Hi Experts,
I am trying to install sap IDES ECC 6 EhP 7 from scratch. Everything was doing well but I got an error on starting instance. SAPMMC Console Process disp+work.EXE do not change from status: "Server in State STARTING" (Yellow). I have been searching and most of the problem is related to Kernel. I upgraded Kernel to the latest version: SAPEXEDB_101-20012221.SAR and SAPEXE_101-20012222.SAR. I also check my host file and set my IP address with my computer name. I check logs dev_disp and dev_w0 but I am not able to see the error. I am installing IDES into Virtual Machine, Windows 7, SQL Server 2012, 8 Gb memory.
Best Regards.
David C.
trc file: "dev_disp", trc level: 2, release: "742"
<<- SapSSLSetTraceFile()==SAP_O_K
command line arg 0: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE
command line arg 1: pf=\\SAPIDESECC\sapmnt\ECC\SYS\profile\ECC_DVEBMGS00_SAPIDESECC
sysno 00
sid ECC
systemid 562 (PC with Windows NT)
relno 7420
patchlevel 0
patchno 101
intno 20020600
make multithreaded, Unicode, 64 bit, optimized
pid 1724
Wed May 02 19:14:50 2040
kernel runs with dp version 224000(ext=117000) (@(#) DPLIB-INT-VERSION-224000-UC)
length of sys_adm_ext is 500 bytes
***LOG Q00=> DpSapEnvInit, DPStart (00 1724) [dpInit.c 597]
ShmProtect( 5, 3 )
DpSapEnvInit: rscpInitDispatcher o.k.
SigIInit: ok (whoami=1)
Thread handle for mainthread created
SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal SIGSEGV installed (SigISegv, flag 0)
Pipe created: \\.\pipe\SAP1724
SigIInit: Create Message Thread
SigIRegisterExitRoutine: exithandler installed (DpSigExitHandler)
SigIRegisterTerminateRoutine: terminatehandler installed (DpSigExitHandler)
shared lib "dw_xml.dll" version 101 successfully loaded
shared lib "dw_xtc.dll" version 101 successfully loaded
shared lib "dw_stl.dll" version 101 successfully loaded
shared lib "dw_gui.dll" version 101 successfully loaded
Wed May 02 19:14:51 2040
shared lib "dw_rndrt.dll" version 101 successfully loaded
shared lib "dw_abp.dll" version 101 successfully loaded
mshost: >SAPIDESECC<
DpSetCancelStrat: set timeout/repetition 0/-1 at level 0
DpSetCancelStrat: set timeout/repetition 5/-1 at level 1
DpSetCancelStrat: set timeout/repetition -1/5 at level 2
rdisp/softcancel_sequence : -> 0,5,-5
softcancel_sequence: >0,5,-5<
use internal message server connection to port 3901
msserv: >3901<
dp_bufreftime: 120 sec
dp_btctime: 0 sec
dp_autoabaptime: 0 sec
dp_bgrfc_watchdog_time: 300 sec
dp_signal_handler_timeout: 300 sec
dp_autothtime: 60 sec
dp_autojavatime: 60 sec
dp_autoccmstime: 60 sec
dp_security_check_time: 60 sec
max_dynamic_wp_alive_time: 300 sec
dp_startup_time: 20
dp_noptime: 0 sec
dp_keepalive: 1200 sec
dp_keepalive_timeout: 60 sec
dp_ms_keepalive: 60 sec
dp_ms_keepalive_timeout: 300 sec
switch off dp-keep-alive for old temus
dp_spoolalrm: 60 sec
dp_softcancel_timeout: 5 sec
rdisp/wp_restart_interval : 300 sec
DpISetTrcLog: trc logging active, max size = 52428800 bytes
rdisp/shutdown/load_balance_wait_time: 180 sec
rdisp/shutdown/disable_login : 0
rdisp/shutdown/auto_logout: 600 sec
rdisp/shutdown/trigger_timeout: 180 sec
rdisp/shutdown/idle_wp_timeout: 600 sec
rdisp/shutdown/longrunner_timeout: 86400 sec
rdisp/shutdown/j2ee_timeout: 60 sec
rdisp/high_load_quota: (load / queue quota) = (90.000000 / 5.000000)
Wed May 02 19:14:51 2040
rdisp/snapshot(PERIOD):300 sec
rdisp/snapshot(LINES):10000 lines
DpSetAvoidTraceInSignalHandler: 0 -> 1
DpCommonParamInit: rdisp/core_file_size = default --> no change
NiSrvLGetServNo: got service name 'sapdp00' from operating system
NiIGetServNo: servicename 'sapdp00' = port 3200
NiSrvLGetServNo: got service name 'sapgw00' from operating system
NiIGetServNo: servicename 'sapgw00' = port 3300
NiMyHostName: hostname = 'SAPIDESECC'
NiHLGetNodeAddr: got hostname 'SAPIDESECC' from operating system
NiIGetNodeAddr: hostname 'SAPIDESECC' = addr
NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache
NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC' (fq)
NiHLGetNodeAddr: hostname 'www.doesnotexist0107.qqq.nxst' not found by operating system
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
NiHLGetHostName: address not found by operating system
*** WARNING => DpNetCheck: NiAddrToHost( took 9 seconds
NiSrvLGetServNo: got service name 'http' from operating system
NiIGetServNo: servicename 'http' = port 80
NiSrvLGetServName: port 8080 not found by operating system
NiSrvLGetServName: port 64555 not found by operating system
NiSrvLGetServNo: service name 'sapdp9988' not found by operating system
***LOG GZZ=> 1 possible network problems detected - check tracefile and adjust the DNS settings [dpxxtool2.c 5088]
SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 16 installed (DpTrcOnOff, flag 0)
SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 17 installed (DpTrcOnOff, flag 0)
SigIRegisterRoutine: alarm handler installed (DpSigAlrm)
SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal SIGINT installed (DpSigInt, flag 0)
SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal SIGTERM installed (DpSigInt, flag 0)
SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 3 installed (DpSigQuit, flag 0)
MtxInit: 30000 0 0
DpInitMtx: MtxInit o.k.
PPID environment not found
Thread handle for mainthread created
SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 19 installed (DpSigPrivDisp, flag 0)
SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 18 installed (DpSigPrivDisp, flag 0)
SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 24 installed (DpSigPrivDisp, flag 0)
SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 0 installed (DpSigPrivDisp, flag 0)
SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 21 installed (DpSigPrivDisp, flag 0)
SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal SIGABRT installed (DpSigPrivDisp, flag 0)
SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 23 installed (DpSigPrivDisp, flag 0)
SigIRegisterRoutine: handler for signal 25 installed (DpSigPrivDisp, flag 0)
disp service: sapdp00
NiMyHostName: hostname = 'SAPIDESECC'
ShmProtect( 1, 3 )
DpSysAdmExtCreate: created and initialized sys_adm_ext
DpSysAdmExtCreate: SHM_SYS_ADM_KEY (addr: 00000000022B0050, size: 500)
DpSysAdmExtCreate: SemInMgt o.k.
DpIPCInit2: whoami=1
disp service: sapdp00
max_comm_entries: 1000
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
amc_rec_max_no: 400
websockets_max_no: 100
tm_max_no: 200
wp_ca_blk_no: 6000
wp_no_dia: 10
wp_no_vb: 1
wp_no_vb2: 1
wp_no_enq: 0
wp_no_btc: 3
wp_no_spo: 1
wp_no_restricted: 0
wp_max_no: 21
wp_no_dynamic: 5
configurable_wp_no: 16
wall_entry_max_no: 200
addump_period: 0
max_sleep: 20
max_hold_time: 60 sec
max_priv_time: 0 sec
max_vm_debug_attach_time: 60 sec
max_vm_sgc_lazy_time: 600 sec
max_vm_forced_sgc_time: 10 sec
max_debug_lazy_time: 600 sec
max_debug_attach_time: 30 sec
max_snc_hold_time: 120 sec
em_blocksize_KB: 4096
em_initial_size_MB: 5734
em_max_size_MB: 12287
em_address_space_MB: 5734
start_icman: 1
rm_max_tbl_size: 1000
DpIPCInit2: write dp-profile-values into sys_adm_ext
RqQInit: Init with maxQueues=3448, maxRequests=14000, maxWorker=21, singlethreaded process
ShmProtect( 21, 3 )
RqQInit: use events to trigger worker
NiHLGetNodeAddr: got hostname 'localhost' from operating system
NiIGetNodeAddr: hostname 'localhost' = addr
RqQInit: created shared memory
RqQInit: o.k.
RqQSetMtxStatistic: switch off mutex statistic
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
RqQSetWakeupHandling: handle wakups outside queue lookup
DpRqSetMultithreadedProcess: inside a singlethreaded process
DpIPCInit2: start server >SAPIDESECC_ECC_00 <
DpShMCreate: alloate/attach shared memory (mode=CREATE)
DpShMCreate: sizeof(wp_adm) 23360 (1112)
DpShMCreate: sizeof(tm_adm) 13098768 (65168)
DpShMCreate: sizeof(ca_adm) 432000 (72)
DpCommTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/tableSize=1000/16/3664064/3869152
DpShMCreate: sizeof(comm_adm) 3869152 (3648)
DpSlockTableSize: calculate slock table size from vmc state (not active)
DpSlockTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/fiSize/tableSize=0/0/0/0/0
DpShMCreate: sizeof(slock_adm) 0 (296)
DpReadFileParams: calculate file table size from vm number (0)
max_file_entries: 0
DpFileTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/tableSize=0/0/0/0
DpShMCreate: sizeof(file_adm) 0 (80)
DpSockTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/tableSize=1000/16/1040064/1040080
DpShMCreate: sizeof(sock_adm) 1040080 (1016)
DpShMCreate: sizeof(vmc_adm) 0 (3208)
DpShMCreate: sizeof(wall_adm) (ft=41664/fi=67472/hd=64/rec=192)
DpShMCreate: sizeof(amc_rec_adm) (ft=172864/fi=101872/hd=64/rec=416)
DpShMCreate: sizeof(websocket_adm) (ft=28864/hd=64/rec=272)
DpShMCreate: sizeof(gw_adm) 64
DpShMCreate: sizeof(j2ee_adm) 3936
ShmProtect( 2, 3 )
DpShMCreate: SHM_DP_ADM_KEY (addr: 000000000FD20050, size: 18986576
sizeof(ca) 208896000 (34816)
ShmProtect( 3, 3 )
SHM_DP_CA_KEY (addr: 0000000010F40050, size: 208896000)
DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before sys_adm with len 512 at 000000000FD20050
DpShMCreate: allocated sys_adm at 000000000FD20250
DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before wp_adm_list with len 512 at 000000000FD31F40
DpShMCreate: allocated wp_adm_list at 000000000FD32140
DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before wp_adm with len 512 at 000000000FD32260
DpShMCreate: allocated wp_adm at 000000000FD32460
DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before tm_adm_list with len 512 at 000000000FD37FA0
DpShMCreate: allocated tm_adm_list at 000000000FD381A0
DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before tm_adm with len 512 at 000000000FD381E0
DpShMCreate: allocated tm_adm at 000000000FD383E0
DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before ca_adm with len 512 at 00000000109B62F0
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
DpShMCreate: allocated ca_adm at 00000000109B64F0
DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before comm_adm with len 512 at 0000000010A1FC70
DpShMCreate: allocated comm_adm at 0000000010A1FE70
DpShMCreate: system runs without slock table
DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before sock_adm with len 512 at 0000000010DD0850
DpShMCreate: allocated sock_adm at 0000000010DD0A50
DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before vmc_adm_list with len 512 at 0000000010ECE920
DpShMCreate: allocated vmc_adm_list at 0000000010ECEB20
DpShMCreate: system runs without VMC
DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before gw_adm with len 512 at 0000000010ECEBC0
DpShMCreate: allocated gw_adm at 0000000010ECEDC0
DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before j2ee_adm with len 512 at 0000000010ECEE00
DpShMCreate: allocated j2ee_adm at 0000000010ECF000
DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before ca_info with len 512 at 0000000010ECFF60
DpShMCreate: allocated ca_info at 0000000010ED0160
DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before wall_adm_ft with len 512 at 0000000010ED01A0
DpShMCreate: allocated wall_adm (ft) at 0000000010ED03A0
DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before wall_adm_fi with len 512 at 0000000010EDA660
DpShMCreate: allocated wall_adm (fi) at 0000000010EDA860
DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before wall_adm_head with len 512 at 0000000010EEAFF0
DpShMCreate: allocated wall_adm (head) at 0000000010EEB1F0
DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before amc_rec_adm_ft with len 512 at 0000000010EEB230
DpShMCreate: allocated amc_rec_adm (ft) at 0000000010EEB430
DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before amc_rec_adm_fi with len 512 at 0000000010F15770
DpShMCreate: allocated amc_rec_adm (fi) at 0000000010F15970
DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before amc_rec_adm_head with len 512 at 0000000010F2E760
DpShMCreate: allocated amc_rec_adm (head) at 0000000010F2E960
DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before websocket_adm_ft with len 512 at 0000000010F2E9A0
DpShMCreate: allocated websocket_adm (ft) at 0000000010F2EBA0
DpShMCreate: Initialized eye before websocket_adm_head with len 512 at 0000000010F35C60
DpShMCreate: allocated websocket_adm (head) at 0000000010F35E60
DpShMCreate: Initialized eye after websocket_adm_head with len 512 at 0000000010F35EA0
DpShMCreate: initialized 21 eyes
SEM_STAT_KEY SemInit o.k.
ShmProtect( 52, 3 )
DpMBufCreate allocated 138384 bytes for 500 entries
DpSBufCreate allocated 41200 bytes for 100 entries
SEM_MSBUF SemInit o.k.
DpSysAdmIntInit: initialize sys_adm
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
DpSysAdmIntInit: initialized sys_adm
DpSysAdmIntInit: SemInMgt o.k.
