*** UPDATE 20th Oct 2014 : Please look at:http://scn.sap.com/docs/DOC-54097 and OSS note 886102 for the automation and improvement updated by SAP ***
It is not uncommon that once BW QA gets refreshed or system copy from BW Prod, the source system connectivity to ERP system breaks. This document shows the step-by-step to restore BW QA to ERP QA.
ERP System: ERP Quality System (QAS) client 100
BW QA System: BW Quality System (Q11) client 100
Scenario: Source Systems QASCLNT100 is broken in txn RSA1 in BW QA (Q11) after it is refreshed from BW Production. This is a need to restore the connection for transport migration to work successfully.
1. Open clients via txn SCC4, SE06 in ERP QA (QAS) and BW QA (Q11). If not, you will encounter dump DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUND when trying to recreate the Source Systems in x11’s txn RSA1. (This step requires Basis authorization and should be done by Basis)
- Logon to ERP QA (QAS) , run txn SCC4 and open client for changes. Repeat for BW QA (Q11).
- In ERP QA (QAS) Run txn SE06, open namespaces so that there is no error when running FM RSAP_BIW_DISCONNECT later on. Repeat for BW QA (Q11).
2. In BW QA (Q11), go to txn WE20, check for ERP QA (QASCLNT100). If it does not exist, create it.If it exists, select the ERP QA's Partner Profile QASCLNT100 and delete RSRQST from outbound and RSINFO and RSSEND from inbound. Save your partner profile. It should look like the screen below.
3. Obtain ALE user-id passwords for to logon to QAS client 100 (ERP) and Q11 client 100 (BW) later on.
Step-by-Step Restore Procedure:
1. In BW QA (Q11), run txn SE11, table RSBASIDOC, narrow the results by putting in your ERP system id only e.g. QAS*
2. In BW QA (Q11), run txn SE37, enter function module RSAP_BIW_DISCONNECT and client Test/Execute button.
This step deletes obsolete BW connections. Repeat this step for all entries in table RSBASIDOC.
Enter the values accordingly and click Generate button.
I_BIW_LOGSYS = BW QA system (Q11)
Caution: DO NOT enter a value in the field "RFC target sys". This would cause the function module to run in the system specified there!
3. In BW QA (Q11), run txn RSA1 and Create Source System QASCLNT100.
With existing RFC destination and passwords, enter the fields like below:
You will be prompt to logon to QAS client 100. Click Continue button will do.
Click Use button if you are confident that the RFC destination works perfectly. If not, you could click Check button to confirm.
You might encounter a pop up message like this below. Click Delete will do. If this happens, after delete, repeat step 3 again.
4. With existing RFC destination and passwords, you should be able to create the Source System for ERP QA (QASCLNT100) without problem.
Problems that I encountered along the way……..
Problem 1: DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUND when trying to generate Source System QASCLNTxxx in txn RSA1
Solution: Open clients in txn SE06 and SCC4 in both ERP QA and BW QA systems
Problem 2: Entry in inbound table already exists
- Go to WE20 and check whether Partner profile QASCLNT100 exist in LS type,if not just add Parnter profile with same and save.
Partner profile Name: QASCLNT100
Ty: US
User: User Name
Lang: EN
and Save. - Again re-click on Partner Profile: QASCLNT100
you will see ,there will be some entries in Inbound & out Bound Tabs.
Delete the following from outbound:
Delete the following from inbound.
and save your partner profile. - Now execute txn RSA1, it will ask to active Workbench, activate it and it should work.
Lastly, this document is only possible from the two reference below and many other related threads that I had also come cross so I would also like to give credits to them.
OSS Note 886102 – System Landscape Copy for SAP Netweaver BW (Phase 6)
Transfer Structure Prefix error - http://scn.sap.com/thread/170753