Hi ,
I am trying to log in to the SAP BW system but I cannot. I have checked the services and disp+work.exe service is not running . I have checked the trace long and I have seen some error .
Please find the below log file .
trc file: "dev_disp", trc level: 1, release: "740"
sysno 00
sid SRI
systemid 562 (PC with Windows NT)
relno 7400
patchlevel 0
patchno 12
intno 20020600
make multithreaded, Unicode, 64 bit, optimized
profile \\BI74SERVER\sapmnt\SRI\SYS\profile\SRI_DVEBMGS00_BI74SERVER
pid 6064
Mon Apr 06 12:12:13 2015
kernel runs with dp version 181000(ext=116000) (@(#) DPLIB-INT-VERSION-181000-UC)
length of sys_adm_ext is 500 bytes
*** SWITCH TRC-HIDE on ***
***LOG Q00=> DpSapEnvInit, DPStart (00 6064) [dpInit.c 548]
shared lib "dw_xml.dll" version 12 successfully loaded
shared lib "dw_xtc.dll" version 12 successfully loaded
shared lib "dw_stl.dll" version 12 successfully loaded
shared lib "dw_gui.dll" version 12 successfully loaded
shared lib "dw_mdm.dll" version 12 successfully loaded
shared lib "dw_rndrt.dll" version 12 successfully loaded
shared lib "dw_abp.dll" version 12 successfully loaded
rdisp/softcancel_sequence : -> 0,5,-5
use internal message server connection to port 3901
rdisp/snapshot(PERIOD):300 sec
rdisp/snapshot(LINES):10000 lines
DpCommonParamInit: rdisp/core_file_size = default --> no change
Mon Apr 06 12:12:18 2015
*** WARNING => DpNetCheck: NiAddrToHost( took 5 seconds
***LOG GZZ=> 1 possible network problems detected - check tracefile and adjust the DNS settings [dpxxtool2.c 4919]
MtxInit: 30000 0 0
DpIPCInit2: write dp-profile-values into sys_adm_ext
DpIPCInit2: start server >BI74SERVER_SRI_00 <
DpShMCreate: alloate/attach shared memory (mode=CREATE)
DpShMCreate: sizeof(wp_adm) 22848 (1088)
DpShMCreate: sizeof(tm_adm) 7001232 (34832)
DpShMCreate: sizeof(ca_adm) 432000 (72)
DpCommTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/tableSize=500/16/1336064/1455152
DpShMCreate: sizeof(comm_adm) 1455152 (2648)
DpSlockTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/fiSize/tableSize=0/0/0/0/0
DpShMCreate: sizeof(slock_adm) 0 (296)
DpFileTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/tableSize=0/0/0/0
DpShMCreate: sizeof(file_adm) 0 (80)
DpSockTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/tableSize=500/16/520064/520080
DpShMCreate: sizeof(sock_adm) 520080 (1016)
DpShMCreate: sizeof(vmc_adm) 0 (3208)
DpShMCreate: sizeof(wall_adm) (ft=41664/fi=67472/hd=64/rec=192)
DpShMCreate: sizeof(amc_rec_adm) (ft=86464/fi=67472/hd=64/rec=408)
DpShMCreate: sizeof(websocket_adm) (ft=38464/hd=64/rec=176)
DpShMCreate: sizeof(gw_adm) 48
DpShMCreate: sizeof(j2ee_adm) 3936
DpShMCreate: SHM_DP_ADM_KEY (addr: 0000000007D50050, size: 9842016)
DpShMCreate: allocated sys_adm at 0000000007D50250
DpShMCreate: allocated wp_adm_list at 0000000007D61C30
DpShMCreate: allocated wp_adm at 0000000007D61F50