DpSysAdmIntInit: SEM_TM_ADM_KEY SemInit o.k.
shutdown/max_time: 3600 sec
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (10000) with normal priority
RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0
DpSysAdmIntInit: created queue 0 (DispatcherQueue)
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <GatewayQueue> in slot 1 (10001) with normal priority
RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <GatewayQueue> in slot 1
DpSysAdmIntInit: created queue 1 (GatewayQueue)
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <IcmanQueue> in slot 2 (10002) with normal priority
RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <IcmanQueue> in slot 2
DpSysAdmIntInit: created queue 2 (IcmanQueue)
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <StartServiceQueue> in slot 3 (10003) with normal priority
RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <StartServiceQueue> in slot 3
DpSysAdmIntInit: created queue 3 (StartServiceQueue)
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <DpMonQueue> in slot 4 (10004) with normal priority
RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <DpMonQueue> in slot 4
DpSysAdmIntInit: created queue 4 (DpMonQueue)
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_SUB_TYPE_UNDEF) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_SYNC_RFC) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_ASYNC_RFC) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_RFC_UI) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_HTTP_NORMAL) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_HTTP_UI) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_HTTP_ITS) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_SMTP) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_BATCH) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_UNIT) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_APC_NORMAL) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_APC_UI) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_AMC_STREAMING) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_SERVER_STARTUP) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_ENQ) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_TYPE_UNDEF,DP_LOGON_UPDATE) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_SUB_TYPE_UNDEF) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_SYNC_RFC) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_ASYNC_RFC) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_RFC_UI) = high priority
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_HTTP_NORMAL) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_HTTP_UI) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_HTTP_ITS) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_SMTP) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_BATCH) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_SCHEDULER) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_UNIT) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_APC_NORMAL) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_APC_UI) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_AMC_STREAMING) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_SERVER_STARTUP) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_ENQ) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_GUI,DP_LOGON_UPDATE) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_SUB_TYPE_UNDEF) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_SYNC_RFC) = normal priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_ASYNC_RFC) = normal priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_RFC_UI) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_HTTP_NORMAL) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_HTTP_UI) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_HTTP_ITS) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_SMTP) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_BATCH) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_SCHEDULER) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_UNIT) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_APC_NORMAL) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_APC_UI) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_AMC_STREAMING) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_SERVER_STARTUP) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_ENQ) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_RFC,DP_LOGON_UPDATE) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_SUB_TYPE_UNDEF) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_SYNC_RFC) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_ASYNC_RFC) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_RFC_UI) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_HTTP_NORMAL) = normal priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_HTTP_UI) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_HTTP_ITS) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_SMTP) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_BATCH) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_SCHEDULER) = high priority
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_UNIT) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_APC_NORMAL) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_APC_UI) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_AMC_STREAMING) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_SERVER_STARTUP) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_ENQ) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_PLUGIN,DP_LOGON_UPDATE) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_SUB_TYPE_UNDEF) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_SYNC_RFC) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_ASYNC_RFC) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_RFC_UI) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_HTTP_NORMAL) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_HTTP_UI) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_HTTP_ITS) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_SMTP) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_BATCH) = low priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_UNIT) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_APC_NORMAL) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_APC_UI) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_AMC_STREAMING) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_SERVER_STARTUP) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_ENQ) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_INTERNAL,DP_LOGON_UPDATE) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_SUB_TYPE_UNDEF) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_SYNC_RFC) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_ASYNC_RFC) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_RFC_UI) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_HTTP_NORMAL) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_HTTP_UI) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_HTTP_ITS) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_SMTP) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_BATCH) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_SCHEDULER) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_BGRFC_UNIT) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_APC_NORMAL) = normal priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_APC_UI) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_AMC_STREAMING) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_SERVER_STARTUP) = high priority
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_ENQ) = high priority
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
DpSysAdmIntInit: prio(DP_LOGON_APC,DP_LOGON_UPDATE) = high priority
DpSetSchedulerParam: set rdisp/scheduler/timeslice_millis
DpMaxWpRuntimeExplicitelySet: return -1
DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1
DpSetSchedulerParam: set rdisp/scheduler/prio_low/max_runtime
DpMaxWpRuntimeExplicitelySet: return -1
DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1
DpSetSchedulerParam: set rdisp/scheduler/prio_low/max_quota
DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1
DpMaxWpRuntimeExplicitelySet: return -1
DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1
DpSetSchedulerParam: set rdisp/scheduler/prio_normal/max_runtime
DpMaxWpRuntimeExplicitelySet: return -1
DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1
DpSetSchedulerParam: set rdisp/scheduler/prio_normal/max_quota
DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1
DpMaxWpRuntimeExplicitelySet: return -1
DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1
DpSetSchedulerParam: set rdisp/scheduler/prio_high/max_runtime
DpMaxWpRuntimeExplicitelySet: return -1
DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1
DpSetSchedulerParam: set rdisp/scheduler/test/reschedule_always
DpMaxWpRuntimeExplicitelySet: return -1
DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1
gui_auto_logout: 0 sec
plugin_auto_logout: 1800 sec
rejectSoftcancelInPrivMode: 1
DpSetCpicStreaming: cpicStreamingActive is 1
DpVmcReadBasicStateFromProfile: vmc state is DP_VMC_NOT_ACTIVE
task_limit: 1000
websocket_deletion_timeout: 0
websocket_open_message_limit: 500
websocket_receive_threshold: 10
resource_limit: 95 %
DpMaxWpRuntimeExplicitelySet: return -1
DpMaxQuotaExplicitlySet: return -1
Scheduler info
WP info
#dia = 10
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
#btc = 0
#standby = 0
#max = 21
General Scheduler info
preemptionInfo.isActive = true
preemptionInfo.timeslice = 500
preemptionInfo.checkLoad = true
Prio Class High
maxRuntime[RQ_Q_PRIO_HIGH] = 600 sec
maxRuntimeHalf[RQ_Q_PRIO_HIGH] = 300 sec
Prio Class Normal
maxRuntime[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL] = 3600 sec
maxRuntimeHalf[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL] = 1800 sec
maxTicketsForPrio[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL] = 8
withPrioTickets[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL] = true
Prio Class Low
maxRuntime[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW] = infinite
maxRuntimeHalf[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW] = infinite
maxTicketsForPrio[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW] = 8
withPrioTickets[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW] = true
Running requests[RQ_Q_PRIO_NORMAL] = 0
Running requests[RQ_Q_PRIO_LOW] = 0
DpCommAttachTable: attached comm table (header=0000000010A1FE70/ft=0000000010A1FE80/fi=0000000010D9E740)
DpSockAttachTable: attached sock table (header=0000000010DD0A50/ft=0000000010DD0A60)
DpAmcRecTabInit: initialized table for 400 entries
DpWebSocketTabInit: initialized table for 100 entries
DpBasicEyesCheck: eyes of group DP-MEM-SEGMENTS o.k. (21 eyes checked)
DpShMInit: initialize tm_adm
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T0_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T1_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T2_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T3_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T4_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T5_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T6_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T7_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T8_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T9_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T10_U65535
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T11_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T12_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T13_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T14_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T15_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T16_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T17_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T18_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T19_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T20_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T21_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T22_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T23_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T24_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T25_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T26_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T27_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T28_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T29_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T30_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T31_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T32_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T33_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T34_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T35_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T36_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T37_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T38_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T39_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T40_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T41_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T42_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T43_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T44_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T45_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T46_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T47_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T48_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T49_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T50_U65535
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T51_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T52_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T53_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T54_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T55_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T56_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T57_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T58_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T59_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T60_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T61_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T62_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T63_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T64_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T65_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T66_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T67_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T68_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T69_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T70_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T71_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T72_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T73_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T74_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T75_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T76_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T77_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T78_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T79_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T80_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T81_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T82_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T83_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T84_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T85_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T86_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T87_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T88_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T89_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T90_U65535
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T91_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T92_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T93_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T94_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T95_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T96_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T97_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T98_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T99_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T100_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T101_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T102_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T103_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T104_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T105_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T106_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T107_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T108_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T109_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T110_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T111_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T112_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T113_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T114_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T115_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T116_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T117_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T118_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T119_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T120_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T121_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T122_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T123_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T124_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T125_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T126_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T127_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T128_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T129_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T130_U65535
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T131_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T132_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T133_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T134_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T135_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T136_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T137_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T138_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T139_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T140_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T141_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T142_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T143_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T144_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T145_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T146_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T147_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T148_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T149_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T150_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T151_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T152_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T153_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T154_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T155_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T156_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T157_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T158_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T159_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T160_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T161_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T162_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T163_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T164_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T165_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T166_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T167_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T168_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T169_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T170_U65535
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T171_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T172_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T173_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T174_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T175_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T176_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T177_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T178_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T179_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T180_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T181_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T182_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T183_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T184_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T185_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T186_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T187_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T188_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T189_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T190_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T191_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T192_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T193_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T194_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T195_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T196_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T197_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T198_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T199_U65535
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T200_U65535
DpShMInit: 200 elems in tmadm_free_list
DpShMInit: initialize wp_adm
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W0> in slot 5 (10005) with normal priority
RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W0> in slot 5
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W1> in slot 6 (10006) with normal priority
RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W1> in slot 6
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W2> in slot 7 (10007) with normal priority
RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W2> in slot 7
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W3> in slot 8 (10008) with normal priority
RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W3> in slot 8
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W4> in slot 9 (10009) with normal priority
RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W4> in slot 9
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W5> in slot 10 (10010) with normal priority
RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W5> in slot 10
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W6> in slot 11 (10011) with normal priority
RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W6> in slot 11
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W7> in slot 12 (10012) with normal priority
RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W7> in slot 12
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W8> in slot 13 (10013) with normal priority
RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W8> in slot 13
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W9> in slot 14 (10014) with normal priority
RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W9> in slot 14
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W10> in slot 15 (10015) with normal priority
RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W10> in slot 15
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W11> in slot 16 (10016) with normal priority
RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W11> in slot 16
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W12> in slot 17 (10017) with normal priority
RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W12> in slot 17
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W13> in slot 18 (10018) with normal priority
RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W13> in slot 18
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W14> in slot 19 (10019) with normal priority
RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W14> in slot 19
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W15> in slot 20 (10020) with normal priority
RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W15> in slot 20
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W16> in slot 21 (10021) with normal priority
RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W16> in slot 21
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W17> in slot 22 (10022) with normal priority
RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W17> in slot 22
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W18> in slot 23 (10023) with normal priority
RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W18> in slot 23
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W19> in slot 24 (10024) with normal priority
RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W19> in slot 24
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <W20> in slot 25 (10025) with normal priority
RqQQueueAcquire: Acquire queue <W20> in slot 25
MBUF state OFF
MBUF opmode USE
DpMBufClearGlobalHighLoadCounter: reset global load flags
DpMBufInit o.k.
DpCommInitTable: init table for 1000 entries
DpSockInitTable: init table for 1000 entries
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
dp-shmem init o.k.
disp+work.EXE 7420.101.23.59699 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
ntdll.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\.
kernel32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
KERNELBASE.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
dw_gui.dll 7420.101.23.59699 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
librender.dll 7420.101.23.59699 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
dw_stl.dll 7420.101.23.59699 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
MSVCP100.dll 10.0.40219.325 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
MSVCR100.dll 10.0.40219.325 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
USER32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
GDI32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
LPK.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
USP10.dll 1.626.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
msvcrt.dll 7.0.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
dw_xml.dll 7420.101.23.59699 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
dw_xtc.dll 7420.101.23.59699 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
dw_rndrt.dll 7420.101.23.59699 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
dw_abp.dll 7420.101.23.59699 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
libregex.dll 7420.101.23.59699 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
ADVAPI32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
sechost.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\.
RPCRT4.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
ole32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
OLEAUT32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
WINSPOOL.DRV 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
WS2_32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\. SAP minimum version is 4.0.1381.6.
NSI.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
IPHLPAPI.DLL 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
WINNSI.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
NETAPI32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
netutils.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
srvcli.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
wkscli.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
SAMCLI.DLL 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
SHELL32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
SHLWAPI.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
dbghelp.dll 6.2.9200.20512 loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
VERSION.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
MPR.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
SETUPAPI.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
CFGMGR32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
DEVOBJ.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
icule51.dll loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
icuuc51.dll loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
icudt51.dll loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
IMM32.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
MSCTF.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
icuuc50.dll loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
icudt50.dll loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
icuin50.dll loaded from C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\.
NLAapi.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
napinsp.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
pnrpnsp.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
mswsock.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\System32\.
DNSAPI.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
winrnr.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\System32\.
cscapi.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
wshtcpip.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\System32\.
wship6.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\System32\.
rasadhlp.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
fwpuclnt.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\System32\.
ntmarta.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
WLDAP32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
SspiCli.dll 6.1.7601.17514 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
psapi.dll 6.1.7600.16385 loaded from C:\Windows\system32\.
disp service: sapdp00
sapinit ()
EM: em/proc_max_size_MB = 0
MmxRegisterRscAdm 17 000000014130F8B0 000000014130FCD0
EmIAllocMmResourcePROC: size=1048576 total=-1 ptr=0000000008C20040
MmxInit( 0000000008C20050 1048576 17 0000000000000000 0 ) 16 32 64 64
MmxRegisterRscAdm 18 000000014130F850 000000014130F890
EM: Initializing PROC storage: quota=0 use_stdheap=0
sapinit: allocated ZCSA at 0000000008C22D70, len=1992, RSTG_CL_PERM
sapinit: allocated ZTTA and RSTG at 0000000008C235C0, len=1608, RSTG_CL_PERM
sapinit: allocated temporary DYNPRO at 0000000000000000, len=3200000, RSTG_CL_PERM
sapinit: allocated CUA at 0000000008C23C90, len=8, RSTG_CL_PERM
sapinit o.k.
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
EmGetMaxGlobalSizeMB: tbiSize = 693
EmGetMaxGlobalSizeMB: maxSize = 1095
EmInit () Lock method = 2
EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).
MM global diagnostic options set: 0
EsGetAdmSize( 22 )
EsGetAdmSize( 42 ) = 26425536
ShmProtect( 51, 3 )
EmInit: initializing process shared data.
EmInit: initializing process private data.
EmILckRecover: checking for Mutex to recover ...
<ES> client 21 initializing ....
EsInit(000000001D71A8B0, 26444192, 21, 4096KB, 5734MB, 12287MB, 5734MB, 0, ECC)
<ES> EsILock: use Semphore 33 for locking
<ES> initializing shared memory....
<ES> block size is 4096 kByte.
<ES> Info: em/initial_size_MB( 5734MB) not multiple of em/blocksize_KB( 4096KB)
<ES> Info: em/initial_size_MB rounded up to 5736MB
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F047ED0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F047F30
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F047F90
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F047FF0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048050
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0480B0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048110
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048170
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0481D0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048230
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048290
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0482F0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048350
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0483B0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048410
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048470
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0484D0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048530
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048590
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0485F0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048650
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0486B0
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048710
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048770
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0487D0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048830
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048890
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0488F0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048950
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0489B0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048A10
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048A70
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048AD0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048B30
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048B90
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048BF0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048C50
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048CB0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048D10
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048D70
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048DD0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048E30
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048E90
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048EF0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048F50
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F048FB0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049010
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049070
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0490D0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049130
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049190
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0491F0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049250
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0492B0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049310
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049370
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0493D0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049430
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049490
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0494F0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049550
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0495B0
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049610
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049670
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0496D0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049730
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049790
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0497F0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049850
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0498B0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049910
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049970
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F0499D0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049A30
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049A90
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049AF0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049B50
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049BB0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049C10
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049C70
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049CD0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049D30
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049D90
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049DF0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049E50
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049EB0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049F10
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049F70
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F049FD0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A030
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A090
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A0F0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A150
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A1B0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A210
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A270
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A2D0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A330
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A390
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A3F0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A450
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A4B0
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A510
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A570
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A5D0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A630
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A690
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A6F0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A750
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A7B0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A810
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A870
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A8D0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A930
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A990
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04A9F0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AA50
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AAB0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AB10
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AB70
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04ABD0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AC30
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AC90
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04ACF0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AD50
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04ADB0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AE10
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AE70
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AED0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AF30
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AF90
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04AFF0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B050
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B0B0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B110
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B170
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B1D0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B230
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B290
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B2F0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B350
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B3B0
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B410
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B470
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B4D0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B530
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B590
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B5F0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B650
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B6B0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B710
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B770
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B7D0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B830
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B890
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B8F0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B950
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04B9B0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BA10
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BA70
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BAD0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BB30
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BB90
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BBF0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BC50
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BCB0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BD10
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BD70
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BDD0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BE30
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BE90
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BEF0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BF50
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04BFB0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C010
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C070
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C0D0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C130
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C190
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C1F0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C250
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C2B0
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C310
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C370
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C3D0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C430
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C490
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C4F0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C550
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C5B0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C610
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C670
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C6D0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C730
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C790
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C7F0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C850
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C8B0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C910
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C970
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04C9D0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CA30
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CA90
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CAF0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CB50
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CBB0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CC10
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CC70
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CCD0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CD30
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CD90
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CDF0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CE50
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CEB0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CF10
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CF70
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04CFD0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D030
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D090
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D0F0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D150
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D1B0
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D210
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D270
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D2D0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D330
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D390
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D3F0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D450
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D4B0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D510
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D570
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D5D0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D630
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D690
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D6F0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D750
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D7B0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D810
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D870
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D8D0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D930
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D990
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04D9F0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DA50
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DAB0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DB10
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DB70
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DBD0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DC30
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DC90
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DCF0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DD50
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DDB0
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DE10
Sem2Init: LockObjPtr = 000000001F04DE70
STD_EsInit: FreelistCompactor active
<ES> Info: disclaim threshold = 0 MB
<ES> Info: disclaim coasting/alloc = 300 s
<ES> Info: disclaim coasting/free = 0 s
<ES> Info: blockdisclaimsize_KB = 0 KB
Found implementation view
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
Using implementation view
<EsNT> EsIOsInit
<EsNT> ExecuteProtection is supported
<EsNT> Using memory model view.
