Hi Experts,
I need your help again. I am doing ECC6 EHP7 upgrade on Windows 2008/SQL platform. I am in Execution Phase and getting the following error.
I checked the OSS Note 1678564 and remove the entry for abap/buffers_size since it was set low from the default.
I am getting the following error:
Last error code set: Single errors (code <= 8) found in logfile 'RSCRRLST.ELG'
ERROR: Batchjob RSUPG_ISU_CRR on shadow system failed.
Detected the following errors:
# E:\usr\sap\SUM\SUM\abap\log\RSCRRLST.DV2:
A4 ESCRR 002 " " A4 ESCRR 001 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
A4 ESCRR_ISU 005 Action "LAST" started at "11:19:11"("30.10.2014") A4 ESCRR_ISU 010 Number of used dialog processes set to "3"
A4 ESCRR_ISU 010 Number of used dialog processes set to "10"
A2EESCRR 064 No tasks exist for transition "LAST_TRANSFER" and scenario "ISU"
Trouble Ticket Generation
A trouble ticket and an archive with all relevant log files have been generated. Trouble ticket: "E:\usr\sap\SUM\SUM\abap\log\SAPup_troubleticket.log" Log archive: "E:\usr\sap\SUM\SUM\abap\log\SAPup_troubleticket_logs.sar"
Any Help will be appreciated.