We are having an Oracle (10g) Database size of around 500 GB
There are 3 different organizations access this database to store its data. (Organizational codes defining as Org1 - 5000 , Org2 - 6000 , Org3 - 7000)
All 3 companies are working under the same client - (Ex: Client 777)
In this case, Is it possible to get a rough value on the data available on the DB for each company?
(Org1 have stored 150 GB of data.... Org2 has stored 75 GB of data....likewise)
Each of companies are having different number of user licenses as well. (Org1 having 50 users, Org2 having 150 users, Org3 having 200 users)
Is it possible to get a sample value(by means of any measurement) , of the usage of the system by the 3 companies?
What is the best method , to get an idea regarding the workload of the 3 different companies? (either by using database or by using the system)