<EsNT> EsIOsInit: em/initial_size_MB=5736MB
<EsNT> EsIOsInit: em/address_space_MB=5734MB
<EsNT> Memory Reset disabled as NT default
<EsNT> Address Space set to 5734
<EsNT> EsILocMthSlotsAttach
<EsNT> CreateFileMapping name=Global\ES_SEG_00_000 ,size=2044 MB
<EsNT> CreateFileMapping name=Global\ES_SEG_00_001 ,size=2044 MB
<EsNT> CreateFileMapping name=Global\ES_SEG_00_002 ,size=1648 MB
<EsNT> MemoryTotalPhys 8388144 KB
<EsNT> MemoryTotalVirtual 8589934464 KB
<EsNT> MemoryAvailVirtual 8588333064 KB
<EsNT> Static 00000001417896C0
<EsNT> Start Map Area 000007DE99A00000
<ES> 1433 blocks reserved for free list.
ES initialized.
EmInit2: egSegSizeEsBlocks number = 274
EgInit: esBlkSz = 4194304, maxEsBlocks = 274, segSz = (1149239296 EG_MAX_SEGSIZE = 68719476735
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 0 LockCount 0
<EsNT> EsISearchAlloc Blocks = 274
<EsNT> EsIViewInitSlots Blocks = 274, FromTop = 1
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 1
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 2
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 3
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 4
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 5
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 6
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 7
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 8
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 9
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 10
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 11
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 12
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 13
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 14
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 15
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 16
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 17
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 18
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 19
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 20
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 21
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 22
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 23
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 24
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 25
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 26
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 27
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 28
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 29
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 30
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 31
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 32
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 33
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 34
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 35
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 36
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 37
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 38
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 39
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 40
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 41
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 42
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 43
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 44
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 45
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 46
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 47
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 48
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 49
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 50
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 51
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 52
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 53
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 54
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 55
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 56
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 57
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 58
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 59
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 60
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 61
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 62
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 63
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 64
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 65
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 66
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 67
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 68
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 69
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 70
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 71
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 72
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 73
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 74
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 75
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 76
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 77
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 78
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 79
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 80
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 81
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 82
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 83
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 84
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 85
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 86
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 87
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 88
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 89
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 90
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 91
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 92
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 93
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 94
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 95
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 96
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 97
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 98
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 99
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 100
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 101
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 102
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 103
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 104
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 105
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 106
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 107
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 108
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 109
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 110
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 111
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 112
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 113
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 114
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 115
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 116
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 117
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 118
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 119
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 120
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 121
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 122
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 123
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 124
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 125
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 126
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 127
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 128
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 129
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 130
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 131
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 132
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 133
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 134
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 135
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 136
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 137
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 138
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 139
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 140
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 141
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 142
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 143
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 144
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 145
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 146
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 147
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 148
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 149
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 150
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 151
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 152
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 153
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 154
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 155
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 156
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 157
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 158
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 159
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 160
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 161
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 162
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 163
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 164
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 165
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 166
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 167
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 168
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 169
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 170
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 171
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 172
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 173
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 174
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 175
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 176
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 177
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 178
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 179
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 180
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 181
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 182
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 183
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 184
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 185
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 186
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 187
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 188
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 189
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 190
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 191
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 192
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 193
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 194
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 195
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 196
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 197
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 198
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 199
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 200
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 201
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 202
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 203
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 204
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 205
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 206
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 207
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 208
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 209
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 210
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 211
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 212
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 213
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 214
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 215
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 216
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 217
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 218
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 219
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 220
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 221
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 222
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 223
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 224
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 225
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 226
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 227
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 228
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 229
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 230
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 231
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 232
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 233
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 234
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 235
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 236
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 237
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 238
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 239
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 240
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 241
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 242
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 243
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 244
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 245
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 246
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 247
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 248
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 249
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 250
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 251
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 252
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 253
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 254
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 255
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 256
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 257
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 258
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 259
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 260
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 261
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 262
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 263
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 264
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 265
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 266
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 267
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 268
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 269
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 270
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 271
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 272
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 273
EsILock(LockFreeList) unexpected LastLocker 21 LockCount 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 274
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 1
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 2
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 3
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 4
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 5
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 6
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 7
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 8
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 9
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 10
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 11
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 12
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 13
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 14
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 15
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 16
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 17
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 18
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 19
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 20
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 21
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 22
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 23
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 24
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 25
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 26
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 27
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 28
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 29
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 30
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 31
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 32
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 33
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 34
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 35
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 36
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 37
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 38
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 39
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 40
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 41
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 42
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 43
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 44
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 45
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 46
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 47
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 48
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 49
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 50
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 51
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 52
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 53
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 54
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 55
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 56
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 57
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 58
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 59
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 60
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 61
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 62
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 63
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 64
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 65
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 66
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 67
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 68
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 69
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 70
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 71
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 72
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 73
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 74
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 75
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 76
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 77
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 78
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 79
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 80
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 81
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 82
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 83
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 84
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 85
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 86
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 87
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 88
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 89
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 90
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 91
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 92
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 93
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 94
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 95
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 96
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 97
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 98
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 99
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 100
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 101
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 102
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 103
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 104
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 105
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 106
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 107
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 108
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 109
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 110
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 111
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 112
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 113
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 114
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 115
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 116
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 117
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 118
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 119
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 120
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 121
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 122
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 123
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 124
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 125
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 126
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 127
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 128
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 129
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 130
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 131
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 132
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 133
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 134
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 135
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 136
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 137
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 138
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 139
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 140
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 141
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 142
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 143
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 144
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 145
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 146
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 147
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 148
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 149
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 150
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 151
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 152
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 153
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 154
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 155
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 156
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 157
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 158
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 159
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 160
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 161
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 162
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 163
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 164
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 165
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 166
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 167
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 168
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 169
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 170
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 171
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 172
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 173
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 174
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 175
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 176
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 177
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 178
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 179
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 180
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 181
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 182
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 183
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 184
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 185
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 186
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 187
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 188
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 189
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 190
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 191
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 192
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 193
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 194
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 195
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 196
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 197
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 198
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 199
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 200
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 201
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 202
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 203
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 204
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 205
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 206
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 207
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 208
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 209
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 210
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 211
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 212
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 213
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 214
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 215
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 216
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 217
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 218
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 219
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 220
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 221
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 222
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 223
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 224
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 225
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 226
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 227
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 228
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 229
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 230
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 231
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 232
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 233
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 234
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 235
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 236
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 237
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 238
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 239
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 240
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 241
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 242
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 243
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 244
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 245
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 246
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 247
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 248
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 249
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 250
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 251
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 252
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 253
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 254
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 255
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 256
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 257
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 258
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 259
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 260
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 261
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 262
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 263
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 264
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 265
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 266
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 267
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 268
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 269
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 270
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 271
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 272
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 273
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach Slot = 274
<EsNT> EsIViewAttach called twice
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
MmxInit( 000007DFBB600000 1149239296 0 0000000000000000 0 ) 16 32 64 64
EgInit: firstSegment, size = 1149239296, address = 000007DFBB600000
#0 EG-Memory created. client 21, size 1096 MB, base 000007DFBB600000, admBase 000000001F052A50
MmxRegisterRscAdm 4 000000014130F030 000000014130F100
MmxRegisterRscAdm 7 000000014130ED90 000000014130EEF0
mm.dump: set global maximum dump mem to 192 MB
EsRegisterEmCheck: Register EmGetEsHandles at 0000000141310320
DpEmInit: EmInit o.k.
set stat of gateway to AS_NOT_STARTED
executable name: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE
rdisp/calculateLoadAverage : 1
DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us
DpUpdateStatusFileWith: update status file C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\work\disp+work.status, unique number = 1, state=YELLOW, reason=Server startup procedure running
DpUpdateStatusFileWith: updated status file
DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us
DpLoadCheck: initialize time slices
DpLoadCheck: o.k.
DpInitWall o.k.
NiICreateHandle: hdl 1 state NI_INITIAL_CON
NiIInitSocket: set default settings for new hdl 1/sock 872 (I4; DG)
NiDgHdlCreateForProto: state of hdl 1 NI_DG_UNCONNECTED
NiISetSockOpt: set option SOL_SOCKET-SO_REUSEADDR of hdl 1 to FALSE
NiITraceByteOrder: CPU byte order: little endian, reverse network, low val .. high val
NiIBind: hdl 1 bound to
NiIBlockMode: set blockmode for hdl 1 FALSE
RqQQueueGetSelectableHandle: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 has selectable hdl 1 (port=54405) and W-1
DpAddSocketInfo: add info for nihdl 1 (pos/type/idx=0/2/0)
NiSrvLGetServNo: found service name 'sapdp00' in cache
NiIGetServNo: servicename 'sapdp00' = port 3200
NiICreateHandle: hdl 9 state NI_INITIAL_LIS
NiIInitSocket: set default settings for new hdl 9/sock 876 (I4; ST)
NiIBind: hdl 9 bound to 3200 (IP only)
NiIBlockMode: set blockmode for hdl 9 FALSE
NiIListen: state of hdl 9 NI_LISTEN
DpAddSocketInfo: add info for nihdl 9 (pos/type/idx=1/1/0)
softservices: 80
DpTriggerMsAttach: attach to message server
NiHLGetNodeAddr: found hostname 'SAPIDESECC' in cache
NiIGetNodeAddr: hostname 'SAPIDESECC' = addr
NiIGetServNo: servicename '3901' = port 3901
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
DpMsAttach: try msg server attach (silentAttach=0)
MsIAttachEx: attach state MS_AS_DETACHED (async=0)
MsIAttachEx: connect to SAPIDESECC / 3901
NiHLGetNodeAddr: found hostname 'SAPIDESECC' in cache
NiIGetNodeAddr: hostname 'SAPIDESECC' = addr
NiIGetServNo: servicename '3901' = port 3901
NiICreateHandle: hdl 17 state NI_INITIAL_CON
NiIInitSocket: set default settings for new hdl 17/sock 880 (I4; ST)
NiIBlockMode: set blockmode for hdl 17 FALSE
NiICheckPendConnection: connection of hdl 17 to established
NiIConnect: hdl 17 took local address
NiIConnect: state of hdl 17 NI_CONNECTED
NiBufISetHdlParam: set alloc function for hdl 17 to 00000001410CEDC0
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=180,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 180 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/70 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
Send 70 bytes to MSG_SERVER
NiIRead: hdl 17 recv would block (errno=EAGAIN)
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
Received 4 bytes from MSG_SERVER
Received opcode MS_SET_PROPERTY from msg_server, reply MSOP_OK
MsOpReceive: ok
MsSetRelInfoForClient : release information set succesfully
NiSrvLGetServNo: found service name 'sapdp00' in cache
NiIGetServNo: servicename 'sapdp00' = port 3200
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=110,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 110 bytes
NiIRead: hdl 17 recv would block (errno=EAGAIN)
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=110,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiRead: received 110 bytes
MsIAttachEx: login to msg_server (version=4) SAPIDESECC 3901 o.k.
