRP1759" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "HRPMPROT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "HRPMSIM" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "IHC_TAB_DUCTR_BP" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "IMPREDOC" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "INDX" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "INETX" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "INHB" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "IWB1RDEL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "IXDIT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "IXTYP" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "IXTYT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "JBASAKOKO" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "JBDBFUS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "JBDBFUT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "JBDCHGREL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "JBDCPHDR" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "JBDCPHDR2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "JBDEXPOBJ" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "JVT1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "J_1AWITNR" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "J_1BCBTAXPROC" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "J_3RBUE_BK_TXT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "J_3RBUE_BOOK_IND" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "J_3RBUE_BOOK_NUM" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "J_3RFPOFPRIV" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "J_3RFPOFPRIVT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "J_3RF_SALE_BOOK" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "J_CLU" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "K002" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "KALK" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "KAPE" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "KAPOL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "KBPOL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "KCPOL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "KDPOL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "KEPOOL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "KGPOL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "KNB5" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "KNC1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "KNC3" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "KNMTK" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "KNOB" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "KNVA" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "KNVS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "KNVT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "KOCLU" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "KONAIND" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "KOND" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "KONR" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "KOTD001" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "KRED" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "KX9RABA0000108" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "LDAN" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "LDKO" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "LFAS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "LFB5" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "LFC1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "LISA" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "LISPLF" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "MASE" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "MAT1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "MBAN" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "MBMP" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "MBPR" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "MBRK" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "MCLIB" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "MCVSRFP" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "MCY1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "MEIK" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "MEIN" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "MEKK" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "MEOR" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "MHNKA" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "MKLK" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "MKUB" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "MLIB" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "MODSAP" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "MOFF" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "MPRP" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "MSAK" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "MSET" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "MSOA" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "MSPOOL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "MWOFF_CL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_AANL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_ADMC" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_ADRC" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_ADRP" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_AEN1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_BUPA" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_CF01" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_CLAS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_CLFN" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_ESM2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_FDUP" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_FPVT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_IBEW" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_IFLM" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_IIMA" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_IRLM" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_J1BA" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_J1IA" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_J1IB" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_J1ID" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_J1IH" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_J1IK" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_KLSW" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_KMNR" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_LOBJ" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_MCA1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_MCA2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_MCBM" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_MCEA" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_MCEM" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_MCES" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_MCGB" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_MCGU" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_MCHA" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_MCOB" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_MERK" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_MJB2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_MJB3" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_MJB4" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_MJB5" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_MJBU" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_MJBV" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_MJBW" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_MJBX" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_MJBZ" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_MREA" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_MSAK" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_MTLN" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_MTVM" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_MTVN" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_MTVO" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_MVER" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_MWAK" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_OBJE" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_PTER" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_PTRM" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_SFIP" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_SPBB" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_SWZA" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_VMCF" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_VMVK" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_VTBS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_VTMA" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_VTOF" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_WASV" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_WDEP" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_WORD" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "M_WPAN" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "N1PDDEXPORTFILES" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "N2BEFUND2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "N2PROPERTYBAG_SH" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "N2X001" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "N3BA4200V2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "N3BA4500V2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "N3BA4510V2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "N3BF1002V2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "N3BF1004V2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "N3BF1004V200" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "N3BF1006V2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "N3BF1008V2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "N3BF1010V2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "N3BF1020V2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "N3BF1100V2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "N3BF1100V200" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "N3BF1114V2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "N3BF2100V2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "N3BF2106V2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "N3BF2108V2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "N3BF2222V2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "N3BF2400V2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "N3BF2400V200" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "N3BF2410V2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "N3DANASB" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "NCOM" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "NKAP" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "NKLV" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "NKUK" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "NOIND" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "NOTES" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "OBGD" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "OBGV" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "OCMHOMO_ARCH" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "ONRFS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "ONRHP" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "ONRKL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "ONRKS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "ONROF" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "ONROK" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "ONROR" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "ONROS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "ONROV" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "ONRPD" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "ONRPR" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "ONRQA" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "ONRQB" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "ONRQM" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "ONRVB" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "ORDE" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "OSMON" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "P0SUB" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "P0SUT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "P444V" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "P445S" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "P445T" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "PA0467" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "PA0488" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "PA0489" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "PA0502" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "PA3208" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "PA3216" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "PAKDATBUF" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "PAPL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "PB0539" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "PB3208" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "PBHI" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "PBIC" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "PBIV" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "PCDCLS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "PCL5" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "PDERR" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "PLM_PS_RFCDEST_C" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "PLOM" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "PLPT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "PLPW" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "PRCD_CLUST" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "PROF" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "PRON" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "PSPL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "PT2001" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "PT2006" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "PTEST1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "PVER1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "QDPT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "RBSELDELI" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "REBL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "REGUA" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "REGUC" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "REGUPO" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "REUL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "RFBLG" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "RFCSTXTAB" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "RFMHN" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "RKEPI" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "RMPSAPDIR_T_CLNT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "RMPSAPREL_T_CLNT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "RSBKCMDH" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "RSISOSIBUSH" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "RSISOSNDPSH" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "RSMPTRNSL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "RSRDELREPORTS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "S002" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "S004" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "S009" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "S011" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "S014" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "S064" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "S071" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "S135" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "S174BIW1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "S174BIW2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "S194" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "S194BIW1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "S197BIW1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "S264" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "S264BIW1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "S264BIW2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SAIN" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SAKO" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SCODE_REGISTRY" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SERI" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SFCPL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SFHOA" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SFHX" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SFHYT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SFIWP" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SFWPL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SKMT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SLGSK" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SLGSM" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SLGSR" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SLGST" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SLGSY" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SMPOOL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SNUC" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SOEP" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SOOD" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SOSP_T_SUB_APPL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SOSP_T_TASK_INFO" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SOST" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SOUB" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SOUC" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SREPOTTYPE" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SRPSO" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SRPST" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SSPUMK" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "ST05RESULT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SUMS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SWZAIRET" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SXMSINTFT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "SXMSRECVT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T022A" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T022B" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T022Q" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T024P" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T053S" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T056Z" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T079V" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T147I" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T149" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T156X" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T329P" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T355R_W" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T405" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T445U" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T446H" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T488" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T488B" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T488C" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T500L_ADDON" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T501T" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T503T" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T505L" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T508T" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T508Z" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T513H" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T51G1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T522T" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T533" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T545" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T548Y" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T550X" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T553A" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T553S" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T555B" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T555H" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T555O" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T578T" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T578W" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T578X" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T578Z" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T591S" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5APBS16" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5B06" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5D2A" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5D2D" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5D3L" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5D6A" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5EB1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5F1AC" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5F1ACI" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5F1ACT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5M7T" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5M7Y" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5PBSR1A" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5PBSR1B" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5PBSR1BT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5PBSR1C" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5PBSR1D" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5PBSR1DT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5PBSR1F" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5PBSR1M" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5PBSR2A" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5RPBS1W" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5RPBSE1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5RPBSE2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5RPBSG0" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5RPBSG1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5RPBSG2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5SCJ" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5SCJT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5SCN" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5SCNT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5SCS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5SCST" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5W2M" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5W2N" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T5W2O" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T691H" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T750A" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T750D" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T750H" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T751A" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T751B" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T777C" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T777G" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T777W" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T777X" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T778C" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T778W" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T778X" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T77I1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T77I6" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T77I7" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T77KA" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T77OMATDIR" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T77QB" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T77R1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T77R2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T77R4" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T77WWW_CLHLC" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T7BRWT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T7INAPRLVL_GRNT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T7INJ3" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T7INR9" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T7PBSWBRP2H" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T7PIQ_US_AWARDL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T7PIQ_US_AWARDM" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T7PIQ_US_CIPCOD" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T7PIQ_US_ETHNIC" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T7PIQ_US_ETHNIM" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T7PIQ_US_FECIPC" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T7PIQ_US_GRSDER" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T7PIQ_US_HIGHSC" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T7PIQ_US_MGCMAJ" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T7PIQ_US_SPORTM" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T7PIQ_US_SPORTS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T7PIQ_US_STLEVE" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T7PIQ_US_STLEVM" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "T811VRS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TABADREXITS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TATAF" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TBCICPT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TBTCA" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TBTCB" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TBTCI" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TBTCJSTEP" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TBTCR" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TBTCS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TCA66" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TCO06" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TCO36" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TCOAOT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TCY38MT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TCYET" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TDATS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TDM02" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TDM03" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TDM04" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TDM05" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TDM06" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TDM07" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TDM08" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TDM09" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TDM10" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TDM13" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TDM14" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TDM21" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TDM22" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TDM23" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TDM27" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TDM28" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TDM29" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TDM30" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TDM31" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TDMV1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TEAMI_CAPAT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TEMSI" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TER10" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TER11" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TESCL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TESPO" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TF245" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TF246" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TF248" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TFAX1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TFC_SCMA_NAMES" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TFILA_RE_CAT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TFK002E" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TFK002G" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TFK002GT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TICL190" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TICL191" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TKCDO" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TKEPE" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TKE_DIST_T" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TKKBY" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TKT09" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TLOGO" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TLOGOS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TLOGOT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TMAC" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TMAGE" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TMCIR" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TMED" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TOAFO" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TOAFV" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TOAV1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TOAV2" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TOPRK" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TPFES" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TPFST" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TPFVA" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TPFVD" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TPFVE" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TPFVI" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TPFVP" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TPFVQ" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TPFVR" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TPFVX" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TPHCNV" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TPICK" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TPLOGNAMES" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TPROT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TRS35" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TSCMSTAT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TSOFA" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TSP04" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TSP05" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TSP8T" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TSST1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TST02" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TSTAMK" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TUCHK4" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TVBOT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TVBPROC" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TVBPROCT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TVC6" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TVKGT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TXMILOGRAW" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "TZK09" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "UAUPLSTRUCREMO" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "UAUPLSTRUCREMOT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "UKSV" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "UMG_TEST_C" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "UMG_TEST_F" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "UMG_TEST_P" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "UMG_TEST_S" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "UTAB" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VAKGU" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VAKPA" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VARINUM" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VBAG" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VBBS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VBCLU" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VBERROR" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VBFCL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VBKOF" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VBKPA" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VBLK" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VBLOG" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VBMC" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VBSET" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VBSS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VBUV" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VDIRE" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VERCLUSTER" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VERFK" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VERFT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VERME" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VERTE" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VER_CLUSTR" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VFORK" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VFORS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VFORT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VGTST" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VIND" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VKAOF" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VKAWV" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VLIM" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VLKPA" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VMCV" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VMETK" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VMETT" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VMETV" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VMETW" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VPOOL" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VTEST10" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VTEST11" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "VVWL7" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "WFAS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "WFERR" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "WFPRC" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "WFQUE" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "WFSTO" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "WTY_BP1" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: no technical settings for table "YMUS" in SAP data dictionary - defaults used
WARNING: view /ISDFPS/MEMMVRQ2: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view /ISDFPS/MEVCIX06: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view /ISDFPS/V_BI_EBA: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view /ISDFPS/V_BI_MPO: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view /ISDFPS/V_BI_MPT: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view /ISDFPS/V_BI_ORG: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view /ISDFPS/V_BI_RPC: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view /ISDFPS/V_CPS: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view /ISDFPS/V_DFEPA: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view /ISDFPS/V_DFMPA: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view /ISDFPS/V_DFMPO: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view /ISDFPS/V_DFMPOC: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view /ISDFPS/V_EPAREF: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: value for DD28S.CONSTANTS not in quotes, view "COVMVSVW"
WARNING: view DB2CCEXTNT: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view DB2CCREOIX: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view DB2CCREORG: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view DB2CCRESTR: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view DB2CCRUNST: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view DB2TSBACKN: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: value for DD28S.CONSTANTS not in quotes, view "DVTOPAY"
WARNING: view ECSD_VIEW: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view ENT4162: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view IUEEDPPLOTAVBCD: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view IUEEDPPLOTAVISP: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view IUEEDPPLOTAVIVP: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view IUEEDPPLOTAVKTO: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view IUEEDPPLOTAVOPB: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view IUEEDPPLOTAVOPBL: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view JHVAVMACTGVZ: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view LEINT_WCNTR_V: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view LEINT_WCNTR_V: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view LEINT_WCNTR_V: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view M_EXT_HERST: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: value for DD28S.CONSTANTS not in quotes, view "N1MEV_T006_TEMP"
WARNING: value for DD28S.CONSTANTS not in quotes, view "N1MEV_T006_TEMP"
WARNING: value for DD28S.CONSTANTS not in quotes, view "N1MEV_T006_TIME"
WARNING: value for DD28S.CONSTANTS not in quotes, view "N_VDEADOK"
WARNING: value for DD28S.CONSTANTS not in quotes, view "N_VNDAE"
WARNING: view SRM_M_BUPAA: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view SRM_M_BUPAB: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view SRM_M_BUPAG: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view SRM_M_BUPAI: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view VCONFINMTATTR: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view VCONFINPLATTR: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: value for DD28S.CONSTANTS not in quotes, view "V_EWAWA_WA_HOF"
WARNING: view V_HRF_SELFIELDS: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view V_IWP_AREA_SET_F: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view V_IWP_AREA_SET_S: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: value for DD28S.CONSTANTS not in quotes, view "V_LTDX"
WARNING: value for DD28S.CONSTANTS not in quotes, view "V_T006_T"
WARNING: view V_VMVAB: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view V_WDPPROTYPPLANT: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: view V_WDPPROTYPPLANT: error in DDIC: empty string not allowed
(will be replaced by ' ')
WARNING: value for DD28S.CONSTANTS not in quotes, view "V_WRF_PPW_LAYDEF"
WARNING: value for DD28S.CONSTANTS not in quotes, view "W3TEMPLATE"
(UPT) Info: Preparing tables and tablespace entries.
(UPT) Info: Distributing tables and tablespace entries.
(WLL) Info: finished writing location lists
(UPT) Info: Preparing tables and tablespace entries.
(UPT) Info: Distributing tables and tablespace entries.
(WLL) Info: finished writing location lists