We have an ECC EHP7 system- XYZ with HR components on 600.
While patching the system, we selected EA-HR & SAP-HR patches 96 to 105 as part of SPS5 stack in MOPZ.
Once SUM finished, EA-HR & SAP-HR were on 105...but along with these, EA-HR* & SAP-HR* also moved from 0 to 97.
The issue is, we need this system to be in sync with another system- ABC (where EA-HR & SAP-HR are on 105, but the EA-HR* & SAP-HR* components are on patch 0).
Do these sub-components get patched automatically or something & how do we now go about bringing the sub patches for these 2 from 0 to 97 for system ABC.
MOPZ does not allow for this selection.
Please help......
Thanks a lot !