MsIAttachEx: myname=SAPIDESECC_ECC_00, myserv=sapdp00, mytype=DIA UPD BTC SPO UP2 ICM
MsIParam: set ms_timeS to 0
MsIParam: set ms_timeR to -1
MsPrvGetHdl2: set exit function
DpAddSocketInfo: add info for nihdl 17 (pos/type/idx=2/4/0)
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
***LOG Q0K=> DpMsAttach, mscon ( SAPIDESECC) [dpMessageSer 1663]
NiMyHostName: hostname = 'SAPIDESECC'
NiHLGetNodeAddr: found hostname 'SAPIDESECC' in cache
NiIGetNodeAddr: hostname 'SAPIDESECC' = addr
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=110,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 110 bytes
MsIModState: change state to STARTING
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=134,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 134 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/24 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
MsSndName: MS_CHANGE_IP ok
Send 24 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_CHANGE_IP : asynchronous call
send opcode MS_CHANGE_IP to msgserver ok
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 114 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
Send 4 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_SERVER_LONG_LIST : asynchronous call
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 114 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
Send 4 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_SERVER_CHG : asynchronous call
send opcode MS_SERVER_CHG to msgserver ok
NiMyHostName: hostname = 'SAPIDESECC'
NiHLGetNodeAddr: found hostname 'SAPIDESECC' in cache
NiIGetNodeAddr: hostname 'SAPIDESECC' = addr
NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache
NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC' (fq)
DpMsUpdateLogon: dp_service: sapdp00
NiSrvLGetServNo: found service name 'sapdp00' in cache
NiIGetServNo: servicename 'sapdp00' = port 3200
DpMsUpdateLogon: set LB=0
MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_DIAG (2)
MsIBuildLogonData: port = 3200 (4)
MsIBuildLogonData: addr (IPv4) = (8)
MsIBuildLogonData: host = SAPIDESECC (24)
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
MsIBuildLogonData: misc = LB=0 (30)
MsIBuildLogonData: addr (IPv6) = (48)
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=164,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 164 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/54 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
MsSndName: MS_SET_LOGON ok
Send 54 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_SET_LOGON : asynchronous call
DpMsUpdateLogon: gw_service: sapgw00
NiSrvLGetServNo: found service name 'sapgw00' in cache
NiIGetServNo: servicename 'sapgw00' = port 3300
MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_RFC (2)
MsIBuildLogonData: port = 3300 (4)
MsIBuildLogonData: addr (IPv4) = (8)
MsIBuildLogonData: host = SAPIDESECC (24)
MsIBuildLogonData: addr (IPv6) = (44)
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=160,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 160 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/50 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
MsSndName: MS_SET_LOGON ok
Send 50 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_SET_LOGON : asynchronous call
DpIcmUpdateServices: send request to icman
DpRqCreate: creating REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE_RESP request (rq_id 3418, slot 0)
DpCaLockBlk: my ca_blk start index is 0
DpCaLockBlk: locked ca_blk 0
DpRqSendRequest: REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE_RESP (rq_id 3418) from DISP to local ICMAN
DpCaGiveUpOwnerOfBlk: give up ownership of ca_blk 0
rq_id 3418
-OUT- ca_blk 0 len 5180
-OUT- sender address:
-OUT- type LOCAL
-OUT- agentType DISP
-OUT- receiver address:
-OUT- type LOCAL
-OUT- agentType ICMAN
RqQAddRequest: Add request rq_id 3418 (NOWP) to queue <IcmanQueue> in slot 2 at the end
Dump of queue <IcmanQueue> in slot 2 (1 requests, in use, port=0):
-1 <- 0 (rq_id 3418, NOWP, REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE_RESP) -> -1
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <IcmanQueue> in slot 2 contains 1 requests of type NOWP
DpRqPutIntoQueue: put request into ICMAN queue (workerType 0, prio LOW, rq_id 3418), queue has 1 requests
DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE_RESP request (rq_id 3418, slot 0)
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=118,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 118 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/8 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
MsSndName: MS_GET_HWID ok
Send 8 bytes to MSG_SERVER
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
MS_GET_HWID : asynchronous call
send opcode MS_GET_HWID to msgserver ok
MBUF set hwid_state to HWID_PENDING
DpStartStopMsg: send start message (myname is >SAPIDESECC_ECC_00 <)
DpStartStopMsg: Write AD_STARTSTOP message with type= 1, name=SAPIDESECC_ECC_00 , sapsysnr= 0, hostname=SAPIDESECC
AdGetSelfIdentRecord: > <
AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 60 (AD_SELFIDENT), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 0(AD_GENERAL), 00000001411AD7C0,00000001411AD8B0)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 17(AD_GENERAL2), 00000001411AD9A0,00000001411ADAD0)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 1(AD_PROFILE), 00000001411ADC00,00000001411ADC20)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 2(AD_WPSTAT), 00000001411ADC40,00000001411ADDC0)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 18(AD_SET_LIST_PARAM), 00000001411ADF40,00000001411ADFA0)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 3(AD_QUEUE), 00000001411AE000,00000001411AE0C0)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 4(AD_STARTSTOP), 00000001411AE180,00000001411AE210)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 5(AD_WPCONF), 00000001411AE2A0,00000001411AE360)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 16(AD_WPCONF2), 00000001411AE420,00000001411AE4F0)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 6(AD_USRLST), 00000001411AE5C0,00000001411AE6E0)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 7(AD_WPKILL), 00000001411AE800,00000001411AE890)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 8(AD_TIMEINFO), 00000001411AFD60,00000001411AFDF0)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 9(AD_TM_RECONNECT), 00000001411AFE80,00000001411AFF10)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 13(AD_DB_RECONNECT), 00000001411AFFA0,00000001411B0000)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 14(AD_ECHO), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 15(AD_MSGSERVER), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 19(AD_DUMP_STATUS), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 21(AD_RZL_STRG), 00000001411AE920,00000001411AF310)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 22(AD_COUNT_WPS), 00000001411AFC40,00000001411AFC60)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 23(AD_QUEUE2), 00000001411AFC80,00000001411AFCA0)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 25(AD_EM), 00000001411B07A0,00000001411B0AC0)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 26(AD_ES), 00000001411B07A0,00000001411B0AC0)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 27(AD_SHUTDOWN_STATE), 00000001411B0060,00000001411B0070)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 28(AD_SHUTDOWN_INFO), 00000001411B0080,00000001411B00A0)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 29(AD_SHUTDOWN_ERROR), 00000001411B00C0,00000001411B00E0)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 31(AD_DISPLACE), 00000001411B0100,00000001411B0160)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 32(AD_GET_TIMETAB), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 33(AD_SET_TIMETAB), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 40(AD_MSBUF), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 41(AD_ARFC_NOREQ), 00000001411B01C0,00000001411B02C0)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 42(AD_ENQID_INFO), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 43(AD_DEL_USER), 00000001411B03C0,00000001411B0440)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 44(AD_SPO_ADM), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 45(AD_NTAB_SYNC), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 46(AD_SHARED_PARAMETER), 00000001411B0580,00000001411B05C0)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 47(AD_RESET_TRACE), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 48(AD_RESET_USR02), 00000001411B04C0,00000001411B0520)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 49(AD_WALL_CREATE), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 50(AD_WALL_DELETE), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 51(AD_WALL_MODIFY), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 52(AD_SERVER_STATE), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 53(AD_OPCODE_53), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 60(AD_SELFIDENT), 00000001411B0600,00000001411B0620)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 61(AD_DP_TRACE_CHANGE), 00000001411B0640,00000001411B0680)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 62(AD_DP_DUMP_NIHDL), 00000001411B0720,00000001411B0760)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 63(AD_DP_CALL_DELAYED), 00000001411B06C0,00000001411B06F0)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 64(AD_GW_ADM), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 65(AD_DP_WAKEUP_MODE), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 66(AD_VMC_SYS_EVENT), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 67(AD_SHARED_PARAM_ALL_WPS), 00000001411B0580,00000001411B05C0)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 68(AD_SECSESSION_UPDATE), 00000001411B0DF0,00000001411B0E70)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 69(AD_SECSESSION_TERMINATE), 00000001411B0EF0,00000001411B0F70)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 71(AD_GET_NILIST), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 74(AD_HANDLE_ACL), 00000001411B1090,00000001411B10A0)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 75(AD_ENQ_LOG_RESET), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 76(AD_OAUTHBUFFRESET), 00000001411B0FF0,00000001411B1040)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 72(AD_LOAD_INFO), 00000001411AFCC0,00000001411AFCE0)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 73(AD_TEST), 00000001411AFD00,00000001411AFD10)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 77(AD_RESET_BUFFERED_TABLE), 00000001411B10B0,00000001411B10E0)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 79(AD_PROFILE2), 00000001411ADC00,00000001411ADC20)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 82(AD_SOFT_CANCEL), 00000001411B1110,00000001411B1190)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 78(AD_SESSION_REQUEST), 00000001411B1210,00000001411B1250)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 83(AD_CREATE_SNAPSHOT), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 84(AD_KERNEL_UPDATE_INFO), 00000001411B12A0,00000001411B12B0)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 85(AD_SYNC_LOAD_FMT), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 86(AD_GET_NILIST_PORT), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 87(AD_CHECK_SERVICE), 00000001411AFD20,00000001411AFD40)
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 88(AD_KRB_UPDATE_KEYTAB), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 89(AD_RSAU_CHECK_FILE), 00000001411B12C0(AdCvtNone),00000001411B12E0(AdCvtNone))
AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 4 (AD_STARTSTOP), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0
DpRqCreate: creating REQ_HANDLER_ADM request (rq_id 3419, slot 1)
DpRqConvertToNetForm: converted from intern to net (164 bytes, reqRc 0), rq_id 3419
DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ADM request (rq_id 3419, slot 1)
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=866,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 866 bytes
MsISndTypeOnce: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/756 bytes) to MSG_SERVER, type 1
DpStartStopMsg: start msg sent to message server o.k.
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 114 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
Send 4 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_SERVER_LST : asynchronous call
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 114 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
Send 4 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_SERVER_LST : asynchronous call
MBUF set dp hook func
DpListInsert: insert elem 0 into wpadm_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 1 elems in wpadm_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 0 into wpadm_dia_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 1 elems in wpadm_dia_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 1 into wpadm_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 2 elems in wpadm_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 1 into wpadm_dia_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 2 elems in wpadm_dia_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 2 into wpadm_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 3 elems in wpadm_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 2 into wpadm_dia_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 3 elems in wpadm_dia_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 3 into wpadm_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 4 elems in wpadm_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 3 into wpadm_dia_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 4 elems in wpadm_dia_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 4 into wpadm_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 5 elems in wpadm_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 4 into wpadm_dia_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 5 elems in wpadm_dia_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 5 into wpadm_list (at end)
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
DpListInsert: 6 elems in wpadm_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 5 into wpadm_dia_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 6 elems in wpadm_dia_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 6 into wpadm_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 7 elems in wpadm_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 6 into wpadm_dia_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 7 elems in wpadm_dia_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 7 into wpadm_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 8 elems in wpadm_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 7 into wpadm_dia_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 8 elems in wpadm_dia_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 8 into wpadm_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 9 elems in wpadm_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 8 into wpadm_dia_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 9 elems in wpadm_dia_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 9 into wpadm_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 10 elems in wpadm_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 9 into wpadm_dia_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 10 elems in wpadm_dia_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 10 into wpadm_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 11 elems in wpadm_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 10 into wpadm_vb_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 1 elems in wpadm_vb_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 11 into wpadm_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 12 elems in wpadm_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 11 into wpadm_btc_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 1 elems in wpadm_btc_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 12 into wpadm_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 13 elems in wpadm_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 12 into wpadm_btc_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 2 elems in wpadm_btc_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 13 into wpadm_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 14 elems in wpadm_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 13 into wpadm_btc_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 3 elems in wpadm_btc_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 14 into wpadm_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 15 elems in wpadm_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 14 into wpadm_spo_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 1 elems in wpadm_spo_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 15 into wpadm_list (at end)
Wed May 02 19:15:00 2040
DpListInsert: 16 elems in wpadm_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 15 into wpadm_vb2_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 1 elems in wpadm_vb2_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 16 into wpadm_dynamic_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 1 elems in wpadm_dynamic_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 17 into wpadm_dynamic_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 2 elems in wpadm_dynamic_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 18 into wpadm_dynamic_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 3 elems in wpadm_dynamic_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 19 into wpadm_dynamic_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 4 elems in wpadm_dynamic_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 20 into wpadm_dynamic_list (at end)
DpListInsert: 5 elems in wpadm_dynamic_list
Wed May 02 19:15:01 2040
DpWpAdmInit: #dia wp: 10
DpWpAdmInit: #vb wp: 1
DpWpAdmInit: #enq wp: 0
DpWpAdmInit: #btc wp: 3
DpWpAdmInit: #spo wp: 1
DpWpAdmInit: #vb2 wp: 1
DpWpAdmInit: #restricted/dynamic wp: 0/5
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 (10027) with high priority
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <EmbryoQueue_UPD> in slot 27 (10028) with high priority
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <EmbryoQueue_BTC> in slot 28 (10029) with high priority
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <EmbryoQueue_SPO> in slot 29 (10030) with high priority
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <EmbryoQueue_UP2> in slot 30 (10031) with high priority
DpInitMpi: mpi totalSz / bufferSz = 419430400 / 65536
MPI: max. number of pipes = 4000 (4000 with evt)
MPI: max. pipe size = 102400 KB
MPI: dynamic quotas disabled.
MPI: reserved quota (percent total space) = 30% (1918 buffers)
MPI init: pipes=4000 buffers=6395 reserved=1918 quota=10%
ShmProtect( 62, 3 )
MPI: create admin. at 0000000021110050
DpAddVirtHost: add virt host 0 (*/*) for prot 1
DpAddVirtHost: add virt host 0 (*/*) for prot 2
DpAddVirtHost: add virt host 0 (*/*) for prot 4
SetEnvironmentVariable PPID=1724
gwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\gwrd.EXE
CreateProcess gwrd (PID:4744 HANDLE:920)
set stat of gwrd to AS_STARTED
SetEnvironmentVariable PPID=1724
path: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\icman.EXE
CreateProcess ICM (PID:3580 HANDLE:928)
rdisp/j2ee_start = 0
rdisp/j2ee_start_lazy = 0
rdisp/j2ee_start_control = 1 (SAP J2EE startup framework)
rdisp/j2ee_timeout = 60 sec
rdisp/j2ee_error = 10
DpJ2eeInit: rdisp/j2ee_timeout = 60
DpJ2eeInit: rdisp/j2ee_error = 10
dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE
create new work process W0 (PID:4852 HANDLE:940)
Wed May 02 19:15:01 2040
dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE
create new work process W1 (PID:3316 HANDLE:944)
dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE
create new work process W2 (PID:2416 HANDLE:948)
dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE
create new work process W3 (PID:5048 HANDLE:952)
dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE
create new work process W4 (PID:5088 HANDLE:956)
dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE
create new work process W5 (PID:2852 HANDLE:960)
dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE
create new work process W6 (PID:5100 HANDLE:964)
dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE
create new work process W7 (PID:3176 HANDLE:968)
dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE
create new work process W8 (PID:1132 HANDLE:972)
dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE
create new work process W9 (PID:4948 HANDLE:976)
dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE
create new work process W10 (PID:3664 HANDLE:980)
dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE
create new work process W11 (PID:2272 HANDLE:984)
dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE
create new work process W12 (PID:4016 HANDLE:988)
dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE
create new work process W13 (PID:892 HANDLE:992)
dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE
create new work process W14 (PID:4004 HANDLE:1000)
dwpath: C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\exe\disp+work.EXE
create new work process W15 (PID:4012 HANDLE:1004)
DpAmcRegisterSessionCleanupHandler: register handler
DpAmcRegisterUiCleanupHandler: register handler
DpInitTimeTab: init time table for 200 slots
DpAllDynamicWps: 5 dynamic wps available
DpCalcNextSchedule: next_schedule: 2219617041/194000
DpInsertSchedule: inserted slot 0 (type BUFREF; delay 140/0 sec/usec; next schedule of slot 2219617041/194000 sec/usec)
DpInsertSchedule: next schedule at 2219617041/194000 sec/usec (1 timetab entries in total)
DpInsertRollSchedule: set static BUFREF schedule (hdl 0)
DpCalcNextSchedule: next_schedule: 2219617041/194000
DpInsertSchedule: inserted slot 1 (type DDLOG; delay 140/0 sec/usec; next schedule of slot 2219617041/194000 sec/usec)
Wed May 02 19:15:01 2040
DpInsertSchedule: next schedule at 2219617041/194000 sec/usec (2 timetab entries in total)
DpInsertRollSchedule: set static DDLOG schedule (hdl 1)
DpCalcNextSchedule: next_schedule: 2219617041/194000
DpInsertSchedule: inserted slot 2 (type RESTART_ALL; delay 320/0 sec/usec; next schedule of slot 2219617221/194000 sec/usec)
DpInsertSchedule: next schedule at 2219617041/194000 sec/usec (3 timetab entries in total)
DpInsertRollSchedule: set static RESTART_ALL schedule (hdl 2)
DpCalcNextSchedule: next_schedule: 2219616941/194000
DpInsertSchedule: inserted slot 3 (type ENVCHECK; delay 40/0 sec/usec; next schedule of slot 2219616941/194000 sec/usec)
DpInsertSchedule: next schedule at 2219616941/194000 sec/usec (4 timetab entries in total)
DpInsertRollSchedule: set static ENVCHECK schedule (hdl 3)
DpCalcNextSchedule: next_schedule: 2219616921/194000
