Hello all,
I am in process of REP patch to SP23. I hvae this error from spam:
Inconsistency: Delete the queue completely and define it again
When I am tring to delete the queue. I get this massage:
Support Package SAPKITAR7H could not be removed from R3U buffer
Queue log:
Deleting the current OCS Queue (03.09.2013, 15:06:57)
The import of the OCS Queue is stopped in phase 'ADD_TO_BUFFER'
Reset OCS Package SAPKITAR7H
Error during executing the tp command 'tp DELFROMBUFFER SAPKITAR7H R
tp return code: '0211' , tp message: 'no info about transport reques
initial value of NLS_LANG: 'AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8'
This is tp version 372.05.38 (release 700, unicode enabled)
Warning: Parameter DBLIBPATH is no longer used.
ERROR: SAPKITAR7H : couldn't locate TA-info in .../cofiles
(illegal format detected)
Warning: (SAPKITAR7H.ALL) not found in buffer
standard output from tp and from tools called by tp:
tp returncode summary:
TOOLS: Highest return code of single steps was: 4
ERRORS: Highest tp internal error was: 0211.
Support Package SAPKITAR7H could not be removed from R3U buffer
Thanks for any advice.