Hi Experts,
In CRM server after running crm_ui transaction the login screen is opened in browser but after inputting login details when we proceed it gives the below error.
Kindly help to resolve the issue.
Error while processing your query
What has happened?The URL call http://glencrmdev.glen.com:8000/sap/bc/bsp/sap/crm_ui_start/default.htm was terminated because of an error. |
- The following error occurred in system CDS : Field symbol has not yet been assigned.
- The error occurred on application server GLENCRMDEV_CDS_00 and in work process 4 .
- The termination type was: RABAX_STATE
- The ABAP call stack was:
Method: IF_BSP_RUNTIME~GET_TOKEN of program CL_BSP_RUNTIME================CP Method: _ONLAYOUT of program CL_O249K9EPT3VLXYKVYYW74DZL0ANCP Method: %_ONLAYOUT of program CL_O249K9EPT3VLXYKVYYW74DZL0ANCP Method: DO_REQUEST of program CL_BSP_PAGE===================CP Method: ON_REQUEST of program CL_BSP_RUNTIME================CP Method: IF_HTTP_EXTENSION~HANDLE_REQUEST of program CL_HTTP_EXT_BSP===============CP Method: EXECUTE_REQUEST_FROM_MEMORY of program CL_HTTP_SERVER================CP Function: HTTP_DISPATCH_REQUEST of program SAPLHTTP_RUNTIME Module: %_HTTP_START of program SAPMHTTP
What can I do?- If the termination type is RABAX_STATE, you will find more information on the cause of termination in system CDS in transaction ST22.
- If the termination type is ABORT_MESSAGE_STATE, you will find more information on the cause of termination on the application server GLENCRMDEV_CDS_00 in transaction SM21.
- If the termination type is ERROR_MESSAGE_STATE, you can search for further information in the trace file for the work process 4 in transaction ST11 on the application server. GLENCRMDEV_CDS_00 . You may also need to analyze the trace files of other work processes.
- If you do not yet have a user ID, contact your system adminmistrator.
Error Code: ICF-IE-http -c: 800 -u: MIJESH -l: E -s: CDS -i: GLENCRMDEV_CDS_00 -w: 4 -d: 20141016 -t: 133508 -v: RABAX_STATE -e: GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED -X: D4AE526C20D91ED495A164278645EEDF_D4AE526C20D91ED495A164870AD24EDF_1 -x: 210B55E4323CF1358EDFD4AE526C20D9
HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error Your SAP Internet Communication Framework Team |