DpInsertSchedule: inserted slot 4 (type BGRFC_WATCHDOG; delay 20/0 sec/usec; next schedule of slot 2219616921/194000 sec/usec)
DpInsertSchedule: next schedule at 2219616921/194000 sec/usec (5 timetab entries in total)
DpInsertRollSchedule: set static BGRFC_WATCHDOG schedule (hdl 4)
DpCalcNextSchedule: next_schedule: 2219616901/194000
DpInsertSchedule: inserted slot 5 (type AUTOTH; delay 0/0 sec/usec; next schedule of slot 2219616901/194000 sec/usec)
DpInsertSchedule: next schedule at 2219616901/194000 sec/usec (6 timetab entries in total)
DpInsertRollSchedule: set static AUTOTH schedule (hdl 5)
DpCalcNextSchedule: next_schedule: 2219616901/194000
DpInsertSchedule: inserted slot 6 (type AUTOCCMS; delay 80/0 sec/usec; next schedule of slot 2219616981/194000 sec/usec)
DpInsertSchedule: next schedule at 2219616901/194000 sec/usec (7 timetab entries in total)
DpInsertRollSchedule: set static AUTOCCMS schedule (hdl 6)
DpCalcNextSchedule: next_schedule: 2219616901/194000
DpInsertSchedule: inserted slot 7 (type AUTOSECURITY; delay 80/0 sec/usec; next schedule of slot 2219616981/194000 sec/usec)
DpInsertSchedule: next schedule at 2219616901/194000 sec/usec (8 timetab entries in total)
DpInsertRollSchedule: set static AUTOSECURITY schedule (hdl 7)
DpCalcNextSchedule: next_schedule: 2219616901/194000
DpInsertSchedule: inserted slot 8 (type LOAD_CALCULATION; delay 21/0 sec/usec; next schedule of slot 2219616922/194000 sec/usec)
DpInsertSchedule: next schedule at 2219616901/194000 sec/usec (9 timetab entries in total)
DpInsertRollSchedule: set static LOAD_CALCULATION schedule (hdl 8)
DpCalcNextSchedule: next_schedule: 2219616901/194000
DpInsertSchedule: inserted slot 9 (type SPOOLALRM; delay 80/0 sec/usec; next schedule of slot 2219616981/194000 sec/usec)
DpInsertSchedule: next schedule at 2219616901/194000 sec/usec (10 timetab entries in total)
DpInsertRollSchedule: set static SPOOLALRM schedule (hdl 9)
Statistic Level: 0
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/max_hold_time ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
Wed May 02 19:15:01 2040
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/max_sleep ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/max_priv_time ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/max_debug_attach_wait_time ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/max_debug_lazy_time ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/max_vm_debug_attach_time ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/max_vm_sgc_lazy_time ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/max_vm_forced_sgc_time ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/max_snc_hold_time ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/btctime ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/bufreftime ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/keepalive ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/keepalive_timeout ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/ms_keepalive ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/ms_keepalive_timeout ok
Wed May 02 19:15:01 2040
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: can't find Parameter (rdisp/keepalive_old)
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/keepalive_old failed (ENOENT)
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/autoabaptime ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/bgrfc_watchdog_time ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/signal_handler_timeout ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/autothtime ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/autoccmstime ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/security_check_time ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/delayed_call_interval ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/gui_auto_logout ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/plugin_auto_logout ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: can't find Parameter (rdisp/spooltime)
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/spooltime failed (ENOENT)
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/noptime ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
Wed May 02 19:15:01 2040
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/startup_time ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/addump_period ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/wppriv_max_no ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/configurable_wp_no ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/autojavatime ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/softcancel_timeout ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/softcancel_sequence ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/wp_restart_interval ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/max_dynamic_wp_alive_time ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/max_wprun_time ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/scheduler/* ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/http_min_wait_dia_wp ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/TRACE ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/TRACE_LOGGING ok
Wed May 02 19:15:01 2040
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/TRACE_RESOLUTION ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/avoidTraceInSigHandler ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/rfc_use_quotas ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/rfc_max_queue ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/rfc_max_login ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/rfc_max_own_login ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/rfc_min_wait_dia_wp ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/rfc_max_own_used_wp ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/rfc_max_comm_entries ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/rfc_max_open_tasks ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/mshost ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/start_icman ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/reverse_name_lookup ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
Wed May 02 19:15:01 2040
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/j2ee_start ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/j2ee_start_lazy ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/j2ee_start_control ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/j2ee_op ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/j2ee_timeout ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/j2ee_error ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/j2ee_libpath ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/j2ee_profile ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/icm_startup_args ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: is/HTTP/show_detailed_errors ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: is/HTTP/virt_host_* ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: is/SMTP/virt_host_* ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: exe/j2ee ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
Wed May 02 19:15:01 2040
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/calculateLoadAverage ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/ext_timer_stop_delay ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/shutdown/load_balance_wait_time ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/shutdown/disable_login ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/shutdown/auto_logout ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/shutdown/j2ee_timeout ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/shutdown/trigger_timeout ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/shutdown/idle_wp_timeout ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/shutdown/longrunner_timeout ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/shutdown/max_time ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/cpicStreaming ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/acl_file ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/traffic_control ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: zdate/DSTswitch_contloctime ok
Wed May 02 19:15:01 2040
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/check_load ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/prevent_deadlock ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/high_load_quota ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/resource_limit ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/task_limit ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/websocket/deletion_timeout ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/reject_softcancel_in_priv_mode ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/websocket/open_message_limit ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/websocket/receive_threshold ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/snapshot ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/loop_after_fork ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/core_file_size ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/queue/mtx_statistic ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
Wed May 02 19:15:01 2040
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/queue/mtx_statistic_limit ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/queue/handle_wakeups_outside_cs ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/queue/use_sem_for_disp_queues ok
ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
DpShmPrfSetFuncByName: rdisp/session_pooling ok
CCMS: shmnt.c:2384: ShmAlCreate (SapSysNr = 0, Key = 73, Size = 0, SHM_ATTACH): in
LocShmAdm.Slot[SlotIdx].Ptr = 0x0000000000000000
CCMS: shmnt.c:2393: ShmAlCreate: ShmCreate() returned 3
LocShmAdm.Slot[SlotIdx].Ptr = 0x0000000000000000
CCMS: shmnt.c:2407: ShmAlCreate: *ShmAdmPtr updated, out
LocShmAdm.Slot[SlotIdx].Ptr = 0x0000000000000000,
CCMS: shmnt.c:2384: ShmAlCreate (SapSysNr = 0, Key = 73, Size = 60211232, SHM_ATTACH): in
LocShmAdm.Slot[SlotIdx].Ptr = 0x0000000000000000
ShmProtect( 73, 3 )
CCMS: shmnt.c:2393: ShmAlCreate: ShmCreate() returned 0
LocShmAdm.Slot[SlotIdx].Ptr = 0x000000003A3E0050
CCMS: shmnt.c:2407: ShmAlCreate: *ShmAdmPtr updated, out
LocShmAdm.Slot[SlotIdx].Ptr = 0x000000003A3E0050,
CCMS: Initialized monitoring segment of size 60000000.
CCMS: Initialized CCMS Headers in the shared monitoring segment.
CCMS: Checking Downtime Configuration of Monitoring Segment.
Wed May 02 19:15:02 2040
CCMS: AlMsUpload called by wp 1024.
CCMS: AlMsUpload successful for C:\usr\sap\ECC\DVEBMGS00\log\ALMTTREE.DAT (313 MTEs).
PfRegisterHook: add hook >hook for normal statistical records< for event WRITE_ANY_REC
CCMS: start to initalize 3.X shared alert area (first segment).
AdRegisterCvtFunctions( 20(AD_RZL), 000000014107F800,000000014107F6C0)
DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us
DpLoadCheck: o.k.
DpCheckPreemptionTicker: created thread for DpPremptionTicker
START of dispatcher main loop
: time skipped, enable schedules
DpCalcNextSchedule: next_schedule: 2219616901/194000
DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616901/194000 (in the past)
DpGetSchedule: actTime=2219616902/941000
DpGetSchedule: found slot 5 (type/tid/mode AUTOTH/-1/255, time=2219616901/194000)
DpTimeCheck: next 2219616901/194000, autoth is inactive, autothtime 60
DpSetNextSchedule: next schedule for slot 5: 2219616962/941000 (60/0 sec/msec)
DpCalcNextSchedule: next_schedule: 2219616921/194000
DpTimeCheck: activate auto th
DpRqCreate: creating REQ_HANDLER_AUTOTH request (rq_id 3420, slot 2)
DpRqSendRequest: REQ_HANDLER_AUTOTH (rq_id 3420) from DISP to local WORKER
rq_id 3420
-OUT- ca_blk -1 len 0
-OUT- sender address:
-OUT- type LOCAL
-OUT- agentType DISP
-OUT- respId 3421
-OUT- receiver address:
-OUT- type LOCAL
-OUT- agentType WORKER workerTyp DIA
RqQAddRequest: Add request rq_id 3420 (DIA) to queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 at the end
Dump of queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 (1 requests, port=0):
-1 <- 1 (rq_id 3420, DIA, REQ_HANDLER_AUTOTH) -> -1
RqQQueueAddToSessionQueue: Added queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 to high priority session queue at the end (1 entries, peak 1)
Session queue dump (high priority, 1 elements, peak 1):
-1 <- 26 < EmbryoQueue_DIA> -> -1
RqQNotifySessionQueue: notify high priority session queue of queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> (DIA) (id=1)
RqQNotifyWaitingWorker: 1 high priority requests pending for DP_WORKER_DIAWP, no waiting worker found
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 contains 1 requests of type DIA
DpRqPutIntoQueue: put request into EMBRYO queue (workerType 1, prio LOW, rq_id 3420), queue has 1 requests
DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_AUTOTH request (rq_id 3420, slot 2)
DpGetSchedule: actTime=2219616902/941000
DpGetSchedule: next schedule 2219616921/194000
DpGetSchedule: no schedule found
DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 18/253000 sec/usec
DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 18253 msec
*********** DP LOOP ***********
DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request
CA Blocks
Wed May 02 19:15:02 2040
... skip next entries
1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
NiSelISelectInt: 2 handles selected (1 buffered)
DpTmLogin: login request received
NiICreateHandle: hdl 25 state NI_INITIAL_CON
NiIInitSocket: set default settings for hdl 25/sock 1012 (I4; ST)
NiIBlockMode: set blockmode for hdl 25 FALSE
NiIAccept: state of hdl 25 NI_ACCEPTED
NiIAccept: hdl 9 accepted hdl 25 from
NiIAccept: hdl 25 took local address
NiIHdlSetMaxValidPacketLen: new len 34816 for hdl 25
DpLogon: new normal logon with type/subType/workerType/prio DP_LOGON_GUI/DP_LOGON_SUB_TYPE_UNDEF/DIA/-
DpListRemove: remove elem 0 from tmadm_free_list
DpListRemove: 199 elems in tmadm_free_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 0 into tmadm_inuse_list (at begin)
DpListInsert: 1 elems in tmadm_inuse_list
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T0_U1
DpTmSlotAllocate: allocated T0_U1
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <T0_U1_M0> in slot 31 (10032) with high priority
DpLogonInit: new logon T0_U1, type=DP_LOGON_GUI, state=DP_LOGON_STATE_LOGGED_ON, priority=high priority, workerType=DIA
DpAllocDpTmAdm: allocated slot for T0_U1
NiBufISetHdlParam: set alloc function for hdl 25 to 000000013F799420
DpAddSocketInfo: add info for nihdl 25 (pos/type/idx=3/3/0)
dp_tm_adm[0].stat = DP_CONNECTED
DpTmLogin: expect data from T0_U1_M0
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_CHANGE_IP
retcode : MSOP_OK
version : 2
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_CHANGE_IP
DpMsInfo: ignore opcode MS_CHANGE_IP ok
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
retcode : MSOP_OK
version : 1
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_SERVER_LONG_LIST
DpMsInfo: ignore opcode MS_SERVER_LONG_LIST ok
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_SERVER_CHG
retcode : MSOP_OK
version : 4
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_SERVER_CHG
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
Wed May 02 19:15:02 2040
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_SET_LOGON
retcode : MSOP_OK
version : 1
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_SET_LOGON
DpMsInfo: ignore opcode MS_SET_LOGON ok
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_SET_LOGON
retcode : MSOP_OK
version : 1
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_SET_LOGON
DpMsInfo: ignore opcode MS_SET_LOGON ok
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=214,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiRead: received 214 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/104 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_GET_HWID
retcode : MSOP_OK
version : 1
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_GET_HWID
DpMBufHwIdSet: set Hardware-ID
***LOG Q1C=> DpMBufHwIdSet [dpxxmbuf.c 1179]
MBUF set hwid_state to SAP_O_K (L1316909553 )
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=434,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiRead: received 434 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/324 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_SERVER_LST
retcode : MSOP_OK
version : 4
charset : 3
DpMsgProcess: update server list (324 bytes)
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_SERVER_LST
DpMsInfo: found 2 server (160 bytes per server)
MsConvMsxxlist: client_version=4, server_version=4
client name : SAPIDESECC_ECC_00
client host : SAPIDESECC
client address (IPv6) :
client address (IPv4) :
client services : sapdp00
client port : 3200
status : STARTING
message types : DIA UPD BTC SPO UP2 ICM
system services :
DpMBufClearLoadInfo: reset load info for name [SAPIDESECC_ECC_00 ]
DpMBufClearLoadDetailInfo: reset load info for name [SAPIDESECC_ECC_00 ]
MBUF SET name [SAPIDESECC_ECC_00 ], types 187, entry=1
MsConvMsxxlist: client_version=4, server_version=4
client name : -
client host :
client address (IPv6) :
client address (IPv4) :
client services : -
client port : 0
status : STARTING
message types : -
system services :
MBUF ignore name [- ], types 0
AdGetSelfIdentRecord: > <
AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 60 (AD_SELFIDENT), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0
AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 40 (AD_MSBUF), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0
AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 40 (AD_MSBUF), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0
DpRqCreate: creating REQ_HANDLER_MSADM request (rq_id 3439, slot 3)
DpCaLockBlk: locked ca_blk 1
DpRqSendRequest: REQ_HANDLER_MSADM (rq_id 3439) from DISP to local DISP
DpCaGiveUpOwnerOfBlk: give up ownership of ca_blk 1
rq_id 3439
-OUT- ca_blk 1 len 348
-OUT- sender address:
-OUT- type LOCAL
-OUT- agentType DISP
-OUT- receiver address:
-OUT- type LOCAL
-OUT- agentType DISP
Wed May 02 19:15:02 2040
RqQAddRequest: Add request rq_id 3439 (NOWP) to queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 at the end
Dump of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (1 requests, in use, port=54405):
-1 <- 2 (rq_id 3439, NOWP, REQ_HANDLER_MSADM) -> -1
NiICreateHandle: hdl 33 state NI_INITIAL_CON
NiIInitSocket: set default settings for new hdl 33/sock 1016 (I4; DG)
NiDgHdlCreateForProto: state of hdl 33 NI_DG_UNCONNECTED
NiISetSockOpt: set option SOL_SOCKET-SO_REUSEADDR of hdl 33 to FALSE
NiIConnectSocket: connection of hdl 33 established to
NiDgHdlConnect: state of hdl 33 NI_DG_CONNECTED
RqQQueueNotifySelectableHandleAsync: Created new NI connection for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 on port 54405 (54408)
RqQQueueNotifySelectableHandleAsync: Signal selectable handle for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 on port 54405 (id=0)
NiDgHdlSend: hdl 33 sent 1 of 1 bytes to
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP
DpRqPutIntoQueue: put request into DISP queue (workerType 0, prio LOW, rq_id 3439), queue has 1 requests
DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_MSADM request (rq_id 3439, slot 3)
DpMBufTypeMod: MBUF component UP (event=MBUF_DPEVT_UP)
DpMsgProcess: 1 server in MBUF
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=434,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiRead: received 434 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/324 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_SERVER_LST
retcode : MSOP_OK
version : 4
charset : 3
DpMsgProcess: MBUF state is MBUF_ACTIVE
DpMBufClearGlobalHighLoadCounter: reset global load flags
DpMBufReset: state = MBUF_PREPARED
NiIRead: hdl 17 recv would block (errno=EAGAIN)
NiIRead: read for hdl 17 timed out (0ms)
DpLoopExec: 8 MS message(s) processed
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP
NiDgHdlRecvFrom: hdl 1 received 1 bytes from
RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat one selectable handle wakeup (id=0), 1. receive
RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat selectable handle wakeup for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (before cs)
RqQQueueGetRequest: Get request of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (timeout=0)
RqQRequestFree: Free request in slot 2 (rq_id 3439)
RqQQueueGetRequest: Request rq_id 3439 found in queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0
rq_id 3439
-IN-- ca_blk 1 len 348
-IN-- sender address:
-IN-- type LOCAL
-IN-- agentType DISP
-IN-- receiver address:
-IN-- type LOCAL
-IN-- agentType DISP
DpCaBecomeOwnerOfBlk: become owner of ca_blk 1
DpRqCopyAndMoveData: copying REQ_HANDLER_MSADM request (rq_id 3439, slot 4)
DpRqServiceQueue: Handle NOWP request queue (rq_id 3439)
DpRqNoWpHandle: handle req (rq_id 3439) with new addressing (LOCAL)
DpRqSendRequest: REQ_HANDLER_MSADM (rq_id 3439) from DISP to local WORKER
Wed May 02 19:15:02 2040
DpCaGiveUpOwnerOfBlk: give up ownership of ca_blk 1
rq_id 3439
-OUT- ca_blk 1 len 348
-OUT- sender address:
-OUT- type LOCAL
-OUT- agentType DISP
-OUT- respId 3440
-OUT- receiver address:
-OUT- type LOCAL
-OUT- agentType WORKER workerTyp DIA
RqQAddRequest: Add request rq_id 3439 (DIA) to queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 at the end
Dump of queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 (2 requests, port=0):
-1 <- 1 (rq_id 3420, DIA, REQ_HANDLER_AUTOTH) -> 2
1 <- 2 (rq_id 3439, DIA, REQ_HANDLER_MSADM) -> -1
RqQQueueIsInSessionQueue: queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 is in high priority session queue
RqQQueueAddToSessionQueue: queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 is already in high priority session queue
Session queue dump (high priority, 1 elements, peak 1):
-1 <- 26 < EmbryoQueue_DIA> -> -1
RqQNotifySessionQueue: notify high priority session queue of queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> (DIA) (id=2)
RqQNotifyWaitingWorker: 2 high priority requests pending for DP_WORKER_DIAWP, no waiting worker found
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 contains 2 requests of type DIA
DpRqPutIntoQueue: put request into EMBRYO queue (workerType 1, prio LOW, rq_id 3439), queue has 2 requests
DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_MSADM request (rq_id 3439, slot 4)
DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us
DpCalcTimeSlice: calculate load, interval size is 2099306 us
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[DIA][0] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UPD][0] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[ENQ][0] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[BTC][0] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[SPO][0] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UP2][0] = 0.000000
DpSendLoadInfo: server in state STARTING, skip sending load infos
DpLoadCheck: o.k.
DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 18/206000 sec/usec
DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 18206 msec
*********** DP LOOP ***********
Request Handling Dump:
REQ_HANDLER_MSADM (rq_id 3439) from queue <DispatcherQueue> was handled by <Dispatcher>
DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request
CA Blocks
... skip next entries
2 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 2 currently unowned (in request queues)
DpCaLockBlk: locked ca_blk 2
NiIRead: hdl 25 received data (rcd=8,pac=1,MESG_IO)
NiBufIProcMsg: hdl 25 received NI_PING, reply NI_PONG
NiIWrite: hdl 25 sent data (wrt=8,pac=1,MESG_IO)
NiICheck: hdl 25 sent NI_PONG to partner
DpCaRelBlk: released ca_blk 2
Wed May 02 19:15:02 2040
NiIRead: SiRecv failed for hdl 25/sock 1012
NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (1 buffered)
DpRTmPrepareReq: network error of not logged in client T0_U1, NiBufReceive (-6: NIECONN_BROKEN), dp_tm_status=DP_CONNECTED
Wed May 02 19:15:03 2040
NiHLGetHostName: got address from operating system
NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'
DpRTmPrepareReq: client address of T0_U1 is
DpTmDisconnect: disconnect T0_U1 (state=DP_CONNECTED)
DpTmDisintegrate: clean T0_U1, state=DP_CONN_BROKEN
DpDelSocketInfo: del info for nihdl 25 (pos/type=3/3)
NiICloseHandle: shutdown and close hdl 25/sock 1012
DpGetSchedule: next schedule 2219616921/194000
DpGetSchedule: no schedule found
DpITmSlotRelease: release T0_U1
DpListRemove: remove elem 0 from tmadm_inuse_list
DpListRemove: 0 elems in tmadm_inuse_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 0 into tmadm_free_list (at begin)
DpListInsert: 200 elems in tmadm_free_list
DpLoopExec: DpRTmPrepReq failed
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 0 requests of type NOWP
DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us
DpCalcTimeSlice: calculate load, interval size is 425371 us
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[DIA][1] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UPD][1] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[ENQ][1] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[BTC][1] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[SPO][1] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UP2][1] = 0.000000
DpSendLoadInfo: server in state STARTING, skip sending load infos
DpLoadCheck: o.k.
DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 17/800000 sec/usec
DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 17800 msec
*********** DP LOOP ***********
DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request
CA Blocks
... skip next entries
2 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 2 currently unowned (in request queues)
Wed May 02 19:15:07 2040
NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (0 buffered)
DpLoopExec: Request queue notification received
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP
NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache
NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'
NiDgHdlRecvFrom: hdl 1 received 1 bytes from SAPIDESECC:54412
RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat one selectable handle wakeup (id=1), 1. receive
RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat selectable handle wakeup for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (before cs)
RqQQueueGetRequest: Get request of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (timeout=0)
RqQRequestFree: Free request in slot 3 (rq_id 3441)
RqQQueueGetRequest: Request rq_id 3441 found in queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0
rq_id 3441
-IN-- ca_blk -1 len 0
-IN-- sDataLen 4 sData FC0D0000
-IN-- sender address:
-IN-- type LOCAL
-IN-- agentType ICMAN
-IN-- receiver address:
-IN-- type LOCAL
-IN-- agentType DISP
DpRqCopyAndMoveData: copying REQ_HANDLER_REGISTER_PROCESS request (rq_id 3441, slot 5)
DpRqServiceQueue: Handle NOWP request queue (rq_id 3441)
DpRqNoWpHandle: handle req (rq_id 3441) with new addressing (LOCAL)
DpIcmConnect: connect to ICM
DpDeleteRq: delete rq_id 3441
DpMsDeleteRq: handle rq_id 3441
DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_REGISTER_PROCESS request (rq_id 3441, slot 5)
DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us
DpLoadCheck: o.k.
DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 13/666000 sec/usec
DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 13666 msec
*********** DP LOOP ***********
Request Handling Dump:
REQ_HANDLER_REGISTER_PROCESS (rq_id 3441) from queue <DispatcherQueue> was handled by <Dispatcher>
DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request
CA Blocks
... skip next entries
2 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 2 currently unowned (in request queues)
Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040
NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (0 buffered)
DpLoopExec: Request queue notification received
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP
NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache
NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'
NiDgHdlRecvFrom: hdl 1 received 1 bytes from SAPIDESECC:54412
RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat one selectable handle wakeup (id=2), 1. receive
RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat selectable handle wakeup for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (before cs)
RqQQueueGetRequest: Get request of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (timeout=0)
RqQRequestFree: Free request in slot 0 (rq_id 3442)
RqQQueueGetRequest: Request rq_id 3442 found in queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0
rq_id 3442
-IN-- ca_blk -1 len 0
-IN-- sender address:
-IN-- type LOCAL
-IN-- agentType ICMAN
-IN-- receiver address:
-IN-- type LOCAL
-IN-- agentType DISP
DpRqCopyAndMoveData: copying REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE request (rq_id 3442, slot 6)
DpRqServiceQueue: Handle NOWP request queue (rq_id 3442)
DpRqNoWpHandle: handle req (rq_id 3442) with new addressing (LOCAL)
DpIcmHandleAdminRequest: handle opcode DP_ICM_OC_SERV_CHANGED
DpIcmUpdateServices: send request to icman
DpRqCreate: creating REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE_RESP request (rq_id 3443, slot 7)
DpCaLockBlk: locked ca_blk 2
DpRqSendRequest: REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE_RESP (rq_id 3443) from DISP to local ICMAN
DpCaGiveUpOwnerOfBlk: give up ownership of ca_blk 2
rq_id 3443
-OUT- ca_blk 2 len 5180
-OUT- sender address:
-OUT- type LOCAL
-OUT- agentType DISP
-OUT- receiver address:
-OUT- type LOCAL
-OUT- agentType ICMAN
RqQAddRequest: Add request rq_id 3443 (NOWP) to queue <IcmanQueue> in slot 2 at the end
Dump of queue <IcmanQueue> in slot 2 (1 requests, in use, port=54410):
-1 <- 0 (rq_id 3443, NOWP, REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE_RESP) -> -1
NiICreateHandle: hdl 26 state NI_INITIAL_CON
NiIInitSocket: set default settings for new hdl 26/sock 1012 (I4; DG)
NiDgHdlCreateForProto: state of hdl 26 NI_DG_UNCONNECTED
NiISetSockOpt: set option SOL_SOCKET-SO_REUSEADDR of hdl 26 to FALSE
NiIConnectSocket: connection of hdl 26 established to
NiDgHdlConnect: state of hdl 26 NI_DG_CONNECTED
RqQQueueNotifySelectableHandleAsync: Created new NI connection for queue <IcmanQueue> in slot 2 on port 54410 (54416)
RqQQueueNotifySelectableHandleAsync: Signal selectable handle for queue <IcmanQueue> in slot 2 on port 54410 (id=1)
NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache
NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'
NiDgHdlSend: hdl 26 sent 1 of 1 bytes to SAPIDESECC:54410
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <IcmanQueue> in slot 2 contains 1 requests of type NOWP
DpRqPutIntoQueue: put request into ICMAN queue (workerType 0, prio LOW, rq_id 3443), queue has 1 requests
DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE_RESP request (rq_id 3443, slot 7)
Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040
DpDeleteRq: delete rq_id 3442
DpMsDeleteRq: handle rq_id 3442
DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE request (rq_id 3442, slot 6)
DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us
DpCalcTimeSlice: calculate load, interval size is 5760545 us
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[DIA][2] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UPD][2] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[ENQ][2] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[BTC][2] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[SPO][2] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UP2][2] = 0.000000
DpSendLoadInfo: server in state STARTING, skip sending load infos
DpLoadCheck: o.k.
DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 12/44000 sec/usec
DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 12044 msec
*********** DP LOOP ***********
Request Handling Dump:
REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE_RESP (rq_id 3418) from queue <IcmanQueue> was handled by <Icman>
REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE (rq_id 3442) from queue <DispatcherQueue> was handled by <Dispatcher>
DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request
CA Blocks
0 ICMAN 3580
... skip next entries
3 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 2 currently unowned (in request queues)
NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (0 buffered)
DpLoopExec: Request queue notification received
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP
NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache
NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'
NiDgHdlRecvFrom: hdl 1 received 1 bytes from SAPIDESECC:54412
RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat one selectable handle wakeup (id=3), 1. receive
RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat selectable handle wakeup for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (before cs)
RqQQueueGetRequest: Get request of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (timeout=0)
RqQRequestFree: Free request in slot 3 (rq_id 3444)
RqQQueueGetRequest: Request rq_id 3444 found in queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0
rq_id 3444
-IN-- ca_blk 3 len 928
-IN-- sender address:
-IN-- type LOCAL
-IN-- agentType ICMAN
-IN-- receiver address:
-IN-- type LOCAL
-IN-- agentType DISP
DpCaBecomeOwnerOfBlk: become owner of ca_blk 3
DpRqCopyAndMoveData: copying REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE request (rq_id 3444, slot 8)
DpRqServiceQueue: Handle NOWP request queue (rq_id 3444)
Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040
DpRqNoWpHandle: handle req (rq_id 3444) with new addressing (LOCAL)
DpIcmHandleAdminRequest: handle opcode DP_ICM_OC_SERV_INFO
DpPlgGetVirtHost: search virt host for 1/SAPIDESECC/0
DpPlgGetVirtHost: no server defined, use default
NiIGetServNo: servicename '0' = port 0
NiHLGetNodeAddr: found hostname 'SAPIDESECC' in cache
NiIGetNodeAddr: hostname 'SAPIDESECC' = addr
DpMsUpdateICMData: Service Info: 0. active=0, host=SAPIDESECC, extbind=0, protocol=1, kato: 60, vhidx: 0, sname: 0
MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_HTTP (2)
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok
Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call
MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_HTTP_E (2)
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok
Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call
MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_HTTPRI (2)
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok
Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call
MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_HTTPS (2)
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok
Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call
Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040
MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_HTTPS_E (2)
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok
Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call
MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_HTTPSRI (2)
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok
Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call
MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_SMTP (2)
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok
Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call
MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_SMTP_E (2)
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok
Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call
MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_FTP (2)
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok
Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call
Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040
MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_FTP_E (2)
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok
Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call
MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_NNTP (2)
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok
Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call
MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_NNTP_E (2)
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok
Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call
DpDeleteRq: delete rq_id 3444
DpMsDeleteRq: handle rq_id 3444
DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE request (rq_id 3444, slot 8)
DpRqFreeResources: releasing ca_blk 3 with request rq_id 3444
DpCaRelBlk: released ca_blk 3
DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us
DpCalcTimeSlice: calculate load, interval size is 20102 us
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[DIA][3] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UPD][3] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[ENQ][3] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[BTC][3] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[SPO][3] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UP2][3] = 0.000000
DpSendLoadInfo: server in state STARTING, skip sending load infos
DpLoadCheck: o.k.
DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 12/28000 sec/usec
Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040
DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 12028 msec
*********** DP LOOP ***********
Request Handling Dump:
REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE (rq_id 3444) from queue <DispatcherQueue> was handled by <Dispatcher>
REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE_RESP (rq_id 3443) from queue <IcmanQueue> was handled by <Icman>
DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request
CA Blocks
... skip next entries
2 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 2 currently unowned (in request queues)
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
NiSelISelectInt: 2 handles selected (1 buffered)
DpLoopExec: Request queue notification received
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 2 requests of type NOWP
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_DEL_LOGON
retcode : MSOP_NOTSET
version : 1
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON
DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_DEL_LOGON
retcode : MSOP_NOTSET
version : 1
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON
DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_DEL_LOGON
retcode : MSOP_NOTSET
version : 1
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON
DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_DEL_LOGON
retcode : MSOP_NOTSET
version : 1
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON
DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_DEL_LOGON
retcode : MSOP_NOTSET
version : 1
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON
DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_DEL_LOGON
retcode : MSOP_NOTSET
version : 1
charset : 3
Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON
DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_DEL_LOGON
retcode : MSOP_NOTSET
version : 1
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON
DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_DEL_LOGON
retcode : MSOP_NOTSET
version : 1
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON
DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_DEL_LOGON
retcode : MSOP_NOTSET
version : 1
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON
DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET
NiIRead: hdl 17 recv would block (errno=EAGAIN)
NiIRead: read for hdl 17 timed out (0ms)
DpLoopExec: 9 MS message(s) processed
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 2 requests of type NOWP
NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache
NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'
NiDgHdlRecvFrom: hdl 1 received 1 bytes from SAPIDESECC:54412
RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat one selectable handle wakeup (id=4), 1. receive
RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat selectable handle wakeup for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (before cs)
RqQQueueGetRequest: Get request of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (timeout=0)
RqQRequestFree: Free request in slot 3 (rq_id 3445)
Dump of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (1 requests, in use, port=54405):
-1 <- 0 (rq_id 3446, NOWP, REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE) -> -1
RqQQueueGetRequest: Request rq_id 3445 found in queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0
rq_id 3445
-IN-- ca_blk -1 len 0
-IN-- sender address:
-IN-- type LOCAL
-IN-- agentType ICMAN
-IN-- receiver address:
-IN-- type LOCAL
-IN-- agentType DISP
DpRqCopyAndMoveData: copying REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE request (rq_id 3445, slot 9)
DpRqServiceQueue: Handle NOWP request queue (rq_id 3445)
DpRqNoWpHandle: handle req (rq_id 3445) with new addressing (LOCAL)
DpIcmHandleAdminRequest: handle opcode DP_ICM_OC_OPERATIONAL
DpIcmHandleAdminRequest: icm up and operational
DpDeleteRq: delete rq_id 3445
DpMsDeleteRq: handle rq_id 3445
DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE request (rq_id 3445, slot 9)
Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040
NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache
NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'
NiDgHdlRecvFrom: hdl 1 received 1 bytes from SAPIDESECC:54412
RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat one selectable handle wakeup (id=5), 1. receive
RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat selectable handle wakeup for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (before cs)
RqQQueueGetRequest: Get request of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (timeout=0)
RqQRequestFree: Free request in slot 0 (rq_id 3446)
RqQQueueGetRequest: Request rq_id 3446 found in queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0
rq_id 3446
-IN-- ca_blk 0 len 1342
-IN-- sender address:
-IN-- type LOCAL
-IN-- agentType ICMAN
-IN-- receiver address:
-IN-- type LOCAL
-IN-- agentType DISP
DpCaBecomeOwnerOfBlk: become owner of ca_blk 0
DpRqCopyAndMoveData: copying REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE request (rq_id 3446, slot 10)
DpRqServiceQueue: Handle NOWP request queue (rq_id 3446)
DpRqNoWpHandle: handle req (rq_id 3446) with new addressing (LOCAL)
DpIcmHandleAdminRequest: handle opcode DP_ICM_OC_SERV_INFO
DpPlgGetVirtHost: search virt host for 1/SAPIDESECC/0
DpPlgGetVirtHost: no server defined, use default
DpPlgGetVirtHost: search virt host for 4/SAPIDESECC/0
DpPlgGetVirtHost: no server defined, use default
NiIGetServNo: servicename '0' = port 0
NiIGetServNo: servicename '0' = port 0
MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_HTTP (2)
MsIBuildLogonData: misc = VHOST=0 (23)
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=183,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 183 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/73 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
Send 73 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_DEL_PROPERTY : asynchronous call
NiIGetServNo: servicename '0' = port 0
NiHLGetNodeAddr: found hostname 'SAPIDESECC' in cache
NiIGetNodeAddr: hostname 'SAPIDESECC' = addr
DpMsUpdateICMData: Service Info: 0. active=1, host=SAPIDESECC, extbind=0, protocol=1, kato: 60, vhidx: 0, sname: 0
NiIGetServNo: servicename '0' = port 0
NiHLGetNodeAddr: found hostname 'SAPIDESECC' in cache
NiIGetNodeAddr: hostname 'SAPIDESECC' = addr
DpMsUpdateICMData: Service Info: 1. active=1, host=SAPIDESECC, extbind=0, protocol=4, kato: 120, vhidx: 0, sname: 0
MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_HTTP (2)
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes
Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok
Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call
MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_HTTP_E (2)
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok
Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call
MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_HTTPRI (2)
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok
Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call
MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_HTTPS (2)
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok
Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call
MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_HTTPS_E (2)
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok
Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call
MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_HTTPSRI (2)
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes
Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok
Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call
MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_SMTP (2)
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok
Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call
MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_SMTP_E (2)
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok
Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call
MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_FTP (2)
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok
Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call
MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_FTP_E (2)
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok
Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call
MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_NNTP (2)
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes
Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok
Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call
MsIBuildLogonData: prot = MS_LOGON_NNTP_E (2)
NiIWrite: hdl 17 sent data (wrt=132,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiWrite: sent 132 bytes
MsISnd2: send msg (ms hdr/msg 110/22 bytes) to name MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
MsSndName: MS_DEL_LOGON ok
Send 22 bytes to MSG_SERVER
MS_DEL_LOGON : asynchronous call
DpDeleteRq: delete rq_id 3446
DpMsDeleteRq: handle rq_id 3446
DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE request (rq_id 3446, slot 10)
DpRqFreeResources: releasing ca_blk 0 with request rq_id 3446
DpCaRelBlk: released ca_blk 0
DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us
DpLoadCheck: o.k.
DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 12/28000 sec/usec
DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 12028 msec
*********** DP LOOP ***********
Request Handling Dump:
REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE (rq_id 3445) from queue <DispatcherQueue> was handled by <Dispatcher>
REQ_HANDLER_ICMAN_OPCODE (rq_id 3446) from queue <DispatcherQueue> was handled by <Dispatcher>
DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request
CA Blocks
... skip next entries
1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (1 buffered)
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_DEL_LOGON
retcode : MSOP_NOTSET
version : 1
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON
DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_DEL_LOGON
retcode : MSOP_NOTSET
version : 1
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON
DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET
Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_DEL_LOGON
retcode : MSOP_NOTSET
version : 1
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON
DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
retcode : MSOP_NOTSET
version : 1
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_PROPERTY
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_DEL_LOGON
retcode : MSOP_NOTSET
version : 1
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON
DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_DEL_LOGON
retcode : MSOP_NOTSET
version : 1
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON
DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_DEL_LOGON
retcode : MSOP_NOTSET
version : 1
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON
DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_DEL_LOGON
retcode : MSOP_NOTSET
version : 1
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON
DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_DEL_LOGON
retcode : MSOP_NOTSET
version : 1
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON
DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_DEL_LOGON
retcode : MSOP_NOTSET
version : 1
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON
DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET
Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040
DpLoopExec: 10 MS message(s) processed (maxLoop reached)
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 0 requests of type NOWP
DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us
DpLoadCheck: o.k.
DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 12/28000 sec/usec
DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 12028 msec
*********** DP LOOP ***********
DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request
CA Blocks
... skip next entries
1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (1 buffered)
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_DEL_LOGON
retcode : MSOP_NOTSET
version : 1
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON
DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_DEL_LOGON
retcode : MSOP_NOTSET
version : 1
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON
DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_DEL_LOGON
retcode : MSOP_NOTSET
version : 1
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON
DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_DEL_LOGON
retcode : MSOP_NOTSET
version : 1
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON
DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET
NiIRead: hdl 17 recv would block (errno=EAGAIN)
NiIRead: read for hdl 17 timed out (0ms)
DpLoopExec: 4 MS message(s) processed
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 0 requests of type NOWP
DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us
DpLoadCheck: o.k.
DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 12/28000 sec/usec
DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 12028 msec
Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040
*********** DP LOOP ***********
DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request
CA Blocks
... skip next entries
1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (1 buffered)
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_DEL_LOGON
retcode : MSOP_NOTSET
version : 1
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON
DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET
NiIRead: hdl 17 recv would block (errno=EAGAIN)
NiIRead: read for hdl 17 timed out (0ms)
DpLoopExec: 1 MS message(s) processed
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 0 requests of type NOWP
DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us
DpLoadCheck: o.k.
DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 12/28000 sec/usec
DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 12028 msec
*********** DP LOOP ***********
DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request
CA Blocks
... skip next entries
1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)
NiIRead: hdl 17 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (1 buffered)
MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
MsIReceive: received msg (ms hdr/msg 110/4 bytes), flag 3, from MSG_SERVER , typ 0, key -
opcode : MS_DEL_LOGON
retcode : MSOP_NOTSET
version : 1
charset : 3
DpMsInfo: request from MSG_SERVER, opcode MS_DEL_LOGON
DpMsInfo: opcode MS_DEL_LOGON, error MSOP_NOTSET
NiIRead: hdl 17 recv would block (errno=EAGAIN)
NiIRead: read for hdl 17 timed out (0ms)
DpLoopExec: 1 MS message(s) processed
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 0 requests of type NOWP
DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us
DpLoadCheck: o.k.
DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 12/28000 sec/usec
DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 12028 msec
*********** DP LOOP ***********
DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request
Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040
CA Blocks
... skip next entries
1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)
NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (0 buffered)
DpLoopExec: Request queue notification received
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP
NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache
NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'
NiDgHdlRecvFrom: hdl 1 received 1 bytes from SAPIDESECC:54417
RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat one selectable handle wakeup (id=6), 1. receive
RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat selectable handle wakeup for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (before cs)
RqQQueueGetRequest: Get request of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (timeout=0)
RqQRequestFree: Free request in slot 0 (rq_id 3447)
RqQQueueGetRequest: Request rq_id 3447 found in queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0
rq_id 3447
-IN-- ca_blk -1 len 0
-IN-- sDataLen 4 sData 04000000
-IN-- sender address:
-IN-- type LOCAL
-IN-- agentType WORKER workerTyp BTC workerNum 12
-IN-- receiver address:
-IN-- type LOCAL
-IN-- agentType DISP
DpRqCopyAndMoveData: copying REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3447, slot 11)
DpRqServiceQueue: Handle NOWP request queue (rq_id 3447)
DpRqNoWpHandle: handle req (rq_id 3447) with new addressing (LOCAL)
ShmProtect( 4, 3 )
DpRqNoWpHandle: attached to shm segment 4
DpDeleteRq: delete rq_id 3447
DpMsDeleteRq: handle rq_id 3447
DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3447, slot 11)
DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us
DpLoadCheck: o.k.
DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 11/498000 sec/usec
DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 11498 msec
*********** DP LOOP ***********
Request Handling Dump:
REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM (rq_id 3447) from queue <DispatcherQueue> was handled by <Dispatcher>
DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request
CA Blocks
... skip next entries
1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)
NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (0 buffered)
DpLoopExec: Request queue notification received
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP
NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache
Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040
NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'
NiDgHdlRecvFrom: hdl 1 received 1 bytes from SAPIDESECC:54417
RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat one selectable handle wakeup (id=7), 1. receive
RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat selectable handle wakeup for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (before cs)
RqQQueueGetRequest: Get request of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (timeout=0)
RqQRequestFree: Free request in slot 0 (rq_id 3448)
RqQQueueGetRequest: Request rq_id 3448 found in queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0
rq_id 3448
-IN-- ca_blk -1 len 0
-IN-- sDataLen 4 sData 2B000000
-IN-- sender address:
-IN-- type LOCAL
-IN-- agentType WORKER workerTyp BTC workerNum 12
-IN-- receiver address:
-IN-- type LOCAL
-IN-- agentType DISP
DpRqCopyAndMoveData: copying REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3448, slot 12)
DpRqServiceQueue: Handle NOWP request queue (rq_id 3448)
DpRqNoWpHandle: handle req (rq_id 3448) with new addressing (LOCAL)
ShmProtect( 43, 3 )
DpRqNoWpHandle: attached to shm segment 43
DpDeleteRq: delete rq_id 3448
DpMsDeleteRq: handle rq_id 3448
DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3448, slot 12)
DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us
DpLoadCheck: o.k.
DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 11/217000 sec/usec
DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 11217 msec
*********** DP LOOP ***********
Request Handling Dump:
REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM (rq_id 3448) from queue <DispatcherQueue> was handled by <Dispatcher>
DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request
CA Blocks
... skip next entries
1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)
NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (0 buffered)
DpLoopExec: Request queue notification received
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 3 requests of type NOWP
NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache
NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'
NiDgHdlRecvFrom: hdl 1 received 1 bytes from SAPIDESECC:54417
RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat one selectable handle wakeup (id=8), 1. receive
RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat selectable handle wakeup for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (before cs)
RqQQueueGetRequest: Get request of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (timeout=0)
RqQRequestFree: Free request in slot 0 (rq_id 3449)
Dump of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (2 requests, in use, port=54405):
-1 <- 3 (rq_id 3450, NOWP, REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM) -> 4
Wed May 02 19:15:09 2040
3 <- 4 (rq_id 3451, NOWP, REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM) -> -1
RqQQueueGetRequest: Request rq_id 3449 found in queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0
rq_id 3449
-IN-- ca_blk -1 len 0
-IN-- sDataLen 4 sData 2C000000
-IN-- sender address:
-IN-- type LOCAL
-IN-- agentType WORKER workerTyp BTC workerNum 12
-IN-- receiver address:
-IN-- type LOCAL
-IN-- agentType DISP
DpRqCopyAndMoveData: copying REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3449, slot 13)
DpRqServiceQueue: Handle NOWP request queue (rq_id 3449)
DpRqNoWpHandle: handle req (rq_id 3449) with new addressing (LOCAL)
ShmProtect( 44, 3 )
DpRqNoWpHandle: attached to shm segment 44
DpDeleteRq: delete rq_id 3449
DpMsDeleteRq: handle rq_id 3449
DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3449, slot 13)
NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache
NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'
NiDgHdlRecvFrom: hdl 1 received 1 bytes from SAPIDESECC:54417
RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat one selectable handle wakeup (id=9), 1. receive
RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat selectable handle wakeup for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (before cs)
RqQQueueGetRequest: Get request of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (timeout=0)
RqQRequestFree: Free request in slot 3 (rq_id 3450)
Dump of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (1 requests, in use, port=54405):
-1 <- 4 (rq_id 3451, NOWP, REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM) -> -1
RqQQueueGetRequest: Request rq_id 3450 found in queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0
rq_id 3450
-IN-- ca_blk -1 len 0
-IN-- sDataLen 4 sData 2D000000
-IN-- sender address:
-IN-- type LOCAL
-IN-- agentType WORKER workerTyp BTC workerNum 12
-IN-- receiver address:
-IN-- type LOCAL
-IN-- agentType DISP
DpRqCopyAndMoveData: copying REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3450, slot 14)
DpRqServiceQueue: Handle NOWP request queue (rq_id 3450)
DpRqNoWpHandle: handle req (rq_id 3450) with new addressing (LOCAL)
Wed May 02 19:15:10 2040
ShmProtect( 45, 3 )
DpRqNoWpHandle: attached to shm segment 45
DpDeleteRq: delete rq_id 3450
DpMsDeleteRq: handle rq_id 3450
DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3450, slot 14)
NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache
NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'
NiDgHdlRecvFrom: hdl 1 received 1 bytes from SAPIDESECC:54417
RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat one selectable handle wakeup (id=10), 1. receive
RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat selectable handle wakeup for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (before cs)
RqQQueueGetRequest: Get request of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (timeout=0)
RqQRequestFree: Free request in slot 4 (rq_id 3451)
RqQQueueGetRequest: Request rq_id 3451 found in queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0
rq_id 3451
-IN-- ca_blk -1 len 0
-IN-- sDataLen 4 sData 2A000000
-IN-- sender address:
-IN-- type LOCAL
-IN-- agentType WORKER workerTyp BTC workerNum 12
-IN-- receiver address:
-IN-- type LOCAL
-IN-- agentType DISP
DpRqCopyAndMoveData: copying REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3451, slot 15)
DpRqServiceQueue: Handle NOWP request queue (rq_id 3451)
DpRqNoWpHandle: handle req (rq_id 3451) with new addressing (LOCAL)
ShmProtect( 42, 3 )
DpRqNoWpHandle: attached to shm segment 42
DpDeleteRq: delete rq_id 3451
DpMsDeleteRq: handle rq_id 3451
DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3451, slot 15)
DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us
DpLoadCheck: o.k.
DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 11/186000 sec/usec
DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 11186 msec
*********** DP LOOP ***********
Request Handling Dump:
REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM (rq_id 3449) from queue <DispatcherQueue> was handled by <Dispatcher>
REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM (rq_id 3450) from queue <DispatcherQueue> was handled by <Dispatcher>
REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM (rq_id 3451) from queue <DispatcherQueue> was handled by <Dispatcher>
DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request
CA Blocks
... skip next entries
1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)
Wed May 02 19:15:13 2040
NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (0 buffered)
DpTmLogin: login request received
NiICreateHandle: hdl 41 state NI_INITIAL_CON
NiIInitSocket: set default settings for hdl 41/sock 1020 (I4; ST)
NiIBlockMode: set blockmode for hdl 41 FALSE
NiIAccept: state of hdl 41 NI_ACCEPTED
NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache
NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'
NiIAccept: hdl 9 accepted hdl 41 from SAPIDESECC:49191
NiIAccept: hdl 41 took local address
NiIHdlSetMaxValidPacketLen: new len 34816 for hdl 41
DpLogon: new normal logon with type/subType/workerType/prio DP_LOGON_GUI/DP_LOGON_SUB_TYPE_UNDEF/DIA/-
DpListRemove: remove elem 0 from tmadm_free_list
DpListRemove: 199 elems in tmadm_free_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 0 into tmadm_inuse_list (at begin)
DpListInsert: 1 elems in tmadm_inuse_list
RqQQueueDestroy: Destroy queue <T0_U1_M0> in slot 31 (10032)
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T0_U2
DpTmSlotAllocate: allocated T0_U2
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <T0_U2_M0> in slot 31 (10034) with high priority
DpLogonInit: new logon T0_U2, type=DP_LOGON_GUI, state=DP_LOGON_STATE_LOGGED_ON, priority=high priority, workerType=DIA
DpAllocDpTmAdm: allocated slot for T0_U2
NiBufISetHdlParam: set alloc function for hdl 41 to 000000013F799420
DpAddSocketInfo: add info for nihdl 41 (pos/type/idx=5/3/0)
dp_tm_adm[0].stat = DP_CONNECTED
DpTmLogin: expect data from T0_U2_M0
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 0 requests of type NOWP
DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us
DpCalcTimeSlice: calculate load, interval size is 3833312 us
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[DIA][4] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UPD][4] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[ENQ][4] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[BTC][4] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[SPO][4] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UP2][4] = 0.000000
DpSendLoadInfo: server in state STARTING, skip sending load infos
DpLoadCheck: o.k.
DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 8/191000 sec/usec
DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 8191 msec
*********** DP LOOP ***********
Wed May 02 19:15:13 2040
DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request
CA Blocks
... skip next entries
1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)
DpCaLockBlk: locked ca_blk 0
NiIRead: hdl 41 received data (rcd=8,pac=1,MESG_IO)
NiBufIProcMsg: hdl 41 received NI_PING, reply NI_PONG
NiIWrite: hdl 41 sent data (wrt=8,pac=1,MESG_IO)
NiICheck: hdl 41 sent NI_PONG to partner
DpCaRelBlk: released ca_blk 0
NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache
NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'
NiIRead: SiRecv failed for hdl 41/sock 1020
NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (1 buffered)
DpRTmPrepareReq: network error of not logged in client T0_U2, NiBufReceive (-6: NIECONN_BROKEN), dp_tm_status=DP_CONNECTED
NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache
NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'
DpRTmPrepareReq: client address of T0_U2 is
DpTmDisconnect: disconnect T0_U2 (state=DP_CONNECTED)
DpTmDisintegrate: clean T0_U2, state=DP_CONN_BROKEN
DpDelSocketInfo: del info for nihdl 41 (pos/type=5/3)
NiICloseHandle: shutdown and close hdl 41/sock 1020
DpGetSchedule: next schedule 2219616921/194000
DpGetSchedule: no schedule found
DpITmSlotRelease: release T0_U2
DpListRemove: remove elem 0 from tmadm_inuse_list
DpListRemove: 0 elems in tmadm_inuse_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 0 into tmadm_free_list (at begin)
DpListInsert: 200 elems in tmadm_free_list
DpLoopExec: DpRTmPrepReq failed
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 0 requests of type NOWP
DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us
DpCalcTimeSlice: calculate load, interval size is 402 us
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[DIA][5] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UPD][5] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[ENQ][5] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[BTC][5] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[SPO][5] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UP2][5] = 0.000000
DpSendLoadInfo: server in state STARTING, skip sending load infos
Wed May 02 19:15:13 2040
DpLoadCheck: o.k.
DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 8/191000 sec/usec
DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 8191 msec
*********** DP LOOP ***********
DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request
CA Blocks
... skip next entries
1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)
Wed May 02 19:15:17 2040
NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (0 buffered)
DpTmLogin: login request received
NiICreateHandle: hdl 42 state NI_INITIAL_CON
NiIInitSocket: set default settings for hdl 42/sock 292 (I4; ST)
NiIBlockMode: set blockmode for hdl 42 FALSE
NiIAccept: state of hdl 42 NI_ACCEPTED
NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache
NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'
NiIAccept: hdl 9 accepted hdl 42 from SAPIDESECC:49194
NiIAccept: hdl 42 took local address
NiIHdlSetMaxValidPacketLen: new len 34816 for hdl 42
DpLogon: new normal logon with type/subType/workerType/prio DP_LOGON_GUI/DP_LOGON_SUB_TYPE_UNDEF/DIA/-
DpListRemove: remove elem 0 from tmadm_free_list
DpListRemove: 199 elems in tmadm_free_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 0 into tmadm_inuse_list (at begin)
DpListInsert: 1 elems in tmadm_inuse_list
RqQQueueDestroy: Destroy queue <T0_U2_M0> in slot 31 (10034)
DpITmSlotClear: cleared T0_U3
DpTmSlotAllocate: allocated T0_U3
RqQQueueCreate: Created queue <T0_U3_M0> in slot 31 (10035) with high priority
DpLogonInit: new logon T0_U3, type=DP_LOGON_GUI, state=DP_LOGON_STATE_LOGGED_ON, priority=high priority, workerType=DIA
DpAllocDpTmAdm: allocated slot for T0_U3
NiBufISetHdlParam: set alloc function for hdl 42 to 000000013F799420
DpAddSocketInfo: add info for nihdl 42 (pos/type/idx=5/3/0)
dp_tm_adm[0].stat = DP_CONNECTED
DpTmLogin: expect data from T0_U3_M0
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 0 requests of type NOWP
DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us
DpLoadCheck: o.k.
DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 3/901000 sec/usec
DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 3901 msec
*********** DP LOOP ***********
DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request
CA Blocks
... skip next entries
1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)
DpCaLockBlk: locked ca_blk 0
NiIRead: hdl 42 received data (rcd=8,pac=1,MESG_IO)
NiBufIProcMsg: hdl 42 received NI_PING, reply NI_PONG
NiIWrite: hdl 42 sent data (wrt=8,pac=1,MESG_IO)
Wed May 02 19:15:17 2040
NiICheck: hdl 42 sent NI_PONG to partner
DpCaRelBlk: released ca_blk 0
NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache
NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'
NiIRead: SiRecv failed for hdl 42/sock 292
NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (1 buffered)
DpRTmPrepareReq: network error of not logged in client T0_U3, NiBufReceive (-6: NIECONN_BROKEN), dp_tm_status=DP_CONNECTED
NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache
NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'
DpRTmPrepareReq: client address of T0_U3 is
DpTmDisconnect: disconnect T0_U3 (state=DP_CONNECTED)
DpTmDisintegrate: clean T0_U3, state=DP_CONN_BROKEN
DpDelSocketInfo: del info for nihdl 42 (pos/type=5/3)
NiICloseHandle: shutdown and close hdl 42/sock 292
DpGetSchedule: next schedule 2219616921/194000
DpGetSchedule: no schedule found
DpITmSlotRelease: release T0_U3
DpListRemove: remove elem 0 from tmadm_inuse_list
DpListRemove: 0 elems in tmadm_inuse_list
DpListInsert: insert elem 0 into tmadm_free_list (at begin)
DpListInsert: 200 elems in tmadm_free_list
DpLoopExec: DpRTmPrepReq failed
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 0 requests of type NOWP
DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us
DpCalcTimeSlice: calculate load, interval size is 4293379 us
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[DIA][6] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UPD][6] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[ENQ][6] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[BTC][6] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[SPO][6] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UP2][6] = 0.000000
DpSendLoadInfo: server in state STARTING, skip sending load infos
DpLoadCheck: o.k.
DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 3/901000 sec/usec
DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 3901 msec
*********** DP LOOP ***********
DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request
CA Blocks
... skip next entries
1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)
Wed May 02 19:15:20 2040
NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (0 buffered)
DpLoopExec: Request queue notification received
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP
NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache
NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'
NiDgHdlRecvFrom: hdl 1 received 1 bytes from SAPIDESECC:54417
RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat one selectable handle wakeup (id=11), 1. receive
RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat selectable handle wakeup for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (before cs)
RqQQueueGetRequest: Get request of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (timeout=0)
RqQRequestFree: Free request in slot 4 (rq_id 3486)
RqQQueueGetRequest: Request rq_id 3486 found in queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0
rq_id 3486
-IN-- ca_blk -1 len 0
-IN-- sDataLen 4 sData 29000000
-IN-- sender address:
-IN-- type LOCAL
-IN-- agentType WORKER workerTyp BTC workerNum 12
-IN-- receiver address:
-IN-- type LOCAL
-IN-- agentType DISP
DpRqCopyAndMoveData: copying REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3486, slot 16)
DpRqServiceQueue: Handle NOWP request queue (rq_id 3486)
DpRqNoWpHandle: handle req (rq_id 3486) with new addressing (LOCAL)
ShmProtect( 41, 3 )
DpRqNoWpHandle: attached to shm segment 41
DpDeleteRq: delete rq_id 3486
DpMsDeleteRq: handle rq_id 3486
DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3486, slot 16)
DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us
DpLoadCheck: o.k.
DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 0/656000 sec/usec
DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 656 msec
*********** DP LOOP ***********
Request Handling Dump:
REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM (rq_id 3486) from queue <DispatcherQueue> was handled by <Dispatcher>
DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request
CA Blocks
... skip next entries
1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)
Wed May 02 19:15:21 2040
NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (0 buffered)
DpLoopExec: Request queue notification received
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP
NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache
NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'
NiDgHdlRecvFrom: hdl 1 received 1 bytes from SAPIDESECC:54417
RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat one selectable handle wakeup (id=12), 1. receive
RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat selectable handle wakeup for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (before cs)
RqQQueueGetRequest: Get request of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (timeout=0)
RqQRequestFree: Free request in slot 4 (rq_id 3487)
RqQQueueGetRequest: Request rq_id 3487 found in queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0
rq_id 3487
-IN-- ca_blk -1 len 0
-IN-- sDataLen 4 sData 14000000
-IN-- sender address:
-IN-- type LOCAL
-IN-- agentType WORKER workerTyp BTC workerNum 12
-IN-- receiver address:
-IN-- type LOCAL
-IN-- agentType DISP
DpRqCopyAndMoveData: copying REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3487, slot 17)
DpRqServiceQueue: Handle NOWP request queue (rq_id 3487)
DpRqNoWpHandle: handle req (rq_id 3487) with new addressing (LOCAL)
ShmProtect( 20, 3 )
DpRqNoWpHandle: attached to shm segment 20
DpDeleteRq: delete rq_id 3487
DpMsDeleteRq: handle rq_id 3487
DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3487, slot 17)
DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us
DpCalcTimeSlice: calculate load, interval size is 3829694 us
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[DIA][7] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UPD][7] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[ENQ][7] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[BTC][7] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[SPO][7] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UP2][7] = 0.000000
DpSendLoadInfo: server in state STARTING, skip sending load infos
DpLoadCheck: o.k.
DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 in 0/79000 sec/usec
DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 79 msec
*********** DP LOOP ***********
Request Handling Dump:
REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM (rq_id 3487) from queue <DispatcherQueue> was handled by <Dispatcher>
DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request
CA Blocks
... skip next entries
1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)
Wed May 02 19:15:21 2040
NiSelISelectInt: 0 handles selected (0 buffered)
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 0 requests of type NOWP
DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us
DpCalcTimeSlice: calculate load, interval size is 85148 us
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[DIA][8] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UPD][8] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[ENQ][8] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[BTC][8] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[SPO][8] = 0.000000
DpCalcTimeSlice: slice[UP2][8] = 0.000000
DpSendLoadInfo: server in state STARTING, skip sending load infos
DpLoadCheck: o.k.
DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616921/194000 (in the past)
DpGetSchedule: actTime=2219616921/209000
DpGetSchedule: found slot 4 (type/tid/mode BGRFC_WATCHDOG/-1/255, time=2219616921/194000)
DpTimeCheck: next 2219616921/194000, bgRfc watchdog is inactive, bgrfc watchdog time 300
DpSetNextSchedule: next schedule for slot 4: 2219617221/209000 (300/0 sec/msec)
DpCalcNextSchedule: next_schedule: 2219616922/194000
DpTimeCheck: activate bgrfc watchdog
DpRqCreate: creating REQ_HANDLER_BGRFC_WATCHDOG request (rq_id 3488, slot 18)
DpRqSendRequest: REQ_HANDLER_BGRFC_WATCHDOG (rq_id 3488) from DISP to local WORKER
rq_id 3488
-OUT- ca_blk -1 len 0
-OUT- sender address:
-OUT- type LOCAL
-OUT- agentType DISP
-OUT- respId 3489
-OUT- receiver address:
-OUT- type LOCAL
-OUT- agentType WORKER workerTyp DIA
RqQAddRequest: Add request rq_id 3488 (DIA) to queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 at the end
Dump of queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 (3 requests, port=0):
-1 <- 1 (rq_id 3420, DIA, REQ_HANDLER_AUTOTH) -> 2
1 <- 2 (rq_id 3439, DIA, REQ_HANDLER_MSADM) -> 4
2 <- 4 (rq_id 3488, DIA, REQ_HANDLER_BGRFC_WATCHDOG) -> -1
RqQQueueIsInSessionQueue: queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 is in high priority session queue
RqQQueueAddToSessionQueue: queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 is already in high priority session queue
Session queue dump (high priority, 1 elements, peak 1):
-1 <- 26 < EmbryoQueue_DIA> -> -1
RqQNotifySessionQueue: notify high priority session queue of queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> (DIA) (id=3)
RqQNotifyWaitingWorker: 5 high priority requests pending for DP_WORKER_DIAWP, no waiting worker found
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <EmbryoQueue_DIA> in slot 26 contains 3 requests of type DIA
DpRqPutIntoQueue: put request into EMBRYO queue (workerType 1, prio LOW, rq_id 3488), queue has 3 requests
DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_BGRFC_WATCHDOG request (rq_id 3488, slot 18)
DpGetSchedule: actTime=2219616921/209000
DpGetSchedule: next schedule 2219616922/194000
DpGetSchedule: no schedule found
DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616922/194000 in 0/985000 sec/usec
Wed May 02 19:15:21 2040
DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 985 msec
*********** DP LOOP ***********
DpRqFreePendingRequests: freed 0 pending request
CA Blocks
... skip next entries
1 ca_blk slots of 6000 in use, 1 currently unowned (in request queues)
NiSelISelectInt: 1 handles selected (0 buffered)
DpLoopExec: Request queue notification received
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP
RqQQueueGetNumberOfRequests: Queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 contains 1 requests of type NOWP
NiHLGetHostName: found address in cache
NiIGetHostName: addr = hostname 'SAPIDESECC'
NiDgHdlRecvFrom: hdl 1 received 1 bytes from SAPIDESECC:54417
RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat one selectable handle wakeup (id=13), 1. receive
RqQQueueGetRequest: Eat selectable handle wakeup for queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (before cs)
RqQQueueGetRequest: Get request of queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0 (timeout=0)
RqQRequestFree: Free request in slot 3 (rq_id 3490)
RqQQueueGetRequest: Request rq_id 3490 found in queue <DispatcherQueue> in slot 0
rq_id 3490
-IN-- ca_blk -1 len 0
-IN-- sDataLen 4 sData 2E000000
-IN-- sender address:
-IN-- type LOCAL
-IN-- agentType WORKER workerTyp BTC workerNum 12
-IN-- receiver address:
-IN-- type LOCAL
-IN-- agentType DISP
DpRqCopyAndMoveData: copying REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3490, slot 19)
DpRqServiceQueue: Handle NOWP request queue (rq_id 3490)
DpRqNoWpHandle: handle req (rq_id 3490) with new addressing (LOCAL)
ShmProtect( 46, 3 )
DpRqNoWpHandle: attached to shm segment 46
DpDeleteRq: delete rq_id 3490
DpMsDeleteRq: handle rq_id 3490
DpRqFree: freeing REQ_HANDLER_ATTACH_SHM request (rq_id 3490, slot 19)
DpCalculateAvgResponseTime: avg response time = 0.000000 us
DpLoadCheck: o.k.
DpGetScheduleInfo: next_schedule at: 2219616922/194000 in 0/720000 sec/usec
DpTimeCheck: act sleep = 720 msec
*********** DP LOOP ***********