Hi Gurus,
I am trying to install a Netweaver 7.4 java system on Oracle
11.2.4 and Linux
it is a standard installation, I am using Software
provisioning manager 1.0 and have choose the following path
SAP netweaver 7.4 support release 2 ->Oracle->SAP
system->Application server Java->Standard system
while defining parameters for installation in the following
screen (Enter the required parameters for the primary application server (PAS)
instance and for the central services (SCS) instance.) I am being asked to
enter virtual host names for PAS and SCS.
I am unable to understand why I need to enter virtual host
name if I an doing a central/standard installation(all instances in the same
Has anything changed for NW 7.4 installations ?
My host file have following entry:
# more hosts localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 idmbox.ABC.com idmbox
Please help.