I met some problem to deploy the J2EE-APPS sca.
JSPM has hanged up on the component tc~sec~wssec~app.sda.
Log file contained tc~sec~wssec~app.sd deployment finished.
I have restart JSPM in order to resume this componant deployment but another error occurs : cause=[An error occurred while restarting the server.]
My kernel is 7.20 patch 402.
I have tried an undeploy from the java telnet, but the J2EE-APPS sca is listed as not deploy.
So I also tried to deploy the file manually, it did not deployed.
I have undeployed this sda file and try to deploy it with java telnet.
File does not deploy.
But the problem is now that it avoids other deployment which needs as java to restart like servercore or messaging ...
Somebody has an idea ?
Thank for help.