SAP Logon Issue with Copyright Dialog Box at every single logon on QAS system
after a full database system refresh (system copy over existing test system from production system)
A similar question was asked in February 2012 and was not answered.
From last few days, every QAS user logs into SAP, a Copyright Dialog appears with User last logon time,
every time each user has to Click Continue on the dialog box.
Normally this type of Copyright pop-up contains more information on the License
in this case the dialog box is almost empty, no license information are displayed
and yes the license of this system is fully OK
This seems to be caused by the copy of production to test system, while after the copy
we do run R3trans to import back some technical tables content,
one of the tables restored may cause this issue. We don't know which one
WE would like to solve this... any help would be greatly appraciated
Thanks and Best Regards,