Lately we are experiencing several time-out dumps in our system caused by a few programs/routines. We have adjusted and fine tuned the code, but with the growing database, the long processing time is justified. These routines cannot be executed in background as per our business requirement.
We still use the default 600 seconds (10 minutes) setting for our rdisp/max_wprun_time parameter and we would like to increase it, but our admin guys say this will cause an impact on system performance.
That is why we decided to conduct a small survey to verify how this parameter is set in other businesses, if it has been changed from default and what is the current value. And finally if you experienced any issues when changing this value.
Based on our preliminary calculations, 1800 seconds would be enough, and this affects only about 3% of our programs.
Any help or input would be appreciated.
Best regards,
Nilo Craig