DpShMCreate: allocated tm_adm_list at 0000000007D67A90
DpShMCreate: allocated tm_adm at 0000000007D67CD0
DpShMCreate: allocated ca_adm at 0000000008415360
DpShMCreate: allocated comm_adm at 000000000847ECE0
DpShMCreate: system runs without slock table
DpShMCreate: allocated sock_adm at 00000000085E2310
DpShMCreate: allocated vmc_adm_list at 00000000086614A0
DpShMCreate: system runs without VMC
DpShMCreate: allocated gw_adm at 0000000008661740
DpShMCreate: allocated j2ee_adm at 0000000008661970
DpShMCreate: allocated ca_info at 0000000008662AD0
DpShMCreate: allocated wall_adm (ft) at 0000000008662D10
DpShMCreate: allocated wall_adm (fi) at 000000000866D1D0
DpShMCreate: allocated wall_adm (head) at 000000000867DB60
DpShMCreate: allocated amc_rec_adm (ft) at 000000000867DDA0
DpShMCreate: allocated amc_rec_adm (fi) at 0000000008693160
DpShMCreate: allocated amc_rec_adm (head) at 00000000086A3AF0
DpShMCreate: allocated websocket_adm (ft) at 00000000086A3D30
DpShMCreate: allocated websocket_adm (head) at 00000000086AD570
DpShMCreate: initialized 21 eyes
DpSysAdmIntInit: initialize sys_adm
Scheduler info
WP info
#dia = 10
#btc = 0
#standby = 0
#max = 21
General Scheduler info
preemptionInfo.isActive = true
preemptionInfo.timeslice = 500
preemptionInfo.checkLoad = true
Prio Class High
maxRuntime[RQ_Q_PRIO_HIGH] = 6000 sec
maxRuntimeHalf[RQ_Q_PRIO_HIGH] = 3000 sec
Prio Class Normal
maxRuntime[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL] = 6000 sec
maxRuntimeHalf[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL] = 3000 sec
maxTicketsForPrio[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL] = 8
withPrioTickets[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL] = true
Prio Class Low
maxRuntime[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW] = infinite
maxRuntimeHalf[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW] = infinite
maxTicketsForPrio[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW] = 8
withPrioTickets[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW] = true
DpCommAttachTable: attached comm table (header=000000000847ECE0/ft=000000000847ECF0/fi=00000000085C4FF0)
DpSockAttachTable: attached sock table (header=00000000085E2310/ft=00000000085E2320)
MBUF state OFF
DpCommInitTable: init table for 500 entries
DpSockInitTable: init table for 500 entries
EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).
MM global diagnostic options set: 0
<ES> client 21 initializing ....
<ES> EsILock: use spinlock for locking
<ES> InitFreeList
<ES> block size is 4096 kByte.
<ES> Info: em/initial_size_MB( 22937MB) not multiple of em/blocksize_KB( 4096KB)
<ES> Info: em/initial_size_MB rounded up to 22940MB
<ES> Info: disclaim threshold = 0 MB
<ES> Info: disclaim coasting/alloc = 300 s
<ES> Info: disclaim coasting/free = 0 s
<ES> Info: blockdisclaimsize_KB = 0 KB
Using implementation view
<EsNT> Using memory model view.
