I am trying to upgrade my ERP 6.0 system to EHP7 but SUM is stuck on PREP_EXTENSION/EHP_INCLUSION stage. It says;
3 ETN248 Component: "SAP_GWFND" rel. "740", Support Package level: "0" (component type "A")
3 ETN248 Component: "SAP_UI" rel. "740", Support Package level: "0" (component type "A")
2 ETN085X"Calculate pure CRT Queue" "for installed Add-ons" "and already applied Support Packages" " "
3 ETN112 The OCS Package Queue is empty
2 ETN085X"Adding Add-on Installation Queue" " " " " " " 2EETN403 Add on installation/upgrade not yet complete. CRTs are required
I generated my stack.xml from Solution Manager, I selected EHP7 SP7 as target stack and then downloaded addons and support packages according to SolMan. Also my SolMan is on SP12 and has latest CIM content.
I tried resetting SUM, generating new stack.xml, downloading everything again (which was 41 GB) but nothing changed. It always stuck at the same point.
I am providing you my logs, if you can help me I will be grateful.
My system is on Windows 2008 R2 server with SQL 2012 SP1 CU7. Before EHP upgrade I also upgraded my SAP_BASIS from SP5 to SP16. I am also using latest 7.21 EXT x64 UC kernel with tp & r3trans updates.
Best regards