Hi ,
I am trying to use the host name with port number but I am getting the below issue.
I have checked the DEFAULT.PFL file it contains the below information.
icm/HTTP/mod_0 = PREFIX=/,FILE=$(DIR_GLOBAL)/security/data/icm_filter_rules.txt
icm_filters_rules.txt file contains the below information.
# ICM Rewrite Rules for NWA (restrict access to local host)
# if %{REMOTE_ADDR} !stricmp [AND]
if %{REMOTE_ADDR} !stricmp ::1
# RegIRedirectUrl ^/webdynpro/resources/sap.com/tc~lm~itsam~ui~mainframe~wd/.*$ /nwa/remote_access_error [QSA]
But still i cannot access using hostname or IP address .
I can access using only localhost. Because of this i cannot login from the GUI also.
Please help me how to resolve this issue.
Thanks & Regards,