We had an incident where one of the JAVA app server host became hung/unresponsive, but still Web Dispatcher(WD) didn't route the request to other available instance.
The host was completely hung, so there is nothing written in logs during that duration.
Whereas, I can see the below information in the WD log :
[Thr 140112468014848] Wed Mar 4 22:50:01 2015
[Thr 140112468014848] *** ERROR => Connection request to host: XYZ, service: 54200 failed (NIECONN_REFUSED) [icxxpool_mt. 1967]
[Thr 140112475412224] *** ERROR => Connection request to host: XYZ, service: 54200 failed (NIECONN_REFUSED) [icxxpool_mt. 1967]
[Thr 140112475412224] *** ERROR => error connecting to server 'J2EEABC' {00699e2b} [http_route_mt.c 3161]
[Thr 140112468014848] Wed Mar 4 22:50:04 2015
[Thr 140112468014848] *** ERROR => Connection request to host: XYZ, service: 54200 failed (NIECONN_REFUSED) [icxxpool_mt. 1967]
[Thr 140112468014848] *** ERROR => error connecting to server 'J2EEABC' {00539db6} [http_route_mt.c 3161]
Any recommendations, how can we make WD route request to other instance in this case.