We have Sybase Unwired Platform ( SUP ver. 2.2 SP03 ) installed on windows VMware and to configure the SSL between SAP Control Center *( ver.
3.2.7 ) of Sybase Unwired Platform on windows VMware host and Enterprize Network, we :
1. have imported Enterprize Networks' 2048 Bits SSL Certificate ( Generated by submitting the CSR of SUP Host at Enterprize Network Cert Management
Utility ) through import command and wee see the Enterprize Networks' 2048 Bits Certificates - Main, Root CA and POLCA ) .
2. but, at Windows side in Details of Self Certificate of Windows Host :
a. we see the Certificate length as 1024
b. we get the following error related to Windows Self - Cert :
" This CA Root Certificate is not trusted. To Enable Trust, install this certificate in Trusted Root Certification Authority Store "
So, It seems that we need to increase the length of the Local Windows Host's Self Signed Certificate from 1024 to 2048 ( is there any parameter for this ? )
Need to install this Certificate in " Tursted Root Certification Athorirty Soter" ( how to do this on Windows 2008 R2 ? )
Pl provide your inputs - your time and effort is highly appreciated.
Thank you,
- Ishan