When I try to update or import "com.sap.aii.adapter.lib.sda" (which contains a new jdbc driver) I get the message "Item already deployed" from NWDS. I get a similar message from SUM when I tried to deploy there. We are on a new NW 7.4 install for PI.
Warning Message:
All items already deployed.[ERROR CODE DPL.DCAPI.1031] AllItemsAlreadyDeployedValidationException.
Reason: ASJ.dpl_dc.003456 All batch items are marked as AlreadyDeployed because of Version check.
Information Message:
[#2]: All Items Already Deployed Validation Exception during deployment phase [AllItemsAlreadyDeployedValidationException],cause=[ASJ.dpl_dc.003456 All batch items are marked as AlreadyDeployed because of Version check.] [INFO: 1/18/15 11:01 PM /userOut/daView_category (eclipse.UserOutLocation) Thread[Worker-6,5,main]]
I confirmed the driver still does not exist by viewing the Java Class Loader Viewer.
How do I change/increment the version of the com.sap.aii.adapter.lib.sda so NWDS will import it?
I'm referencing note 1401570 (https://websmp230.sap-ag.de/sap(bD1lbiZjPTAwMQ==)/bc/bsp/sno/ui_entry/entry.htm?param=69765F6D6F64653D3030312669765F7361…).
I added the new jar file to the archive and updated the provider.xml file accordingly (all using 7zip).
Thank you,