Dear Experts,
Recently I upgrade our sap and database system from EHP4 /oracle 10g to EHP7/oracle 11g after upgrade I restart sap and operating system may times it's working fine, today after 13 or 14 days after upgrade I change parameter ( because work process max time reached ) and the stopsap r3 then startsap but sap not up.
I stopsap and copy all files from /usr/sap/SID/DV*/work and empty work folder and restart operating system but when I start sap sap not start ( database started ) I check work directory but no dispatcher , work process, message server files exist ( I remove added parameter from OS level ) but issue same.
Dear Experts,
Recently I upgrade our sap and database system from EHP4 /oracle 10g to EHP7/oracle 11g after upgrade I restart sap and operating system may times it's working fine, today after 13 or 14 days after upgrade I change parameter ( because work process max time reached ) and the stopsap r3 then startsap but sap not up.
I stopsap and copy all files from /usr/sap/SID/DV*/work and empty work folder and restart operating system but when I start sap sap not start ( database started ) I check work directory but no dispatcher , workprocess, message server files exist ( I remove added parmeter from OS level ) but issue same.
tstsap:tstadm 67> startsap
Checking TST Database
Database is not available via R3trans
Trying to start TST database ...
Log file: /home/tstadm/startdb.log
TST database started
Starting Startup Agent sapstartsrv
Instance Service on host tstsap started
starting SAP Instance DVEBMGS00
Startup-Log is written to /home/tstadm/startsap_DVEBMGS00.log
/usr/sap/TST/DVEBMGS00/exe/sapcontrol -prot NI_HTTP -nr 00 -function Start
Instance on host tstsap started
tstsap:tstadm 68>
tstsap:tstadm 51> stopsap
Checking TST Database
Database is running
stopping the SAP instance DVEBMGS00
Shutdown-Log is written to /home/tstadm/stopsap_DVEBMGS00.log
Instance DVEBMGS00 was not running!
Trying to stop TST database ...
Log file: /home/tstadm/stopdb.log
TST database stopped
Checking TST Database
Database is not available via R3trans
tstsap:tstadm 52>
SAP-R/3-Startup Program Rel 741 V2.0 (2008/11/15)
Starting at 2014/11/12 23:28:06
Startup Profile: "/usr/sap/TST/SYS/profile/TST_DVEBMGS00_tstsap"
Starting Programs
(15058) Waiting for Child Processes to terminate.
(15058) **** No more Child Processes to wait for.
(15058) Parent Shutdown at 2014/11/12 23:28:06
Execute Post-Shutdown Commands
(15058) Exiting with Return-Code 3. (No more child processes)
START_TIME 2014/11/12 23:28:06
START_PROF /usr/sap/TST/SYS/profile/TST_DVEBMGS00_tstsap
CMD_LINE pf=/usr/sap/TST/SYS/profile/TST_DVEBMGS00_tstsap
SHUTDWN_AT 2014/11/12 23:28:06
EXIT_TIME 2014/11/12 23:28:06
EXIT_WITH 3 No more child processes
trc file: "dev_sapstart", trc level: 1, release: "741"
Wed Nov 12 23:28:06 2014
SigISetDefaultAction : default handling for signal SIGCHLD
instance profile
rsec/ssfs_keypath = /usr/sap/TST/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/key
rsec/ssfs_datapath = /usr/sap/TST/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/data
rsdb/ssfs_connect = 1
#parameter created by: DDIC 27.10.2014 06:59:47
#ztta/roll_area = 20000000
#parameter created by: DDIC 27.10.2014 06:58:51
#abap/heap_area_nondia = 10000000000
exe/saposcol = $(DIR_CT_RUN)/saposcol
#parameter created by: DDIC 27.10.2014 06:57:29
#abap/heap_area_total = 10000000000
#old_value: 10 changed: DDIC 27.10.2014 06:54:22
rdisp/wp_no_dia = 15
#old_value: 3 changed: DDIC 27.10.2014 06:54:22
rdisp/wp_no_btc = 4
exe/icmbnd = $(DIR_CT_RUN)/icmbnd
icm/server_port_0 = PROT=HTTP,PORT=80$$
# SAP Message Server parameters are set in the DEFAULT.PFL
ms/server_port_0 = PROT=HTTP,PORT=81$$
rdisp/wp_no_enq = 1
#old_value: 1 changed: DDIC 27.10.2014 06:53:46
rdisp/wp_no_vb = 2
#old_value: 1 changed: DDIC 27.10.2014 06:54:22
rdisp/wp_no_vb2 = 2
#old_value: 1 changed: DDIC 27.10.2014 06:54:22
rdisp/wp_no_spo = 3
ipc/shm_psize_10 = 136000000
ipc/shm_psize_40 = 112000000
please help me to resolve this issue