This document describes procedure for Kernel Up gradation for a SAP system in windows platform.
Step by Step Procedure for Kernel Up-gradation:
- Basis Administrator shall login to with OSS & password and download the latest Kernel files.
- Downloads---->SAP Support Packages---->Support packages & Patches-Entry By application group---->SAP application Components---->SAP ERP---->SAP ERP 6.0----> Entry By Component---->SAP ECC Server----> SAP KERNEL 7.20 EXT 64-BIT UC---->Windows Server on X64 64BIT---->MaxDB “SAPEXEDB_402-20006745.SAR” (Kernel Part II)
- Downloads---->SAP Support Package---->Support packages & Patches-Entry By application group---->SAP application Components---->SAP ERP---->SAP ERP 6.0---->Entry By Component---->SAP ECC Server---->SAP SAP KERNEL 7.20 EXT 64-BIT UC---->Windows Server on X64 64BIT---->#Database Independent “SAPEXE_402-20006748.SAR” (Kernel Part I).
2. Login to the Server through OS level with SIDadm.
3. Make the copies of the existing folders in the backup folder :-
- Drive:\usr\sap\SID\SYS\exe
4. Stop the SAP Instance & Services
- SAPHostControl
- SAPHostExec
5. Extract the SAR Files
- Go to command prompt
- Go to as above path & Extract the files
c:\sapcar –xvf *.sar
6. Copy and paste the uncared files to \usr\sap\SID\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\ .
7. Select the option copy and Replace if it prompts pop message as “There is already a file with same name in the location.”
8. Start the services and Instances
9. Check the updated kernel from Command Prompt by giving disp+work.