1 pre requisite before the installation:
1.1 How Trex Works?
TREX is based on a client/server architecture. The client software is integrated into the application that uses the TREX functions, and allows communication with the TREX servers. The TREX servers execute the requests of the clients: They index and classify documents and respond to search queries.
1.1 Must do before you Proceed with Trex Installtion
- Please download the right document for Trex 7 based on netweaver version and collect the details of Hardware requirements and OS requirements.
Installtion guide for SAP NetWeaver 2004s Standalone Engine Search and Classification (TREX) Single Host
- root user access needed.
- Download the Trex software from Marketplace.
- Go Through below SAP Notes:
Note 802987 - TREX 7.0: Central Note
Note 1450091 - TREX 7.00: Revision 50 ( for Trex
1 TREX Installation
- Login to the OS level and set the below variables.
export DISPLAY=<jump host>:143.0
export SAPINST_JRE_HOME=/usr/bin
[root@trexhost]# export TMP=/tmp;export TEMP=/tmp;export TMPDIR=/tmp
- Start installation
From root user run the SAPINST
Complete the SAPINST Process .
1 Trex configuration
3.1 determine the TREX name server address and status:
You can determine the TREX name server address in two ways:
- a. Start the TREX admin tool and determine the address of the name server using Landscape → Tree → topology → globals → all_masters. For example: mytrexhost:34801
- b. Determine the port of the TREX name server by means of the following rule: <name_server_port>: 3<instance_number>01
Make sure all services are green in Trexadmin tool.
3.1 Address should be maintained in VA for all processes
You have to specify the address of the TREX name server in the SAP NetWeaver Visual Administrator by naming the following values <host_name_of_trex_host>:<name_server_port>
3.1 Checking Proxy Settings for TREX:
If a Java application communicates with TREX, you configure the TREX Java client, which is integrated as a TREX service in the J2EE engine. You also check the client-side proxy settings.
If an application is unable to communicate with TREX, it may be due to the application trying to access TREX using a proxy server. If this is the case, you have to change the configuration so that access does not take place using the proxy server.
The proxy settings belong to the Java parameters. If a proxy server is configured in the Java parameters, enter the TREX host in the parameter nonProxyHosts.
Login to VA->server->services->Trex service
3.1 The final check from portal:
Login to the http://<portal host>:<port>/irj/portal
Choose System Administration -> Monitoring -> Knowledge Management -> TREX Monitor -> Server Status.
You should see the status of the HTTP Server, Name Server, Queue Server, and Index Server is Available (green).