Hi have in the same host : ERP 6.0 EHP7, EP 7.4, SOLMAN 7.1.
Windows 2008 X86_64. MaxDB Engine ERP and EP with HHR Database and SOLMAN in HRS database.
All instances start without problem. But some services Fail. Example when start the SPAM abort because need the file D:depot/base/741_REL//src/bas/tp/tpfsacc.c, my SCN connection is die because check the SAPOSS (SM59) and show error because not found the module D:/depot/bas/741_REL/src/base/ni/ninti.c
The depot directory was deleted because need free disk space and the backup only takes the commun paths /usr/sap, sapdb, /sapmnt. In other releases the depot directory is inside /sapmnt but in our case is out in the root of Disk D:.
Need re-create the Depot directory with all subfolders and files. Its this possible. Have the MaxDB original software installation and inside the SDBINST.TGZ found the file base.pm .... any idea....
Have opened a message for this case but must wait until next monday for the SAP Support.