<EsNT> Memory Reset disabled as NT default
*** ERROR => <EsNT> CreateFileMapping name=Global\ES_SEG_00_008 ,size=2044 MB, error=1455 [esnti.c 1278]
* Memory diagnostic *
Processor-Typ : Processor-Count : 8
Operating System : NT 6.1, Build 7601
Service Pack : Service Pack 1
NT Pagefile Informations
Config. minimum size : 12288000 K
Config. maximum size : 12288000 K
Avail. maximum size : 30693804 K
| Num|Pagefile | Min.Size| Max.Size| Avail.Max| Curr.Size|
| 1|c:\pagefile.sys | 0 K| 0 K|18405804 K|18147756 K|
| 2|d:\pagefile.sys |12288000 K|12288000 K|12288000 K|12288000 K|
NT Task Manager Informations
Total Handles : 32798
Total Threads : 1191
Total Processes : 119
Commit Charge Total : 61896596 K
Commit Charge Limit : 63987888 K
Commit Charge Peak : 61896596 K
Phys.Memory Total : 33553976 K
Phys.Memory Available : 26397724 K
File Cache : 165976 K
Kernel Memory Total : 412596 K
Kernel Memory Paged : 347004 K
Kernel Memory Nonpaged : 65592 K
Memory usage of current process
Total virt.address space : 0000008589934464 K
Avail.virt.address space : 0000008585683196 K
Private Pages : 0 K
Total heap size : 14024 K
Virtual memory regions : 42 K
Uncommitted heap memory : 5096 K
Allocated heap memory : 7852 K
Moveable heap memory : 0 K
DDE shared heap memory : 4344 K
Memory usage of all processes
| PID|Image |Instance | Work.Set| WS Peak|Priv.Pages| PP Peak|Pg Fault|
|1352|sapstartsrv.exe | | 42812 K| 98508 K| 69232 K| 127028 K| 25|
|4068|conhost.exe | | 3288 K| 3288 K| 1592 K| 34832 K| 0|
|5316|conhost.exe | | 3296 K| 3296 K| 1592 K| 34832 K| 0|
|5580|msg_server.EXE | | 16376 K| 16376 K| 18540 K| 18544 K| 4|
|5552|conhost.exe | | 3300 K| 3300 K| 1588 K| 1588 K| 0|
|4724|enserver.EXE | | 113852 K| 113852 K| 839228 K| 839232 K| 28|
|4512|conhost.exe | | 3296 K| 3296 K| 1588 K| 1588 K| 0|
|6064|disp+work.EXE | | 57980 K| 57980 K| 79832 K| 122512 K| 21|
|6020|conhost.exe | | 3296 K| 3296 K| 1588 K| 1588 K| 0|
|5308|igswd.EXE | | 9120 K| 9120 K| 6256 K| 7212 K| 2|
|3344|conhost.exe | | 3320 K| 3320 K| 1588 K| 1588 K| 0|
|4748|igsmux.exe | | 37148 K| 37148 K| 37972 K| 38016 K| 9|
|4476|igspw.exe | | 7828 K| 7828 K| 5352 K| 5352 K| 1|
|5860|igspw.exe | | 7832 K| 7832 K| 5352 K| 5352 K| 1|
| |Sum | | 312744 K|**********| 1071300 K|**********|********|
Mon Apr 06 12:12:19 2015
*** Error 11 while initializing OS dependent part.
*** ERROR => DpEmInit: EmInit failed (1) [dpInit.c 1407]
*** ERROR => DpMemInit: DpEmInit (-1) [dpInit.c 1271]
*** DP_FATAL_ERROR => DpSapEnvInit: DpMemInit
increase tracelevel of WPs
NiIWait: sleep (10000ms) ...
NiISelect: timeout 10000ms
NiISelect: maximum fd=981
NiISelect: read-mask is NULL
NiISelect: write-mask is NULL
Mon Apr 06 12:12:29 2015
NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (10000ms)
dump system status
Workprocess Table (long) Mon Apr 06 06:42:29 2015
*** WARNING => DpGetSnapshotId: dispatcher not alive [dpxxtool2.c 7192]
Number of preemptions : 0
|No |Pid |Type|State |Cause|Err|Prio|Sess-Key |Sess-Type|Locked|Sem|Time |Program |Cli|User |Action |Action-Info |
Queue Statistics Mon Apr 06 06:42:29 2015
Number of lost wakeup datagrams: 0
Max. number of queue elements : 14000
NOWP: 0 (peak 0, writeCount 0, readCount 0)
DIA: 0 (peak 0, writeCount 0, readCount 0)
UPD: 0 (peak 0, writeCount 0, readCount 0)
ENQ: 0 (peak 0, writeCount 0, readCount 0)
BTC: 0 (peak 0, writeCount 0, readCount 0)
SPO: 0 (peak 0, writeCount 0, readCount 0)
UP2: 0 (peak 0, writeCount 0, readCount 0)
Session queue dump (high priority, 0 elements, peak 0):
Session queue dump (normal priority, 0 elements, peak 0):
Session queue dump (low priority, 0 elements, peak 0):
Logon Table Mon Apr 06 06:42:29 2015
No logons/sessions found
CA Blocks
0 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 0 currently unowned (in request queues)
NiIWait: sleep (5000ms) ...
