Hello Everyone,
I do not currently have ADS setup or a Java system to setup ADS with.
I was told by a consultant that ADS (Adobe Document Services) is not required using the "print preview" option when outputting a report from SAP. I have reviewed a number of SAP notes, implemented some in sandbox without much success. Although, it seems none of the SAP notes list ADS as a prerequisite so I am not 100 percent sure if it is or isn't. Is this true?
SAP Notes Reviewed are:
952297 - Printing PDF-based documents fails
685571 - Printing SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe
1444342 - Device type-independent printing of ADS forms
1066060 - Printing ADS documents with Kyocera printers
1580639 - Is a PDF software required in windows for PDF conversion via device PDF1
So far in sandbox I have implemented
685571 - Printing SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe, option 2
1444342 - For Front-end printing, (access type G)
1066060 - Printing ADS documents with Kyocera printers
Even after I implemented these SAP notes I still get the same error messages:
1. For printer LOCAL - Cannot find PDL type for output device XXXXX
2. For printer ZPDF1 - SYSTEM ERROR: SOAP Framework error: SOAP Runtime Exception: CSoapExceptionTransport : HTTP send failed with exception communication_ (because ADS is not setup)
Then I tried SAP note: 1580639 - Is a PDF software required in windows for PDF conversion via device PDF1
This too did not resolve the issue.
So far the only luck I have is generating the ABAP list and sending it to a LOCAL PDF device on the users windows system. Which was not acceptable to the customer.
Any help/advice would be much appreciated!
Thank you