Hello Everyone,
I have a Problem with one of the particular Printers.
When the users give the print after particular time (for an example 19:30) , then the Spool Requets creates only at 21:30 and later. Even the Print Immediately Option is selected. spool requests are not getting generated immediately.
When I open and check last spool request which was at 19:30., it Shows the Generation Time : 19:30 and Modification Time 21:30.
How to check which process or which Job modify this?
Can you please let me know how to avoid this Problem and how to Isolate this Problem?
I have a plan to Monitor the below.
1. Spool Work process DEV traces.
2. Monitor the Spool work process availability at the specified time.
But can you please let me know, is there any other way of isolating this issue and find solution to avoid this issue further?
Thank you.