NiISelect: timeout 5000ms
NiISelect: maximum fd=981
NiISelect: read-mask is NULL
NiISelect: write-mask is NULL
Mon Apr 06 12:12:34 2015
NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (5000ms)
********** SERVER SNAPSHOT 1 (Reason: Shutdown) - begin **********
DpMaxWpRuntimeExplicitelySet: return 6000
DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1
Scheduler info
WP info
#dia = 10
#btc = 0
#standby = 0
#max = 21
General Scheduler info
preemptionInfo.isActive = true
preemptionInfo.timeslice = 500
preemptionInfo.checkLoad = true
Prio Class High
maxRuntime[RQ_Q_PRIO_HIGH] = 6000 sec
maxRuntimeHalf[RQ_Q_PRIO_HIGH] = 3000 sec
Prio Class Normal
maxRuntime[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL] = 6000 sec
maxRuntimeHalf[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL] = 3000 sec
maxTicketsForPrio[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL] = 8
withPrioTickets[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL] = true
Prio Class Low
maxRuntime[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW] = infinite
maxRuntimeHalf[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW] = infinite
maxTicketsForPrio[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW] = 8
withPrioTickets[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW] = true
Actual tickets in use
actTicketsInUseForPrio[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL] = 0
actTicketsInUseForPrio[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW] = 0
Queue Statistics Mon Apr 06 06:42:34 2015
Number of lost wakeup datagrams: 0
Max. number of queue elements : 14000
NOWP: 0 (peak 0, writeCount 0, readCount 0)
DIA: 0 (peak 0, writeCount 0, readCount 0)
UPD: 0 (peak 0, writeCount 0, readCount 0)
ENQ: 0 (peak 0, writeCount 0, readCount 0)
BTC: 0 (peak 0, writeCount 0, readCount 0)
SPO: 0 (peak 0, writeCount 0, readCount 0)
UP2: 0 (peak 0, writeCount 0, readCount 0)
Session queue dump (high priority, 0 elements, peak 0):
Session queue dump (normal priority, 0 elements, peak 0):
Session queue dump (low priority, 0 elements, peak 0):
CA Blocks
0 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 0 currently unowned (in request queues)
********** SERVER SNAPSHOT 1 (Reason: Shutdown) - end **********
*** WARNING => DpGetSnapshotId: dispatcher not alive [dpxxtool2.c 7192]
DpTriggerSapSnapshot: last snapshot created at Thu Jan 01 05:30:00 1970
, skip new snapshot
***LOG Q41=> DpDumpInternalTables, () [dpxxdisp.c 3024]
DpHalt: shutdown server >BI74SERVER_SRI_00 < (normal)
DpUpdateStatusFile: update status file D:\usr\sap\SRI\DVEBMGS00\work\disp+work.status, unique number = 1
DpHalt: switch off Shared memory profiling
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpWakeUpWps: wake up all wp's
DpHalt: stop work processes
DpHalt: terminate gui connections
DpHalt: wait for end of work processes
DpHalt: not attached to the message server
DpHalt: cleanup EM
EsCleanup( )
EsCleanup ....
EmCleanup() -> 0
Es2Cleanup: Cleanup ES2
***LOG Q05=> DpHalt, DPStop ( 6064) [dpInit.c 3329]
DpHalt: Good Bye .....
Please help me to resolve this issue.
Thanks & Regards,