I've upgraded from 7.01 to 7.4 and after that the scheduled backups of external DB are failing.
SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE has failed for BRBACKUP - Causa: program_start_error: See SYSLOG
Error 1005 when executing external command brbackup on SAPXPG_DBDEST_SAPSID (xpgid=0,convid=.)
I've installed gateway instance and the rfc connection test works successfully but I'm getting this error message.
I've checked DEV_CP and DEV_XPG
Trace file of control program trace level = 3 < Function: BtcTrcInit>
Function: main SAPXPG 720 2015-03-24--12-22-05 : Before RfcAccept 2015-03-24--12-22-05 : RfcAccept returned OK Begin of check_if_security_list security check switched OFF End of check_if_security_list Begin of check_trace_option End of check_trace_option Begin of open_protocol_file protocol for commands switched off ! Install RFC call SAPXPG_START_XPG Install RFC call SAPXPG_START_XPG_LONG Install RFC call SAPXPG_END_XPG Wait for RFC call SAPXPG_START_XPG or SAPXPG_START_XPG_LONG 2015-03-24--12-22-05 : Before first call of RFCDispatch Security: rfcexec_logon_check rfcexec_logon_check: logon_user = EXTERNAL sapxpg_logon_check: rfc_attr.user = EXTERNAL rfcexec_logon_check: client = 100
Trace file of External Program trace level = 3 < Function: BtcTrcInit> Function: BtcXpgStart External program: brarchive -sid PIP -jid LOG__20150324121159 -u / -c force -p initpip.sap -sd What can I check? Regards.