we want to setup SMTP sending through our hosted exchange plattform, which requires SMTP authentication. This is no big deal as that can be defined within the SMTP Node of SCOT (e.g. noreply@domain.com). The problem is, that SAP always takes the address of the SAP user (e.g. username@domain.com) as the sender and from address, which causes a "550 5.7.1 Client does not have permissions to send as this sender".
I've learned that one can set a default parameter (SMTP_TECH_SENDER within SOST->Utilities->General Parameters) for that, this shows in the trace as tech sender and envelope sender this default address, BUT the FROM sender is still filled with the name of the user and his personal email. So the SMTP server still rejects that as that is not the same address as that one defined within the SMTP node.
I've searched a lot but could not find any solution to that. Has anybody an idea how to solve that ?
Thanks a lot,