Hi Basis Expert,
Currently i am installation SAP Netweaver 7.4 - ERP6.0 EHP7.0 system. The OS is AIX 6.1 & DB is DB2 LUW 10.5.
I am using SWPM for the installation.
During the execution step i.e during the Abap Import phase it is giving the error. The error is as follows.
<sid>adm> R3load -testconnect
sapparam: sapargv(argc, argv) has not been called!
sapparam(1c): No Profile used.
sapparam: SAPSYSTEMNAME neither in Profile nor in Commandline
R3load: START OF LOG: 20141125111424
R3load: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/741_REL/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#6 $ SAP
R3load: version R7.40/V1.8 [UNICODE]
Compiled Nov 23 2013 13:20:37
-------------------- Start of patch information ------------------------
patchinfo (patches.h): (0.009) Support for SUM/ZDM and DMO (note 1778564)
DBSL patchinfo (patches.h): (0.006) DB6: long running SQL for revalidation (note 1925706)
--------------------- End of patch information -------------------------
process id 13172884
DbSl Trace: DB2 software level mismatch between client and server.
(DB) ERROR: db_connect rc = 256
DbSl Trace: DB2 software level mismatch between client and server.
(DB) ERROR: DbSlErrorMsg rc = 29
R3load: job finished with 1 error(s)
R3load: END OF LOG: 20141125111425
Also i have mentioned below the output of "R3trans -d"
<sid>adm> R3trans -d
This is R3trans version 6.24 (release 741 - 10.10.13 - 20:13:08 ).
unicode enabled version
2EETW152 Cannot open file "trans.log".
: Permission denied
R3trans finished (0012).
Appreciate your help on this issue.