I Want to Make a System Copy of BI in the same server with different Instances , Operating System Is Windows Server 1012 R2 and Database is Sybase. I want to know which option to chose in SWPM, I tried both used SAP SAP Business suit 7i Support Release 1 and SAP Netweaver 7.4 Support Release 1. It get me error assertions Failed 103 i made all the System copy as Below mentioned. I need help regarding system copy
General Technical Preparations
1). Check the minimum kernel patch level required by the support package level of the source system
2). No canceled or pending update requests should be in the system. Check this by choosing ToolsAdministrationMonitorUpdate (transaction SM13).
1). If canceled or pending records exist, you must update these again or delete them. Check whether this action was successful using transaction SE16 for table VBDATA
3). Set all released jobs from Released to Scheduled:
ToolsCCMSBackground ProcessingJobs - Overview and Administration (transaction SM37)
4). Adapt the operation mode timetable to make sure that no switching of operating modes takes place while a system is being copied as follows T-Code SM63
5)Before the export, delete QCM tables from your system as follows
1). Call transaction SE14
Log on to the system as a system administrator in a productive client.
Call transaction SE38 and run the program SMIGR_CREATE_DDL
Select the target database. Depending on the database manufacturer, you might need to select the database version. The value help supports you in selecting the database version. You should only enter a database version that is available in the value help.
Select Unicode Migration if you also wish to perform a Unicode system copy (from Unicode to Unicode) or a Unicode conversion (from non-Unicode to Unicode).
Specify an empty working directory to which the files generated by the report are to be written.
If required, you can restrict the generation of DDL statements to specific table types or individual tables.
Execute the program.
The DDL statements are generated and written to the specified directory. From there, the installer copies them to the <export dump directory>/ABAP/DB export directory
Can i Get any Guide for proper homogeneous System copy for Sybase and Windows Server R2
Sunil Roy