Hello to All!
I am trying to rename ERP system (making a qas system from product) on windows + oracle software.
I have a problem with the java on step Run Java Migration Toolkit. Logs are attached.
We have abap+java system, but we don't use the java part:
Instanse profile:
#--Java -----------------------------------
jstartup/trimming_properties = off
jstartup/protocol = on
jstartup/vm/home = c:\j2sdk1.4.2_22-x64
jstartup/max_caches = 500
jstartup/release = 700
jstartup/instance_properties = $(jstartup/j2ee_properties);$(jstartup/sdm_properties)
j2ee/dbdriver = $(DIR_EXECUTABLE)\ojdbc14.jar
j2ee/instance_id = ID0067029
exe/j2ee = $(DIR_EXECUTABLE)\jcontrol$(FT_EXE)
rdisp/j2ee_timeout = 600
rdisp/j2ee_start_control = 1
rdisp/j2ee_start = 0
rdisp/j2ee_libpath = $(DIR_EXECUTABLE)
SAPINST is trying to rename Java part too.
Maybe I should edit the profile and repeat renaming from previous step or try to
fix this problem and continue the renaming ?
Thanks for helping!